snapshotpl / shipx-php-sdk
PHP SDK for Inpost ShipX API
- php: ^8.0
- ext-json: *
- psr/http-client-implementation: ^1.0
- psr/http-factory-implementation: ^1.0
- spatie/data-transfer-object: ^3.7.3
Requires (Dev)
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.2
- laminas/laminas-diactoros: ^2.5
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.4
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.4
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.6.2
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-22 01:17:25 UTC
by Michał Biarda
1. Introduction
This package was created so you could easily connect your PHP app with Inpost ShipX API.
The documentation of ShipX API may be found here:
The library is open sourced. Feel free to contribute!
2. Installation
The recommended way to install this package is through Composer.
composer require michalbiarda/shipx-php-sdk
Watchout: This package uses HTTPlug for HTTP client abstraction. Please check their official documentation to understand how to configure it properly with your project.
3. Anatomy of SDK
3.1. API client creation
All calls to ShipX API are made through \MB\ShipXSDK\Client\Client
To create it, you need to provide API URL (production or sandbox) and your API key (for some actions API key is not needed).
$client = new \MB\ShipXSDK\Client\Client( '', 'y0urs3cr3tc0d3' );
3.2. Calling API endpoints
To call the API endpoint you need to use callMethod
method of the client.
It takes the following arguments:
- API method that you want to run; all methods can be found in subfolders ofsrc/Method/
folder; you can add your own methods if you need$uriParams
- array of URI params needed for specific method; you can find required params in method'sgetUriTemplate
method; example: for URI template/v1/organizations/:organization_id/address_books
the required URI param isorganization_id
- array of query params that may be used for some methods to make your call more specific:- if a method implements
you can use the following params:page
- to specify which page of multipaged result you'd like to get,
- if a method implements
you can use the following params:sort_by
- to specify by which field should the results be sorted; possible values might be found in method'sgetSortableFields
- to specify the direction of sorting; possible values areasc
- if a method implements
you:- can use all the params defined in method's
- can use all the params defined in method's
- if a method implements
you:- have to use all the params defined in method's
method, - can use all the params defined in method's
- have to use all the params defined in method's
- if a method implements
- data transfer object (\MB\ShipXSDK\DataTransferObject\DataTransferObject
) required for all methods that implement\MB\ShipXSDK\Method\WithJsonRequestInterface
; the name of required object might be found in method'sgetRequestPayloadModelName
method returns \MB\ShipXSDK\Response\Response
You can check if the call was successful by running response's getSuccess
The body of the response might be taken by running response's getPayload
method. It will be one of the following:
object if error occurred,\MB\ShipXSDK\Model\BinaryContent
object if method implements\MB\ShipXSDK\Method\WithBinaryResponseInterface
and correct binary file was returned by API,- data transfer object which name can be found in method's
method, if method implements\MB\ShipXSDK\Method\WithJsonResponseInterface
, null
if error haven't occurred and method doesn't expect any body.
method might throw:
if the response body doesn't match expected data transfer object,\GuzzleHttp\Exception\GuzzleException
if something went wrong with the connection.
3.3. Exemplary API call
$addressForm = new \MB\ShipXSDK\Model\AddressForm(); $addressForm->city = 'Warszawa'; $addressForm->post_code = '01-234'; $addressForm->country_code = 'PL'; $addressForm->street = 'Testowa 11'; $addressForm->building_number = '12/23'; $receiver = new \MB\ShipXSDK\Model\TransactionPartyForm(); $receiver->phone = '123456789'; $receiver->email = ''; $receiver->first_name = 'Michał'; $receiver->last_name = 'Testowy'; $receiver->address = $addressForm; $dimensions = new \MB\ShipXSDK\Model\DimensionsSimple(); $dimensions->height = 21.5; $dimensions->length = 2.1; $dimensions->width = 1.7; $weight = new \MB\ShipXSDK\Model\WeightSimple(); $weight->amount = 2.0; $parcel = new \MB\ShipXSDK\Model\ParcelsSimple(); $parcel->dimensions = $dimensions; $parcel->weight = $weight; $parcel->is_non_standard = false; $shipmentOfferForm = new \MB\ShipXSDK\Model\ShipmentOfferForm(); $shipmentOfferForm->receiver = $receiver; $shipmentOfferForm->parcels = [$parcel]; $shipmentOfferForm->additional_services = []; $response = $client->callMethod( new \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\CreateOffer(), ['organization_id' => '1234'], [], $shipmentOfferForm ); if ($response->getSuccess()) { /** @var \MB\ShipXSDK\Model\Shipment $payload */ $payload = $response->getPayload(); echo 'Shipment ID is ' . $payload->id; }
4. API endpoints coverage
Endpoints covered: 44/57
Endpoints with integration tests: 38/57
4.1. Shipments
4.1.1. Creating a shipment in the simplified mode
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\Create
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulSimpleFlow
4.1.2. Creating a shipment in the offer mode
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\CreateOffer
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulOfferFlow Paying for shipment
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\Buy
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulOfferFlow Bulk selection of offers
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\SelectOffers
Integration test: No Selecting offer
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\SelectOffer
Integration test: No Bulk payment for shipments
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\BuyBulk
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulBatchFlowWithoutBuying
4.1.3. Creating and viewing multiple shipments Creating multiple shipments
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\CreateBatch
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulBatchFlowWithBuying Viewing multiple shipments
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\GetBatch
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulBatchFlowWithBuying
4.1.4. Cancelling a shipment
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\Cancel
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulCancellation
Note: From time to time Sandbox API responds with empty body instead of error payload. Empty body is expected for successful call.
