
A package for Laravel 5 to log all visitors

0.1.2 2015-08-08 08:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-05-27 10:41:26 UTC


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A K.I.S.S package to log your Visitor for your Laravel 5 apps.

This package allows you to log your visitor into the database with their useragent and has multiples habilities, it can find if an user is currently on your website, if a visitor is a authentificated user and others habilities 👍

It also includes jenssegers/laravel-agent based from Mobile-Detect library to allow you to identify the Useragent of a Visitor.

It is based on the excellent base from JN-Jones/visitor-log, completely reworked for Laravel 5 using Repositories pattern and Middleware.


Little thing before anything, the Laravel 'file' driver is known to have no-persistency in session storing, you should store your session through another driver, however, this package has been made to work and override session sid by IP in order to make file driver persistant, it's not ideal.. but it works.

$ composer require sourcequartet/visitor-log
$ php composer update

Configuration on Laravel 5+

Add providers to config/app.php

'providers' => [



Also you can add the Facade for Visitor class :

'aliases' => [

	'Visitor' => SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\VisitorLogFacade::class,


Publish migration and package config:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\VisitorLogServiceProvider"

Add the Middleware (you must)

Add this line to your App/Http/Kernel.php

protected $middleware = [

You can also register it to as a route Middleware but as the package can ignore route within his own configuration, it's all you choice, I recommand to not 😋


  • onlinetime: The time (in minutes) while a visitor is still saved
  • usermodel: Set this to the Auth Provider you're using:
    • Laravel: The package will use any package that extend Laravel Guard or will use the basic Auth Guard
    • Sentinel: Visitor-Log will try to get the User with Sentinel -- NOT READY --
  • ignore: This is an array of pages that will be ignored by Visitor-Log. Example "admin/online"

API and VisitorLog classes

The Visitor class is an interface binded and included into the Service Container as a Singleton :

  • SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\Visitor\Visitor is the VisitorManager Interface
  • SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\Visitor\VisitorManager is the direct instance of the VisitorManager, where the logic before sending data to Repository is stored, require Illuminate\Config\Repository, Illuminate\Http\Request and Jenssegers\Agent\Agent as dependencies to be constructed.
  • SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\Contracts\Visitor\VisitorContract is the VisitorRepository Interface-Contract
  • SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\Visitor\VisitorRepository is the SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\VisitorModel repository handling all the database layer, it requires SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\VisitorModel and Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager to be constructed and is bind with his Contract called : SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\Contracts\Visitor\VisitorContract
  • SourceQuartet\VisitorLog\VisitorModel is the Visitor table Model, it manages the logging of the sid attributes and is extended by Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model

Facade and Visitor class methods

/** Will check whether the user with $id is online and registered as a visitor
 *  return false if the user is not an authentificated User, else, it returns true

/** Find the current visitor using his address IP and retriving his unique SID,
 *  The SID is also stored into the session through Illuminate\Http\Request accessor

/** Clear all visitor where the created_at timestamp is inferior at created_at minus config(visitor-log::onlinetime)
 *  Should not be called out of the scope of a custom Middleware.

/** loggedIn() - Will return all visitor that are currently authentificated through Auth or Sentinel
 *  guests() - Will return all visitor that are currently not authentificated through Auth or Sentinel

/** Find a visitor by his User id, if the user is online and authentificated, it'll return VisitorModel Collection
 *  If the $id isn't passed as an attribute, it'll throw an SourceQuartet\Exception\InvalidArgumentException, 
 *  If the user corresponding to the $id is not a visitor (offline), it'll return a null

/** Find a visitor by his IP, if the user is online and authentificated, it'll return VisitorModel Collection
 *  If the $ip isn't passed as an attribute/invalid IP, it'll throw an SourceQuartet\Exception\InvalidArgumentException,

/** isUser() - Check if current Visitor is an Authentificated User, return bool (true if authentificated, false if not)
 *  isGuest() - Opposite method to isUser()
 *  getUseragent() - Get current Visitor stored Useragent

// Fetch all visitor logged into the database.

// Should not be used out of the scope of a Custom Middleware of for testing purposes.
Visitor::create(array $attributes);
Visitor::updateOrCreate(array $attributes);

// Find Visitor directly with his SID

// Should not be used out of the VisitorManager constructor or Custom Middleware

Using jenssegers/laravel-agent

  • getAgentDetector() - This method will return an Instance of Jenssegers\Agent\Agent

is('Agent') method :

Visitor::getAgentDetector()->is('Windows'); // Check if UserAgent is Windows
Visitor::getAgentDetector()->is('Firefox'); // Check if UserAgent is Firefox
Visitor::getAgentDetector()->is('iPhone'); // Check if UserAgent is iPhone
Visitor::getAgentDetector()->is('OS X'); // Check if UserAgent is OS X

Magic is-Methods :


Setting up an UserAgent

Sometime, you may need to foreach or to set manually the Useragent to analyze, so it's quite simple :

$visitors = Visitor::all();
foreach($visitors as $visitor)

Or in the case if you need to load the current Useragent :

// Just leave it empty

Or in the case of a single loading
$visitor = Visitor::findUser($id);

Others functionnality of the AgentDetector using MobileDetect and jenssegers\laravel-agent :

Please check out jenssenger\laravel-agent docs for a more complete documentation on how to use this UserAgent detector, if you want to use inbuild of VisitorLog, just replace Agent::method() by Visitor::getAgentDetector()->method() it's not simpler, and if you want use directely the Agent Facade, register it as jenssenger\laravel-agent is a dependency of this package and so, you just need to follow the installation inscruction to use it out of the scope of this package 👍

Visitor Model

The Visitor Model also provides some attributes:

  • sid: A random String which is used to identicate the visitor
  • ip: The IP of the visitor
  • page: The Page where the visitor is
  • useragent: The useragent of the visitor
  • user: The UserID of the visitor