
Drivers to allow connection to iSAMs schools system via MSSQL or XML

v2.0.1 2020-07-07 13:56 UTC




Package to integrate iSAMs data connections in laravel


ISAMs an official and an unofficial interface to the underlying data in the system. The former a XML file that can be requested over HTTP, the latter a manual SQL connection to the iSAMS MSSSQL database.

This package aims to allow you to use either but maintain the same interface.


php artisan vendor:publish

Config Example


return [
  'isams' => [
    'driver' => 'xml', // Set to db to use MSSQL connection,
    'xml' => [
      'url' => 'http://url/for/isams/xml',
      'cache' => null, // Set cache time for XML file (defaults to 60 minutes)
    'db' => [
      'connection' => 'sqlsrv', // Specify the database connection you wish to use from the database.php config file

Service Provider

Add SimonBowen\IsamsDrivers\IsamsDriversServiceProvider to your Service Providers configuration found in config/app.php


This package currently provides three repositorys.

  • StaffRepository
  • PupilRepository
  • SetRepository

These can be injected via Laravels IOC

use SimonBowen\IsamsDrivers\Repositories\Contracts\StaffRepository;

class DemoController extends Controller {
  protected $repository;
  public function __construct(StaffRepository $repository)
    $this->repository = $repository;
  public function index()
    $staff = $this->repository->all();

Be sure to check out the interfaces located in SimonBowen\IsamsDrivers\Repositories\Contracts for more information on available methods.