
Spikkl API client wrapper for Laravel

v1.3.0 2022-10-04 10:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 13:52:28 UTC



Spikkl for Laravel

Spikkl-php-laravel-client incorporates the Spikkl API into your Laravel or Lumen project.

Build Status



Add Spikkl-php-laravel-client to your composer file via the composer require command:

   $ composer require spikkl/spikkl-php-laravel-client:^1.0

Or add it to composer.json manually:

"require": {
  "spikkl/spikkl-php-laravel-client": "^1.0"

Spikkl-php-laravel-client's service provider will be automatically registered using Laravel's auto-discovery feature.

Note: for Lumen you have to add the Spikkl facade and service provider manually to: bootstrap/app.php:

$app->withFacades(true, [ 'Spikkl\Laravel\Facades\Spikkl' => 'Spikkl' ]);



You will only need to add the SPIKKL_API_KEY variable to your .env file.


Example usage

Here you can see an example of just how simple this package is to use.

Location lookup by supported country code, postal code, street number, and street number suffix.

$results = Spikkl::api()->lookup('nld', '2611HB', '175', null);

Location reverse lookup by supported country code, longitude, and latitude.

$results = Spikkl::api()->reverse('nld', 4.354901, 52.012133);

Note: longitude and latitude values will be rounded to 9 decimal places.

Global helper method

For your convenience we have added the global spikkl() helper function. It is an easy shortcut to the Spikkl::api() facade accessor.

// Using facade accessor
$results = Spikkl::api()->lookup('nld', '2611HB', '175', null);

// Using global helper function
$results = spikkl()->lookup('nld', '2611HB', '175', null);


BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) License. Copyright (c) 2020, Spikkl


Contact: www.spikkl.nlinfo@spikkl.nl