
HTTP smoke test case for testing all configured routes in your Symfony project

v16.0.0 2024-12-30 11:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 10:02:49 UTC



This package enables you to do simple HTTP smoke testing of your Symfony application.

Basically, it generates a HTTP request for every page (controller action) provided by the application router and then asserts that the returned HTTP response code is correct.

While this is not a very sophisticated check, it can answer the essential question "does it run?". It prevents you from triggering 500 Server Error on some seemingly unrelated page when you are doing changes in shared code. Moreover, after initial configuration it is almost maintenance-free as it checks any new routes automatically.

This repository is maintained by shopsys/shopsys monorepo, information about changes is in monorepo


Add the package to require-dev in your application:

composer require --dev shopsys/http-smoke-testing

This package internally uses PHPUnit to run the tests. That means that you need to setup your phpunit.xml properly. Fortunately, Symfony comes with example configuration. Renaming the phpunit.xml.dist in your project root (or app/phpunit.xml.dist on Symfony 2) should be sufficient.

Note: If you did not find the file in your project check out the example in Symfony Standard Edition.


Create new PHPUnit test extending \Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\HttpSmokeTestCase class and implement customizeRouteConfigs method.

You can run your new test by:

php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/AppBundle/Smoke/SmokeTest.php

(or php bin/phpunit -c app/phpunit.xml src/AppBundle/Tests/Smoke/SmokeTest.php on Symfony 2)

Warning: This package checks all routes by making real requests. It is important not to execute it on production data. You may unknowingly delete or modify your data or real requests on 3rd party services. Even if you implement some way of protecting the application from side-effect (eg. database transaction wrapping) you should never execute tests on production data.

Example test class

namespace Tests\AppBundle\Smoke;

use Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\Auth\BasicHttpAuth;
use Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\HttpSmokeTestCase;
use Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\RouteConfig;
use Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\RouteConfigCustomizer;
use Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\RouteInfo;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class SmokeTest extends HttpSmokeTestCase {
     * @param \Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\RouteConfigCustomizer $routeConfigCustomizer
    protected function customizeRouteConfigs(RouteConfigCustomizer $routeConfigCustomizer)
            ->customize(function (RouteConfig $config, RouteInfo $info) {
                // This function will be called on every RouteConfig provided by RouterAdapter
                if ($info->getRouteName()[0] === '_') {
                    // You can use RouteConfig to change expected behavior or skip testing particular routes
                    $config->skipRoute('Route name is prefixed with "_" meaning internal route.');
            ->customizeByRouteName('acme_demo_secured_hello', function (RouteConfig $config, RouteInfo $info) {
                // You can customize RouteConfig to use authentication for secured routes
                $config->changeDefaultRequestDataSet('Log in as "user".')
                    ->setAuth(new BasicHttpAuth('user', 'userpass'));

     * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
    protected function handleRequest(Request $request)
        $entityManager = self::$kernel->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');

        // Enclose request handling in rolled-back database transaction to prevent side-effects
        $response = parent::handleRequest($request);

        return $response;


By default the test makes request to every route without using any authentication or providing any parameters and expects the response to have HTTP status code 200 OK.

To change this behavior you must implement method customizeRouteConfigs(RouteConfigCustomizer $routeConfigCustomizer) in your test.

RouteConfigCustomizer provides two methods for customizing individual route requests:

  • customize accepts callback function (RouteConfig $config, RouteInfo $info) {...} as the only argument. This is called with each RouteConfig along with RouteInfo collected from your router.
    This method is useful when you want to define general rules for multiple routes (eg. skip all routes with name starting with underscore).
  • customizeByRouteName accepts a single route name or an array of route names as the first argument and same callback as customize as the second argument. This is called with each RouteConfig along with RouteInfo with matching route name. If matching route config is not found a RouteNameNotFoundException is thrown.
    This method is useful when you want to define rules for specific routes (eg. logging in to some secured route).

In your customizing callback you can call three methods on RouteConfig to change the tested behavior:

  • skipRoute can be called to skip this route during test.
  • changeDefaultRequestDataSet is the main method for configuring routes. It returns RequestDataSet object offering the setters needed to change the actual behavior:
    • setExpectedStatusCode changes the expected response HTTP status code that will be asserted.
    • setAuth changes the authentication method for the route. (Use NoAuth for anonymous access, BasicHttpAuth for logging in via basic http headers or implement your own method using AuthInterface.)
    • setParameter specifies value of a route parameter by name.
    • addCallDuringTestExecution adds a callback function (RequestDataSet $requestDataSet, ContainerInterface $container) { ... } to be called before test execution.
      (Useful for code that needs to access the same instance of container as the test method, eg. adding CSRF token as a route parameter)
  • addExtraRequestDataSet can be used to test more requests on the same route (eg. test a secured route as both logged in and anonymous user). Returns RequestDataSet that you can use the same way as the result from changeDefaultRequestDataSet. All configured options will extend the values from default request data set (even when you change the default RequestDataSet after you add the extra RequestDataSet).

Note: All three methods of RouteConfigCustomizer accept string $debugNote as an argument. It is useful for describing the reasons of your configuration change because it may help you with debugging when the test fails.

Additionally you can override these methods in your implementation of HttpSmokeTestCase to further change the test behavior:

  • setUp to change the way your kernel is booted (eg. boot it with different options).
  • getRouterAdapter to change the object responsible for collecting routes from your application and generating urls.
  • createRequest if you have specific needs about the way Request is created from RequestDataSet.
  • handleRequest to customize handling Request in your application (eg. you can wrap it in database transaction to roll it back into original state).


To make smoke test configuration a little easier, you can use the annotations:


Used for setting expected status code based on provided paramteters.

@DataSet(statusCode=404, parameters={
    @Parameter(name="name", value="Batman")
  • arguments:
    • parameters (optional)
    • statusCode (optional, default = 200)


Parameter defines value for specified parameter.

@Parameter(name="name", value="Batman")
  • arguments:
    • name (required)
    • value (required)


Mark test as skipped


You can add them directly to your controller methods. See the example in Shopsys\HttpSmokeTesting\Test\TestController.

Note: You should avoid using annotations with configuring via changeDefaultRequestDataSet() on same route. It may result in unexpected behavior.


Tests do not fail on non-existing route

PHPUnit by default does not fail on warnings. Setting failOnWarning="true" in phpunit.xml fixes this problem.


Thank you for your contributions to Shopsys HTTP Smoke Testing package. Together we are making Shopsys Platform better.

This repository is READ-ONLY. If you want to report issues and/or send pull requests, please use the main Shopsys repository.

Please, check our Contribution Guide before contributing.


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If you want to report issues, please use the main Shopsys repository.