4.1.5. Updating a shipment
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.1.6. Recalculating shipment prices
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.1.7. Collecting the shipment label
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\GetLabel
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulSimpleFlow
4.1.8. Collecting many labels
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\GetLabels
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulBatchFlowWithBuying
4.1.9. Collecting return labels
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\GetReturnLabels
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulSimpleFlow
4.1.10. Searching shipments
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Shipment\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testGetListSuccessCall
Note: Quite often Sandbox shipment search cannot find shipment by ID, even though it is reachable using standard get method.
4.2. Statuses
4.2.1. List of statuses
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Status\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\StatusResourceTest::testGetListSuccessfulCall
4.3. Tracking a shipment
4.3.1. Shipment history
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Tracking\Read
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\TrackingResourceTest::testReadSuccessfulCall
Note: Sandbox API constantly responds with "Resource not found" error.
4.3.2. Shipment service history
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.4. Users
4.4.1. List of users
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\User\GetList
Integration test: No
Note: Sandbox API constantly responds with "Resource not found" error.
4.5. Organizations
4.5.1. Getting information about the Organization
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Organization\Read
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\OrganizationResourceTest::testReadSuccessfulCall
4.5.2. List all organizations
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Organization\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\OrganizationResourceTest::testGetListSuccessfulCall
4.5.3. Organization's statistics
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.6. Shipment templates
4.6.1. Downloading template
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.6.2. List of templates
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.6.3. Adding a template
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.6.4. Removing a template
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.6.5. Editing a template
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.6.6. Searching shipment templates
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.7. Dispatch points
4.7.1. Collecting information about the point
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchPoint\Read
Integration test: No
4.7.2. List of dispatch points
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchPoint\GetList
Integration test: No
4.8. Dispatch Order
4.8.1. Creating a new collection order
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\Create
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.8.2. Collecting information about a collection order
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\Read
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.8.3. Removing a collection order
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\Delete
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.8.4. List of collection orders
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.8.5. Creating a comment to a collection order
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\CreateComment
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.8.6. Updating a comment to a collection order
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\UpdateComment
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.8.7. Delete comment to the dispatch order
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\DeleteComment
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.8.8. Calculating prices of dispatch orders
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\Calculate
Integration test: No
Note: Each correct request to Sandbox API responds with the following error: "Action available only for prepaid users."
4.8.9. Printing dispatch orders
Documentation: Link Collection order
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\GetPrintout
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow Indicated parcel numbers
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\DispatchOrder\GetPrintouts
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ShipmentResourceTest::testSuccessfulDispatchOrderFlow
4.9. Address book
4.9.1. List of addresses in address book
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\AddressBook\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\AddressBookResourceTest::testSuccessfulCrudFlow
4.9.2. Collecting information about address
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\AddressBook\Read
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\AddressBookResourceTest::testSuccessfulCrudFlow
4.9.3. Adding a new address
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\AddressBook\Create
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\AddressBookResourceTest::testSuccessfulCrudFlow
4.9.4. Updating address
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\AddressBook\Update
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\AddressBookResourceTest::testSuccessfulCrudFlow
4.9.4. Removing address
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\AddressBook\Delete
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\AddressBookResourceTest::testSuccessfulCrudFlow
4.10. Services
4.10.1. List of services
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Service\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ServiceResourceTest::testGetListSuccessfulCall
4.11. Mapping files
4.11.1. List of mappings
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.11.2. Export a mapping to xfile
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.11.3. Export view
Documentation: Link
Method: No
Integration test: No
4.12. Sending method
4.12.1. List of sending methods
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\SendingMethod\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\SendingMethodResourceTest::testGetListSuccessfulCall
4.13. Cost centers MPK
4.13.1. Downloading the collection of cost centers
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Mpk\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\MpkResourceTest::testSuccessfulCruFlow
4.13.2. Creating a cost center
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Mpk\Create
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\MpkResourceTest::testSuccessfulCruFlow
4.13.3. Updating a cost center
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Mpk\Update
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\MpkResourceTest::testSuccessfulCruFlow
4.13.4. Downloading a single object
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Mpk\Read
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\MpkResourceTest::testSuccessfulCruFlow
4.14. Reports
4.14.1. Collecting COD report
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Report\GetCod
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\ReportResourceTest::testGetCodSuccessfulCall
4.15. Points resource
4.15.1. List of points
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Point\GetList
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\PointResourceTest::testGetListSuccessfulCall
4.15.2. Point details
Documentation: Link
Method: \MB\ShipXSDK\Method\Point\Read
Integration test: \MB\ShipXSDK\Test\Integration\Client\PointResourceTest::testReadSuccessfulCall
5. Known issues
The main known issue is instability of Sandbox API. From time to time newly created shipments are processed very slowly or end up in a void. Because of that integration tests sometimes fail unexpectedly. I guess we need to live with it...