
Helpers for different operations with PHP data types

v2.1.3 2023-01-19 07:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 22:02:13 UTC


Packagist PHP Version Support Scrutinizer Code Quality Coverage Status Build and test License: MIT

Helpers for different operations with PHP data types, variables and containers.

How to install to your project

composer require smoren/type-tools

Quick Reference

Unique Extractor

Object Type Caster

Object Access

Map Access


Unique Extractor

Tool for extracting unique IDs and hashes of any PHP variables and data structures.

Works in two modes: strict and non-strict.

In strict mode:

  • scalars: unique strictly by type;
  • objects: unique by instance;
  • arrays: unique by serialized value;
  • resources: result is unique by instance.

In non-strict mode:

  • scalars: unique by value;
  • objects: unique by serialized value;
  • arrays: unique by serialized value;
  • resources: result is unique by instance.

Get String

Returns unique string of the given variable.

UniqueExtractor::getString(mixed $var, bool $strict): string

use Smoren\TypeTools\UniqueExtractor;

$intValue = 5;
$floatValue = 5.0;

$intValueStrictUniqueId = UniqueExtractor::getString($intValue, true);
$floatValueStrictUniqueId = UniqueExtractor::getString($floatValue, true);

var_dump($intValueStrictUniqueId === $floatValueStrictUniqueId);
// false

$intValueNonStrictUniqueId = UniqueExtractor::getString($intValue, false);
$floatValueNonStrictUniqueId = UniqueExtractor::getString($floatValue, false);

var_dump($intValueNonStrictUniqueId === $floatValueNonStrictUniqueId);
// true

Get Hash

Returns unique md5 hash string of the given variable.

UniqueExtractor::getHash(mixed $var, bool $strict): string

use Smoren\TypeTools\UniqueExtractor;

$intValue = 5;
$floatValue = 5.0;

$intValueStrictHash = UniqueExtractor::getHash($intValue, true);
$floatValueStrictHash = UniqueExtractor::getHash($floatValue, true);

var_dump($intValueStrictHash === $floatValueStrictHash);
// false

$intValueNonStrictHash = UniqueExtractor::getHash($intValue, false);
$floatValueNonStrictHash = UniqueExtractor::getHash($floatValue, false);

var_dump($intValueNonStrictHash === $floatValueNonStrictHash);
// true

Object Type Caster

Tool for casting types of objects.


Cast object to another relative type (upcast or downcast).

ObjectTypeCaster::cast(object $sourceObject, string $destinationClass): mixed

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectTypeCaster;

class ParentClass
    public int $a;
    protected int $b;

    public function __construct(int $a, int $b)
        $this->a = $a;
        $this->b = $b;

    public function toArray(): array
        return [$this->a, $this->b];

class ChildClass extends ParentClass
    private $c = null;

    public function __construct(int $a, int $b, int $c)
        parent::__construct($a, $b);
        $this->c = $c;

    public function toArray(): array
        return [$this->a, $this->b, $this->c];

/* Downcast */

$parentClassObject = new ParentClass(1, 2);
// [1, 2]

$castedToChildClass = ObjectTypeCaster::cast($parentClassObject, ChildClass::class);
// [1, 2, null]

// ChildClass

/* Upcast */

$childClassObject = new ChildClass(1, 2, 3);
// [1, 2, 3]

$castedToParentClass = ObjectTypeCaster::cast($childClassObject, ParentClass::class);
// [1, 2]

// ParentClass

Object Access

Tool for reflecting and accessing object properties and methods.

Get Property Value

Returns value of the object property.

ObjectAccess::getPropertyValue(object $object, string $propertyName): mixed

Can access property by its name or by getter.

Throws Smoren\TypeTools\Exceptions\KeyError if property is not accessible to read.

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;
    public function getPrivateProperty(): int
        return $this->privateProperty;

$myObject = new MyClass();

// Getting by name:
var_dump(ObjectAccess::getPropertyValue($myObject, 'publicProperty'));
// 1

// Getting by getter (getPrivateProperty()):
var_dump(ObjectAccess::getPropertyValue($myObject, 'privateProperty'));
// 2

Set Property Value

Sets value of the object property.

ObjectAccess::setPropertyValue(object $object, string $propertyName, mixed $value): void

Can access property by its name or by setter.

Throws Smoren\TypeTools\Exceptions\KeyError if property is not accessible to write.

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;
    public function setPrivateProperty(int $value): void
        $this->privateProperty = $value;
    public function toArray(): array
        return [$this->publicProperty, $this->privateProperty];

$myObject = new MyClass();

// Setting by name:
ObjectAccess::setPropertyValue($myObject, 'publicProperty', 11);

// Setting by setter (setPrivateProperty()):
ObjectAccess::getPropertyValue($myObject, 'privateProperty', 22);

// [11, 22]

Has Readable Property

Returns true if object has property that is readable by name or by getter.

ObjectAccess::hasReadableProperty(object $object, string $propertyName): bool

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;
    private int $notAccessibleProperty = 3;
    public function getPrivateProperty(): int
        return $this->privateProperty;

$myObject = new MyClass();

// Accessible by name:
var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasReadableProperty($myObject, 'publicProperty'));
// true

// Accessible by getter:
var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasReadableProperty($myObject, 'privateProperty'));
// true

// Not accessible:
var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasReadableProperty($myObject, 'notAccessibleProperty'));
// false

Has Writable Property

Returns true if object has property that is writable by name or by setter.

