
Consumes Microsoft's Live Connect REST API. Allows OneDrive (SkyDrive) interaction and authentication

dev-master 2014-04-30 21:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 16:13:33 UTC


A PHP package that consumes Microsoft's Live Connect REST API allowing OneDrive (SkyDrive) interaction and authentication.

Uses OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow as documented here.

Most of the MS Live Connect examples use Javascript, this is the best resource I found for a general explanation of the Live Connect auth process on the server side.


Use Composer.

cd && mkdir project-root && cd project-root

Create a file called composer.json, put this in it:

    "require": {
        "siftware/live-connect": "dev-master"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Siftware\\": "src/Siftware"

Install composer

curl -s | php
mv composer.phar composer

Grab the library

./composer install




* Get these from
define("LC_CLIENT_ID", "<put yours here>");
define("LC_CLIENT_SECRET", "<put yours here>");

define("LC_CALLBACK_URL", "");

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Siftware\LiveConnect;
use Siftware\Logger;

* PSR-3 compatible logger. Logs to file,  if you want to disable logging then just
* pass false as second parameter. See the class interface for more options.
* You can of course ditch this and pass in your own PS3-R logger instance
$logger = new Logger(Psr\Log\LogLevel::DEBUG);

$liveConnect = new LiveConnect(LC_CLIENT_ID, LC_CLIENT_SECRET, LC_CALLBACK_URL, $logger);

* See here for a full list of scopes and what they are used for:
$liveConnect->setScopes("wl.offline_access, wl.signin, wl.basic");



require __DIR__ . "/bootstrap.php";

* If Live Connect doesn't recognise the source of the request, (because no
* credentials are presented) the OAuth process is kicked off.
* Stage 1 is to ask the user to accept the connection then redirect to the callback
* URL (which is specified when signing up with Live Connect for the app) with the
* auth code in the query string. This is that callback URL.
* The authenticate() method below is OAuth stage 2. It passes the auth code back
* to Live Connect and hopefully receives both an authentication token and also a
* refresh token (as well as a token expiry date), the initiating user shouldn't
* need to visit here again unless:
* 1) they manually de-authorise your app
* 2) the tokens are no longer available
* 3) new scopes are needed

$authCode = (isset($_GET["code"]) ? $_GET["code"] : "");

if (!$liveConnect->authenticate($authCode))
    print "Unable to authenticate against Live Connect";

    // clearly you'll want to handle this differently
    // all good
    header("Location: /");



require __DIR__ . "/bootstrap.php";

print "<pre>";


print "</pre>";

To Do

I built this so I could start interacting with the OneNote API. So for now the only thing complete is authentication.

It will be relatively trivial to implement quite a few of the content retreival endpoints now, 2 have been supplied.

Testing needed.

If you end up using this as a base and flesh some more of the content methods out, feel free to submit a pull request.


I'm Darren Beale (@bealers)


There are a couple of other OneDrive/LiveConnect classes that I have borrowed ideas from:


This package is released under the MIT Licence