
Laravel package to provide SMS API integration. Any SMS vendor that provides REST API can be used. SMS-API channel for Laravel notifications also included.

dev-master 2019-09-16 11:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 21:56:47 UTC


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Integrate SMS API with Laravel

Laravel package to provide SMS API integration. Any SMS vendor that provides REST API can be used.

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Install Package

Require this package with composer:

composer require spiderhit/smsapi

Add Service Provider & Facade

For Laravel 5.5+

Once the package is added, the service provider and facade will be autodiscovered.

For Older versions of Laravel

Add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php:


Add the Facade to the aliases array in config/app.php:

'SmsApi': spiderhit\SmsApi\SmsApiFacade::class,

Publish Config

Once done, publish the config to your config folder using:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="spiderhit\SmsApi\SmsApiServiceProvider"


Once the config file is published, open config/sms-api.php

Global config

country_code : The default country code to be used

default : Default gateway

Gateway Config

Use can define multiple gateway configs like this:-

//    Gateway Configuration
    'gateway_name' => [
        'method' => 'GET', //Choose Request Method (GET/POST) Default:GET
        'url' => 'BaseUrl', //Base URL
        'params' => [
            'send_to_param_name' => '', //Send to Parameter Name
            'msg_param_name' => '', //Message Parameter Name
            'others' => [
                'param1' => '',
                'param2' => '',
                'param3' => '',
                //More params can be added
        'headers' => [
            'header1' => '',
            'header2' => '',
            //More headers can be added
//        'json' => true, // OPTIONAL: Use if you want the params to be sent in JSON format instead of query params (accepts true/false)
//        'wrapper' => 'wrapper_name', // OPTIONAL: Use only if you want the JSON request to be wrapped (accepts string)
        'add_code' => true, //Include Country Code (true/false)

Special Parameters in Gateway Config

json Parameter

The json parameter accepts true/false. When true, it sends params as a JSON payload. It also takes care of 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' header.

jsonToArray Parameter

The jsonToArray parameter accepts true/false. When true, it sends a single mobile number in an encapsulated array in the JSON payload. When false, a single mobile number is sent as text. Valid only when json parameter is true.

wrapper Parameter

The wrapper is a special parameter which will be required only with some gateways. It wraps the JSON payload in the following structure:

"wrapper_name": [
      "message": "Message",
      "to": [
wrapperParams Parameter

Accepts array. Used to add custom Wrapper Parameters. Parameters can also be added while calling the smsapi() function like smsapi()->addWrapperParams(['wrapperParam1'=>'paramVal'])->sendMessage("TO", "Message")


Direct Use

Use the smsapi() helper function or SmsApi facade to send the messages.

TO: Single mobile number or Multiple comma-separated mobile numbers

MESSAGE: Message to be sent

Using Helper function

  • Basic Usage smsapi("TO", "Message"); or smsapi()->sendMessage("TO","MESSAGE");

  • Adding extra parameters smsapi("TO", "Message", ["param1" => "val"]); or smsapi()->sendMessage("TO", "Message", ["param1" => "val"]);

  • Adding extra headers smsapi("TO", "Message", ["param1" => "val"], ["header1" => "val"]); or smsapi()->sendMessage("TO", "Message", ["param1" => "val"], ["header1" => "val"]);

  • Using a different gateway smsapi()->gateway('GATEWAY_NAME')->sendMessage("TO", "Message");

  • Using a different country code smsapi()->countryCode('COUNTRY_CODE')->sendMessage("TO", "Message");

  • Sending message to multiple mobiles smsapi(["Mobile1","Mobile2","Mobile3"], "Message"); or smsapi()->sendMessage(["Mobile1","Mobile2","Mobile3"],"MESSAGE");

Using SmsApi facade

  • Basic Usage SmsApi::sendMessage("TO","MESSAGE");

  • Adding extra parameters SmsApi::sendMessage("TO", "Message", ["param1" => "val"]);

  • Adding extra headers SmsApi::sendMessage("TO", "Message", ["param1" => "val"], ["header1" => "val"]);

  • Using a different gateway SmsApi::gateway('GATEWAY_NAME')->sendMessage("TO", "Message");

  • Using a different country code SmsApi::countryCode('COUNTRY_CODE')->sendMessage("TO", "Message");

  • Sending message to multiple mobiles SmsApi::sendMessage(["Mobile1","Mobile2","Mobile3"],"MESSAGE");

Use in Notifications

Setting up the Route for Notofication

Add the method routeNotificationForSmsApi() to your Notifiable model :

public function routeNotificationForSmsApi() {
        return $this->phone; //Name of the field to be used as mobile

By default, your User model uses Notifiable.

Setting up Notification


use spiderhit\SmsApi\Notifications\SmsApiChannel;


use spiderhit\SmsApi\Notifications\SmsApiMessage;

to your notification.

You can create a new notification with php artisan make:notification NOTIFICATION_NAME

In the via function inside your notification, add return [SmsApiChannel::class]; and add a new function toSmsApi($notifiable) to return the message body and parameters.

Notification example:-

namespace App\Notifications;

use spiderhit\SmsApi\Notifications\SmsApiChannel;
use spiderhit\SmsApi\Notifications\SmsApiMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class ExampleNotification extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [SmsApiChannel::class];
    public function toSmsApi($notifiable)
        return (new SmsApiMessage)

You can also use ->params(["param1" => "val"]) to add extra parameters to the request and ->headers(["header1" => "val"]) to add extra headers to the request.

Getting Response

You can get response by using ->response() or get the Response Code using ->getResponseCode(). For example, smsapi()->sendMessage("TO","MESSAGE")->response();


Feel free to post your issues in the issues section.


Developed by Spiderhit
