
Spikkl API client library for PHP

v1.3 2022-10-04 10:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 13:18:53 UTC



Spikkl API client for PHP

Build Status


To use the Spikkl API client, the following things are required:

  • Get yourself a free Spikkl account. No sign up costs.
  • Follow a few steps to enable a suitable subscription to talk to the API.
  • A valid API key which can be generated from your Spikkl dashboard.
  • PHP >= 5.6.


The easiest way to install the Spikkl API client is to require it with Composer.

$ composer require spikkl/spikkl-php-client:^1.2
  "require": {
    "spikkl/spikkl-php-client": "^1.2"


If you are not familiar with using composer, we have added a ZIP file to the release containing the API client and all the package normally installed by composer. Download spikkl-php-client.zip from the release page.

Include the vendor/autoload.php as shown in Initialize example.

Getting Started

Initializing the Spikkl API Client, and setting up your API key.

$spikkl = new \Spikkl\Api\ApiClient();

Perform a postal code lookup request.

$results = $spikkl->lookup("NLD", "2611HB", "175");

Perform a lookup by coordinate (longitude, latitude).

$results = $spikkl->reverse("NLD", 4.899431, 52.379189);

Note: longitude and latitude values will be rounded to 9 decimal places.

Exception handling

The Spikkl API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate or failure of an API request. Code in the 2xx range indicate success and code in the 4xx range indicate failure. The Spikkl API client uses specific exceptions for specific failure responses.

try {
    $results = $spikkl->lookup("NLD", "2611HB", "175");
} catch (\Spikkl\Api\Exceptions\AccessRestrictedException $exception) {
    // The API key is restricted for designated origins
} catch (\Spikkl\Api\Exceptions\InvalidApiKeyException $exception) {
    // The authentication with the Spikkl API failed
} catch (\Spikkl\Api\Exceptions\RevokedApiKeyException $exception) {
    // The provided API key is restricted.
} catch (\Spikkl\Api\Exceptions\ZeroResultsException $exception) {
    // The API call is successful but the API cannot find any results
} catch (\Spikkl\Api\Exceptions\QuotaReachedException $exception) {
    // The quota is reached for your current plan.
} catch (\Spikkl\Api\Exceptions\InvalidRequestException $exception) {
    // One of the query parameters (postal_code, street_number, or street_number_suffix)
    // might be invalid or missing

The reverse lookup request could throw additional exceptions.

try {
    $results = $spikkl->reverse("NLD", 4.899431, 52.379189);
} catch (\Spikkl\Api\Exceptions\OutOfRangeException $exception) {
    // The coordinates provided do not correspond with the country code

API documentation

If you wish to learn more about our API, please visit the Spikkl API Documentation.


BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) License. Copyright (c) 2020, Spikkl


Contact: www.spikkl.nlsupport@spikkl.nl