
A Laravel Nova tool to manage and keep track of each one of your logs files.

v3.0.0 2025-03-07 19:53 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads License

screenshot of tool


A Laravel Nova tool to manage and keep track of each one of your logs files.


  • 📂 View all the Laravel logs in your storage/logs directory,
  • 📂 Logs from nested directories,
  • 🔍 Search the logs,
  • 🎚 Filter by log level (error, info, debug, etc.),
  • 💾 Download & delete log files from the UI,
  • ✅ Horizon log support,
  • ⌚️ Polling logs,
  • ⚫️ Dark mode,
  • 📱 Responsive,
  • 🕔 Show loading time and memory


  • php: >=8.0
  • laravel/nova: ^4.0


You can install the package in to a Laravel app that uses Nova via composer:

composer require stepanenko3/nova-logs-tool

Next up, you must register the tool with Nova. This is typically done in the tools method of the NovaServiceProvider.

// in app/Providers/NovaServiceProvder.php

// ...

public function tools()
    return [
        // ...
        new \Stepanenko3\LogsTool\LogsTool(),

Publish the package configuration file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Stepanenko3\LogsTool\LogsToolServiceProvider"


// in app/Providers/NovaServiceProvder.php

// ...

public function tools()
    return [
        // ...
        // don't return plain `true` value or anyone can see/download/delete the logs, make sure to check if user has permission.
        (new \Stepanenko3\LogsTool\LogsTool())
                ->canSee(fn () => auth()->user()->canSee())
                ->canDownload(fn () =>   auth()->user()->canDownload())
                ->canDelete(fn () => true),


Click on the "nova-logs-tool" menu item in your Nova app to see the tool provided by this package.

Possible environment variables:


Show latest logs on Dashboard

Create Metric class in app/Nova/Metrics


namespace App\Nova\Metrics;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Laravel\Nova\Metrics\MetricTableRow;
use Laravel\Nova\Metrics\Table;
use Stepanenko3\LaravelLogViewer\LogFile;

class LatestLogs extends Table
    private array $levels_classes = [
        'debug' => 'text-sky-500',
        'info' => 'text-sky-500',
        'notice' => 'text-sky-500',
        'warning' => 'text-yellow-500',
        'error' => 'text-red-500',
        'critical' => 'text-red-500',
        'alert' => 'text-red-500',
        'emergency' => 'text-red-500',
        'processed' => 'text-sky-500',

    private array $level_icons = [
        'alert' => 'bell',
        'critical' => 'shield-exclamation',
        'debug' => 'code',
        'emergency' => 'speakerphone',
        'error' => 'exclamation-circle',
        'info' => 'information-circle',
        'notice' => 'annotation',
        'warning' => 'exclamation',

    public function __construct(
        protected ?string $file = null,
        protected int $countLastRow = 3,
    ) {

    public function calculate()
        $logFile = LogFile::all()->first();

        $query = LogFile::get(
            selectedFileName: $this->file ?: $logFile->name,
            page: 1,
            perPage: $this->countLastRow,
            direction: LogFile::NEWEST_FIRST,

        foreach ($query['logs'] as $line) {
            $rows[] = MetricTableRow::make()

        return $rows;

Add Metric declaration code to Cards method of Dashboard class

(new LatestLogs('laravel.log', 3)),
// Or show logs from last modified file
(new LatestLogs(null, 5)),


screenshot of the logs tool screenshot of the logs tool screenshot of the logs tool screenshot of the logs tool screenshot of the logs tool


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.