
Easily manage addresses in your Laravel app

v0.4.1 2020-09-14 10:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 18:37:01 UTC


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The signifly/laravel-addresses package allows you to easily mange addresses in your Laravel app.


Until further documentation is provided, please have a look at the tests.

You can install the package via composer:

composer require signifly/laravel-addresses

The package will automatically register itself.

You can publish the migration with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Signifly\Addresses\AddressesServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"

After publishing the migration you can create the addresses table by running the migrations:

php artisan migrate

You can optionally publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Signifly\Addresses\AddressesServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
     * The address model.
    'address_model' => \Signifly\Addresses\Models\Address::class,

     * The name of the table.
    'table_name' => 'addresses',


$ composer test


If you discover any security issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.