
Deploy for TYPO3 with Deployer at CI level

0.9.0 2025-03-10 20:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 20:28:51 UTC




This is a template for TYPO3 CMS projects that need continuous integration and deployment.

For now, it uses only GitLab CI/CD (Deployer).

The aim is to have minimal config at gitlab-ci.yml of projects and keep the base of CI/CD config outside of projects' repositories.

You can use this repository in several possible ways:

  1. Reference it from your project with "include remote" and overwrite at your project's gitlab-ci.yml.
  2. Reference it from your project with "include remote", then overwrite it with "include remote" from your own special repo and finally overwrite edge cases at the project's gitlab-ci.yml.

The worst possible scenario you can use is to copy all CI/CD files to your project repository and maintain them there for each project. This is not recommended as it will be hard for you to maintain and upgrade in the future if you have several dozen projects and each has its own CI/CD config inside the project's repo.


  1. Install with composer:

    composer require sourcebroker/deployer-typo3-deploy-ci
  2. Create a file gitlab-ci.yml in the root of your project and put the content below.

      - remote:
      PHP: '8.2'
      NODE: '20'
      DEPLOY_TRIGGER_BY_CI_COMMIT_BRANCH: /^(develop|main)$/
      DEPLOYER_SELECTOR_FOR_BRANCH: develop:staging,main:production

    Adapt the tag version in the include remote URL. This version should be the same as the version of deployer-typo3-deploy-ci installed in your project in step 1 with composer. Use: composer show | grep 'sourcebroker/deployer-typo3-deploy-ci' to see the version of the deployer-typo3-deploy-ci installed in your project.

    If after pushing the pipeline does not start at all, check the TEST_TRIGGER_BY_CI_COMMIT_BRANCH value. The name of the branch you push to must be inside the pregmatch of TEST_TRIGGER_BY_CI_COMMIT_BRANCH.

  3. Backend test. The command for backend test is defined in BACKEND_COMMAND_TEST and has the value:

    composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader && composer test

    You can either overwrite it in your gitlab-ci.yml or you can just add a test script in your composer.json.

  4. Frontend test. The command for frontend test is defined in FRONTEND_COMMAND_TEST and has the value:

    cd assets && npm ci && npm run test

    This is probably a part you would like to overwrite as this is very custom and not normalized in the TYPO3 world. Just change FRONTEND_COMMAND_TEST to your needs in your gitlab-ci.yml.

  5. Build the backend. The command for backend build is defined in BACKEND_COMMAND_BUILD and has the value:

    composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader --no-dev

    You probably do not want to overwrite it as this is the default for all PHP projects.

  6. Build the frontend. The command for frontend build is defined in FRONTEND_COMMAND_BUILD and has the value:

    cd assets && npm ci && npm run production

    You can either overwrite it in your gitlab-ci.yml. If you modify the FRONTEND_COMMAND_TEST command, remember to also modify the FRONTEND_FOLDER_BUILD_1.

  7. Deploy. Add the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY variable to your GitLab project CI/CD settings as a "mask variable". This variable holds the private key for the user that will deploy the project from the deployer level. Prepare this SSH_PRIVATE_KEY with the following command: cat privatekey | base64 -w0 and on mac: cat privatekey | base64 -b0

  8. Define your deployer configuration in your project's deploy.php file. Example of a real working configuration:

    namespace Deployer;
    require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
    new \SourceBroker\DeployerLoader\Loader([
      ['get' => 'sourcebroker/deployer-typo3-deploy-ci'],
        ->set('public_urls', [''])
        ->set('deploy_path', '~/');
     ->set('public_urls', [''])
     ->set('deploy_path', '~/');
  9. Push the changes to your repository and see the pipeline at your project.



  • Init Stage (ci/provider/gitlab/config/300-init.yaml): Initializes the environment.
  • Test Stage:
    • Backend Tests (ci/provider/gitlab/config/400-test-backend.yaml): Runs backend tests.
    • Frontend Tests (ci/provider/gitlab/config/410-test-frontend.yaml): Runs frontend tests.
  • Build Stage:
    • Backend Build (ci/provider/gitlab/config/500-build-backend.yaml): Builds the backend.
    • Frontend Build (ci/provider/gitlab/config/510-build-frontend.yaml): Builds the frontend.
  • Deploy Stage (ci/provider/gitlab/config/600-deploy.yaml): Deploys the application using Deployer.


