
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the spomky-labs/oauth2-server-library package instead.

Resource Owner Credentials Grant Type for OAuth2 Server


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This library adds a new grant type for OAuth2 Server: Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant Type.

This grant type uses a username and password of the resource owner to directly get an access token. Clients can get a refresh token (if supported by the server) by including the issueRefreshToken=true parameter in the request-body.


This library needs OAuth2 Server.


Installation is a quick 3 steps process:

  • Download and install the library
  • Extend with your classes
  • Add the grant type to your OAuth2 Server

Step 1: Install the library

The preferred way to install this library is to rely on Composer:

    composer require "spomky-labs/oauth2-server-resource-owner-password-credentials-grant-type" "~4.0"

Step 2: Create your classes

This grant type needs a Resource Owner and a Resource Owner Manager. You can find abstract class you have to extend.

The Resource Owner

Simple Resource Owner

This library provides an abstract class to ease your work: OAuth2\ResourceOwner\OAuth2ResourceOwner.

You can extend it or create your own class. You just need to define how to store password and a way to check it when requested.

Feel free to add all setters and getters you need.

It the following example, we store a hash (SHA-256) of the password.


namespace ACME\MyOAuth2Server\ResourceOwner;

use OAuth2\ResourceOwner\OAuth2ResourceOwner;

class MyResourceOwner extends OAuth2ResourceOwner
    protected $password;

    public function setPassword($password)
        $this->password = hash('sha256', $password);
        return $this;

    public function getPassword()
        return $this->password;
Resource Owner With Refresh Token Extension

With this grant type, the client can ask a refresh token (if the grant type is supported by your server) and get a new access token when expired. The grant type allows the issue of a refresh token by default, but you can restrict the issuance of a refresh token depending on the client:

  • With the configuration of the server (see below)
  • With an extension applied to the resource owner

If you want to use this last feature, your user class just have to implement OAuth2\ResourceOwner\IOAuth2IssueRefreshTokenExtension.

In the following example, only Confidential clients are allowed to get a refresh token:


namespace ACME\MyOAuth2Server\ResourceOwner;

use ACME\MyOAuth2Server\ResourceOwner\MyResourceOwner;
use OAuth2\ResourceOwner\IOAuth2IssueRefreshTokenExtension;
use OAuth2\Client\IOAuth2ConfidentialClient;

class MyResourceOwnerWithExtension extends MyResourceOwner implements IOAuth2IssueRefreshTokenExtension
    public function isRefreshTokenIssueAllowed(IOAuth2Client $client)
        return ($client instanceof IOAuth2ConfidentialClient);

In this other example, by default no client are allowed except if they are specifically authorized:


namespace ACME\MyOAuth2Server\ResourceOwner;

use ACME\MyOAuth2Server\ResourceOwner\MyResourceOwner;
use OAuth2\ResourceOwner\IOAuth2IssueRefreshTokenExtension;

class MyResourceOwnerWithExtension extends MyResourceOwner implements IOAuth2IssueRefreshTokenExtension
    protected $allowedClients = array();

    public function setRefreshTokenIssueAllowed(IOAuth2Client $client, $refreshTokenAllowed)
        $this->allowedClients[$client->getPublicId()] = $refreshTokenAllowed;
        return $this;

    public function isRefreshTokenIssueAllowed(IOAuth2Client $client)
        return isset($this->allowedClients[$client->getPublicId()])?$this->allowedClients[$client->getPublicId()]:false;

The Resource Owner Manager

The OAuth2 Server library provides an interface: OAuth2\ResourceOwner\IOAuth2ResourceOwnerManager.

You must implement this interface and define how to verify the resource owner password credentials and get a resource owner object.


namespace ACME\MyOAuth2Server\ResourceOwner;

use OAuth2\ResourceOwner\IOAuth2ResourceOwner;
use OAuth2\ResourceOwner\IOAuth2ResourceOwnerManager;

class MyOAuth2ResourceOwnerManager extends OAuth2ResourceOwnerManager
    public function addResourceOwner(IOAuth2ResourceOwner $user)
        return $this->resourceOwners[$user->getUsername()] = $user;

    public function removeResourceOwner(IOAuth2ResourceOwner $user)
        if (isset($this->resourceOwners[$username]))

    public function checkResourceOwnerPasswordCredentials($username, $password)
        $resourceOwner = $this->getResourceOwner($username)
        if (null === $resourceOwner)
            return false;
        return hash('sha256', $password) === $resourceOwner->getPassword();

    public function getResourceOwner($username)
        if (isset($this->resourceOwners[$username]))
            return $this->resourceOwners[$username];
        return null;

Step 3: Add the grant type to your OAuth2 Server

To use this grant type, just extend the abstract class provided by this library.


namespace ACME\MyOAuth2Server

use ACME\MyOAuth2Server\ResourceOwner\MyOAuth2ResourceOwnerManager;
use OAuth2\Grant\OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrantType;

class MyResourceOwnerGrantType extend OAuth2ResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrantType
    protected function getExceptionManager()
        //Return the Exception Manager of your server

    protected function getResourceOwnerManager()
        //Return the resource Owner Manager you just have created

    protected function getConfiguration()
        //Return the configuration object of your server

Now you can add an instance of MyResourceOwnerGrantType to your access token endpoint.


This grant type adds a new configuration option:

  • allow_refresh_token_with_resource_owner_grant_type (boolean, default=true):
    • if true, an refresh token is issued if requested by the client.
    • if false, clients are not allowed to get a refresh token with an access token. Note that this option has no effect if the resource owner implements OAuth2\ResourceOwner\IOAuth2IssueRefreshTokenExtension



use OAuth2\Configuration\OAuth2Configuration;

$configuration = new OAuth2Configuration(array(
    'allow_refresh_token_with_resource_owner_grant_type' => false,