
A PHP library for handling monetary values with support for both traditional (fiat) and cryptocurrencies

1.0.5 2025-02-19 09:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 09:04:59 UTC


A PHP library for handling monetary values with support for both traditional (fiat) and cryptocurrencies. Built on top of brick/money with additional features and safeguards.


  • Safe and accurate monetary value handling
  • Support for both traditional and cryptocurrency values
  • Configurable caching system
  • Custom currency registration
  • Proper handling of minor currency units (cents, satoshi, etc.)
  • Strict type checking and comprehensive error handling



Install via Composer:

composer require sirix/money

Basic Usage

Creating Monetary Values

use Brick\Money\Context\AutoContext;
use Brick\Money\Context\CustomContext;
use Sirix\Money\CurrencyCode;
use Sirix\Money\SirixMoney;
use Brick\Math\RoundingMode;

// Basic usage with default context and rounding
$amount = SirixMoney::of(10.99, CurrencyCode::Usd);

// Advanced usage with custom context and rounding mode
$amount = SirixMoney::of(
    amount: 10.99,
    currencyCode: CurrencyCode::Usd,
    context: new CustomContext(scale: 5), // Custom context
    rounding: RoundingMode::UP

// Create from minor units (cents) with default settings
$cents = SirixMoney::ofMinor(1099, CurrencyCode::Usd);

// Create from minor units with custom context and rounding
$cents = SirixMoney::ofMinor(
    amount: 1099,
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    context: new AutoContext(),
    roundingMode: RoundingMode::DOWN

// Check if currency is crypto
$isCrypto = SirixMoney::isCrypto('BTC'); // returns true

// Create a money object with trailing zeros
$money = SirixMoney::of('10.90', CurrencyCode::Bch);

// Get amount with trailing zeros removed (default behavior)
$withoutZeros = SirixMoney::getAmount($money); // returns "10.9"

// Get amount keeping trailing zeros
$withZeros = SirixMoney::getAmount($money, withoutTrailingZeros: false); // returns "10.90000000"

// Example with more decimal places
$precise = SirixMoney::of('10.50000', CurrencyCode::Bch);
echo SirixMoney::getAmount($precise); // displays: "10.5"
echo SirixMoney::getAmount($precise, false); // displays: "10.50000000"

// Minor amounts are always returned as full integers
$minorAmount = SirixMoney::getMinorAmount($money); // returns "1050000000"

Currency Registry Configuration

use Sirix\Money\CurrencyRegistry;
use Brick\Money\Currency;

// Get the registry instance
$registry = CurrencyRegistry::getInstance();

// Configure caching
$registry->setCachePrefix('custom_prefix_'); //change cache prefix (if necessary)
$registry->setCacheTtl(7200); //set cache ttl (default: 86400 sec)
// Add custom currency
$customCurrency = new Currency('XYZ', 999, 'Custom Currency', 2);
$registry->addCustomCurrency($customCurrency, true); // true for crypto, false for fiat

Error Handling

The library uses specific exceptions for different error cases:

  • UnknownCurrencyException - When using an unsupported currency
  • InvalidAmountException - When providing invalid monetary amounts
  • UnsupportedCurrencyException - When attempting to use an unsupported currency
  • CacheException - When cache operations fail
  • SirixMoneyException - Base exception class for general errors

Features in Detail

Default Rounding Mode

The library uses RoundingMode::HALF_UP as the default rounding mode. This can be overridden by passing a different rounding mode to the of() or ofMinor() methods.

Context Support

Both of() and ofMinor() methods support an optional Context parameter, allowing you to specify custom decimal places and other context-specific settings.

Cache Integration

The library supports PSR-6 compatible cache implementations:

$registry = CurrencyRegistry::getInstance();

CurrencyCode Enum

An enum class that defines standardized currency codes for cryptocurrencies.

Special Naming Conventions

_CRYPTO Suffix

When a cryptocurrency code conflicts with an existing fiat currency code, the suffix _CRYPTO is appended to differentiate it. For example:

  • MNT_CRYPTO - The cryptocurrency version of MNT (to distinguish from Mongolian Tugrik)
  • SOS_CRYPTO - The cryptocurrency version of SOS (to distinguish from Somali Shilling)
  • ERN_CRYPTO - The cryptocurrency version of ERN (to distinguish from Eritrean Nakfa)

Numeric Prefix Handling

For cryptocurrency codes that begin with numbers (like 1INCH), the enum case name uses a descriptive word format instead of the number for PHP compatibility:

  • Case name: OneInch
  • Actual value: '1INCH'

This is because PHP enum cases cannot start with a number, so we use a readable word representation while preserving the actual cryptocurrency code value.


For complete information about working with currencies in the Sirix Money library, including how to handle both cryptocurrency and fiat currency values, please refer to the CurrencyCode enum documentation.

Related Resources


MIT License