ObjectAccess::hasWritableProperty(object $object, string $propertyName): bool

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;
    private int $notAccessibleProperty = 3;
    public function setPrivateProperty(int $value): void
        $this->privateProperty = $value;

$myObject = new MyClass();

// Accessible by name:
var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasWritableProperty($myObject, 'publicProperty'));
// true

// Accessible by setter:
var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasWritableProperty($myObject, 'privateProperty'));
// true

// Not accessible:
var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasWritableProperty($myObject, 'notAccessibleProperty'));
// false

Has Public Property

Returns true if object has public property.

ObjectAccess::hasPublicProperty(object $object, string $propertyName): bool

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;

$myObject = new MyClass();

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasPublicProperty($myObject, 'publicProperty'));
// true

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasPublicProperty($myObject, 'privateProperty'));
// false

Has Public Method

Returns true if object has public method.

ObjectAccess::hasPublicMethod(object $object, string $methodName): bool

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public function publicMethod(): int
        return 1;
    private function privateMethod(): int
        return 2;

$myObject = new MyClass();

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasPublicMethod($myObject, 'publicMethod'));
// true

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasPublicMethod($myObject, 'privateMethod'));
// false

Has Property

Returns true if object has property.

ObjectAccess::hasProperty(object $object, string $propertyName): bool

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;

$myObject = new MyClass();

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasProperty($myObject, 'publicProperty'));
// true

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasProperty($myObject, 'privateProperty'));
// true

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasProperty($myObject, 'anotherProperty'));
// false

Has Method

Returns true if object has method.

ObjectAccess::hasMethod(object $object, string $methodName): bool

use Smoren\TypeTools\ObjectAccess;

class MyClass {
    public function publicMethod(): int
        return 1;
    private function privateMethod(): int
        return 2;

$myObject = new MyClass();

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasMethod($myObject, 'publicMethod'));
// true

var_dump(ObjectAccess::hasMethod($myObject, 'privateMethod'));
// true

Map Access

Tool for map-like accessing of different containers by string keys.

Can access:

  • properties of objects (by name or by getter);
  • elements of arrays and ArrayAccess objects (by key).


Returns value from the container by key or default value if key does not exist or not accessible.

Throws Smoren\TypeTools\Exceptions\KeyError if key is not accessible to read.

MapAccess::get(mixed $container, string $key, mixed $defaultValue = null): mixed

use Smoren\TypeTools\MapAccess;

$array = [
    'a' => 1,

var_dump(MapAccess::get($array, 'a', 0));
// 1

var_dump(MapAccess::get($array, 'b', 0));
// 0

var_dump(MapAccess::get($array, 'b'));
// null

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;
    private int $notAccessibleProperty = 3;
    public function getPrivateProperty(): int
        return $this->privateProperty;

$myObject = new MyClass();

// Accessible by name:
var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'publicProperty', 0));
// 1

// Accessible by getter:
var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'privateProperty'));
// 2

// Not accessible:
var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'notAccessibleProperty', -1));
// -1

var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'notAccessibleProperty'));
// null

// Nonexistent:
var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'nonexistentProperty', -1));
// -1

var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'nonexistentProperty'));
// null


Sets value to the container by key.

MapAccess::set(mixed $container, string $key, mixed $value): void

Throws Smoren\TypeTools\Exceptions\KeyError if key is not accessible to write.

use Smoren\TypeTools\MapAccess;

$array = [
    'a' => 1,

MapAccess::set($array, 'a', 11);
MapAccess::set($array, 'b', 22);

// ['a' => 11, 'b' => 22]

class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;
    public function setPrivateProperty(int $value): void
        $this->privateProperty = $value;
    public function toArray(): array
        return [$this->publicProperty, $this->privateProperty];

$myObject = new MyClass();

// Accessible by name:
MapAccess::get($myObject, 'publicProperty', 11);

// Accessible by getter:
MapAccess::get($myObject, 'privateProperty', 22);

// [11, 22]


Returns true if accessible key exists in the container.

MapAccess::exists(mixed $container, string $key): bool

use Smoren\TypeTools\MapAccess;

$array = [
    'a' => 1,

var_dump(MapAccess::exists($array, 'a'));
// true

var_dump(MapAccess::exists($array, 'b'));
// false
class MyClass {
    public int $publicProperty = 1;
    private int $privateProperty = 2;
    private int $notAccessibleProperty = 3;
    public function getPrivateProperty(): int
        return $this->privateProperty;

$myObject = new MyClass();

// Accessible by name:
var_dump(MapAccess::exists($myObject, 'publicProperty'));
// true

// Accessible by getter:
var_dump(MapAccess::exists($myObject, 'privateProperty'));
// true

// Not accessible:
var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'notAccessibleProperty'));
// false

// Nonexistent:
var_dump(MapAccess::get($myObject, 'nonexistentProperty', -1));
// false

Unit testing

composer install
composer test-init
composer test


PHP Type Tools is licensed under the MIT License.