silverstripe/vendor-plugin dependents (442) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    SilverStripe Versioned component

  • PHP


    SilverStripe versioned admin interface

  • PHP


    Widgets are small pieces of functionality such as showing the latest Comments or Flickr Photos. They normally display on the sidebar of your website.

  • PHP


    A module for extending user forms, so that form submissions can be emailed with S/MIME encryption.

  • PHP


    All in One Accessibility widget improves Silverstripe website ADA compliance and browser experience for ADA, WCAG 2.1 & 2.2, Section 508, Australian DDA, European EAA EN 301 549, UK Equality Act (EA), Israeli Standard 5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, France RGAA, Brazilian Inclusion Law (LBI 13.146/2015), Spain UNE 139803:2012, JIS X 8341 (Japan), Italian Stanca Act and Switzerland DDA Standards.It uses the accessibility interface which handles UI and design related adjustments. All in One Accessibility app enhances your Silverstripe website accessibility to people with hearing or vision impairments, motor impaired, color blind, dyslexia, cognitive & learning impairments, seizure and epileptic, and ADHD problems.

  • PHP


    Silverstripe 4 Module for adding call to action blocks via html editor

  • PHP


    Geographic types for SilverStripe

  • PHP


    API Key management for SilverStripe

  • PHP


    Provides an interface for drawing geocoded shapes using Google Maps

  • PHP


    This module aims to relieve the stress of using Cloudflare caching with any SilverStripe project. Adds extension hooks that clears Cloudflare's cache for a specific page when that page is published or unpublished.

  • PHP


    A spam protector and form field using the Google's reCAPTCHA 3 and supports multiple forms on a single page.

  • PHP


    A collection of useful grid field components

  • PHP


    PHPStan for Silverstripe

  • PHP


    Gridfield extensions to add checkboxes for each row to easily delete or perform actions on multiple rows.

  • PHP


    Configure which scaffolded fields are kept and which are removed.