spazzmarticus/tus-server server implementation using PSR standards

2.1.0-rc1 2025-01-16 13:06 UTC


A server implementation of the " Resumable File Uploads" protocol using PSR HTTP standards.


Use composer to install:

composer require spazzmarticus/tus-server

Don't forget to install a PSR-7 and PSR-17 implementation you want to use.





You can demo TusServer by installing the dev-dependencies ( composer install ) and running the provided server.php :

php -S localhost:8000 example/server.php

Open your browser, surf to localhost:8000/ and use (Uppy) to upload.

Uploads are stored at example/uploads/... , the filesystem cache is at example/cache/ .

Surf to localhost:8000/reset to permanently delete uploads, intermediate chunks and the metadata-storage. There might be an error log at example/log/php-error.php and a server log at example/log/tus-server.log containing some additional information.


Automated testing is done with:

  • PHPUnit - unit- and integration-tests
  • newman - Verify TusServer meets the tus. io-protocol.


  • Slim v4 - Slim routes allow to directly call this tus-server implementation.

👋 This is how I use tus-server.

Cache as storage?!

TusServer needs something fast to store metadata about uploads. Since the payload is small and performance is important, caches can be used.

Instead of using a volatile cache only, you should use a chain containing both a fast volatile and a slower non-volatile cache. (Losing the metadata mid-upload does not allow for resuming uploads. )

👋 I use symfony/cache:

 $volatileCache = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ApcuAdapter('...');
 $nonVolatileCache = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter('', 0, __DIR__ . '/...');

 $cacheChain = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\ChainAdapter([$volatileCache, $nonVolatileCache]);

 $storage = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache($cacheChain);


  • ankitpokhrel/tus-php - Did not provide enough flexibility for my needs and is the reason I decided to start my own implementation. (Provides a php tus-client, if you are looking for that.)