
PHP SDK to connect with Shopify Custom, Public and Private App using REST Api and Graphql

1.0.7 2021-08-26 13:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 12:32:49 UTC


Latest Stable Version License

PHP SDK helps to connect with shopify Public App and Private App using REST Api and Graphql.

  • Call GET, POST, PUT and DELETE RestApi method.
  • Process GraphQL Admin API for Query root and Mutations.
  • Queryroot is used to get resources and mutations is used to update resources (products/orders/customers).
  • Automatic manage Shopify API rate limits.
  • Compatible with Cursor Based Pagination to resource with pagination.


  • Install package with Composer
$ composer require shopifychamp/shopify-api-php-sdk


  1. For Api call need Guzzle. The recommended way to install Guzzle is through Composer.

    $ composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
  2. To prepare graphql query with GraphQL query builder.

    $ composer require rdx/graphql-query

Getting started

Initialize the client

1. For Private App

  • To create instance of Client class, need shop, api_key, password of private app, api_params is an array to pass api version with YYYY-DD/unstable format otherwise, Api latest version will be assigned.

    require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
    use Shopify\PrivateApp;
    $api_params['version'] = '2019-10';
    $client = new Shopify\PrivateApp($shop, $api_key, $password, $api_params);

2. For Public App

  • To create instance of Client class, need shop, api_key, api_secret_key of public app.

    require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
    use Shopify\PuplicApp;
    $api_params['version'] = '2019-10';
    $client = new Shopify\PublicApp($shop, $api_key, $api_secret_key, $api_params);
  • Prepare authorise url to install public app and get access_token to store in database or session for future api call.

        //get access_token after authorization of public app
        if($access_token = $client->getAccessToken($_GET)){
            //set access_token for api call
            $response = $client->call('GET','products',['limit'=>250]);
        //$redirect_uri (mention in App URL in your public app)
        $redirect_url= isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on"?'https://':'http://';
        if ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80") {
            $redirect_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
        } else {
            $redirect_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
        header('Location: '.urldecode($client->prepareAuthorizeUrl($redirect_url)));

Call REST Api

  • Get Products with limit 250 with call() function

    $response = $client->call('GET','products',['limit'=>250]);
  • Get products of next page with page_info

    $response = $client->call('GET','products',['limit'=>250]);

    Check next page available with hasNextPage() function:

        $next_page_response = $client->call('GET','products',['limit'=>20,'page_info'=>$client->getNextPage()]);

    Check if previous page available with hasPrevPage() function:

        $prev_page_response = $client->call('GET','products',['limit'=>20,'page_info'=>$client->getPrevPage()]);

Call GraphQL Api

  • Get product title, description with id by query() function

        product(id: "gid://shopify/Product/1432379031652") {


    • For single attribute and field
        attribute('id','gid://shopify/Product/1432379031652') and field('title')
    • For multiple attributes and fields
    attributes(['product_type','fragrance','limit'=>250]) and `fields(['title','description'])

    Prepare query:

    use rdx\graphqlquery\Query;
    $query = Query::query("");
    $query->product->attribute('id', "gid://shopify/Product/1432379031652");
    $graphqlString = $query->build();

    Call GraphQL with callGraphql() function:

    $response = $client->callGraphql($graphqlString);
  • Create customer with graphql mutation() function

    mutation {
      customerCreate(input: { firstName: "John", lastName: "Tate", email: "" }) {
        customer {

    Prepare mutation:

    use rdx\graphqlquery\Query;
    $query = Query::mutation();
    $query->customerCreate->attribute('input',['firstName'=>'John','lastName'=> "Tate", 'email'=> ""]);
    $graphqlString = $query->build();

    Call GraphQL qith callGraphql() function:

    $response = $client->callGraphql($graphqlString);
  • Cursor Pagination with graphQL

      products(first: 250) {
        edges {
          node {

    Prepare Query and $reserve_query variable to store query for next page call:

    use rdx\graphqlquery\Query;
    $query = Query::query("");
    $query->products->attribute('first', 250);
    $reserve_query = $query;
    $graphqlString = $query->build();

    Call GraphQL qith callGraphql() function. And

    $response = $client->callGraphql($graphqlString);

    If you continue repeating this step with the cursor value of the last product in each response you get until your response is empty. So need to check cursor index available in last array of $response then repeat call by adding cursor value with after attribute in products field.

    if(isset($response['data']['products']['edges']) && $last_array = end($response['data']['products']['edges']))
            //assign cursor value in `last` attribute
            $query = $reserve_query->products->attribute('after', $last_array['cursor']);
            $graphqlString = $reserve_query->build();
            $next_response = $client->callGraphql($graphqlString);

Error Handling

Below errors handled with ApiException Class

  • Trying to pass invalid api version
  • Trying to pass invalid shop domain
  • Http REST api call exception from Guzzle(GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException)
        $client = new Shopify\PrivateApp($shop, $api_key, $password, $api_params);
        $response = $client->call('GET','products',['limit'=>20]);
    catch (\Shopify\Exception\ApiException $e)
        echo "Errors: ".$e->getError().'<br> status code: '.$e->getCode();