  • Variables (ci/provider/gitlab/config/100-variables.yaml):

    • PHP PHP version for backend test and build.
    • NODE PHP version for frontend test and build.
    • TEST_TRIGGER_BY_CI_COMMIT_BRANCH Regexp for branches that trigger the pipeline for test only.
    • TEST_TRIGGER_BY_CI_COMMIT_TAG Regexp for tags that trigger the pipeline for test only.
    • DEPLOY_TRIGGER_BY_CI_COMMIT_TAG Regexp for tags that trigger deployment.
  • Backend Variables (ci/provider/gitlab/config/110-variables-backend.yaml):

    • BACKEND_COMMAND_TEST Command to run backend tests.
    • BACKEND_COMMAND_BUILD Command to build the backend.
    • BACKEND_IMAGE Docker image for the backend.
    • BACKEND_FOLDER_BUILD_* Paths for backend build artifacts.
  • Frontend Variables (ci/provider/gitlab/config/120-variables-frontend.yaml):

    • FRONTEND_COMMAND_TESTS Command to run frontend tests.
    • FRONTEND_COMMAND_BUILD Command to build the frontend.
    • FRONTEND_IMAGE Docker image for the frontend.
    • FRONTEND_FOLDER_BUILD_* Paths for frontend build artifacts.
  • GitLab Variables (ci/provider/gitlab/config/130-variables-gitlab.yaml):

    • FF_USE_FASTZIP Enable fast zip for artifacts.
    • ARTIFACT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL Compression level for artifacts.
    • CACHE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL Compression level for cache.
    • TRANSFER_METER_FREQUENCY Frequency of transfer meter updates.
    • DOCKER_DRIVER Docker driver to use.
    • DOCKER_BUILDKIT Enable Docker BuildKit.
    • BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE Enable inline cache for BuildKit.
    • COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD Enable Docker CLI build for Compose.
  • Deployer

    • DEPLOYER_SELECTOR_FOR_BRANCH Mapping of GitLab branch to Deployer selector. It is a collection of branch:deployer_selector pairs separated by commas. Example: develop:staging,main:production.
    • DEPLOYER_SELECTOR_FOR_TAG Deployer selector to be used when tag is pushed. Example: production.
    • DEPLOYER_OPTIONS Additional options for Deployer.

Deployer Tasks

The project uses Deployer for deployment tasks. The configuration files are located in the deployer/default directory.

  • Cache Management:

    • typo3:cache:flush:pages Flushes TYPO3 CMS page cache.
    • typo3:cache:warmup:system Warms up TYPO3 CMS system cache.
  • Extension Management:

    • typo3:extension:setup Sets up TYPO3 CMS extensions.
  • Language Management:

    • typo3:language:update Updates TYPO3 CMS languages.
  • Deployment:

    • deploy:upload_build Uploads the build to the server.
    • deploy-ci Main deployment task for continuous integration.

Own Repo for Overwrites

You may be interested in creating your own repo with values for overwriting variables of sourcebroker/deployer-typo3-deploy-ci.


Then you should add your remote inclusion in gitlab-ci.yml. Example:

  - remote:
  - remote:

Example Configs

Few separate assets with separate build commands

  cd ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/assets-1 && npm ci && npm run production;
  cd ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/assets-2 && npm ci && npm run production;
FRONTEND_FOLDER_BUILD_1: public/assets-1/frontend/build
FRONTEND_FOLDER_BUILD_2: public/assets-2/frontend/build

Few separate assets with separate build commands and different node versions

  stage: build
    name: thecodingmachine/php:${PHP}-v4-cli-node18
    max: 2
    - bash -c "cd vendor/my_company/my_ext/Resources/Private/Assets && npm ci && npm run production"
      - public/assets/frontend/build-assets3
    expire_in: 15 min

    - job: test-frontend
    - job: test-backend
    - job: build-frontend
    - job: build-backend
    - job: build-frontend-assets3