
Laravel APM agent for Elastic v2 intake API

v1.5.1 2020-04-23 10:12 UTC


CircleCI Latest Stable Version License

Elastic APM agent for v2 intake API. Compatible with Laravel 5.5+.

Transactions list Transaction detail
apm-transaction-list.png apm-transaction-detail.png


Require this package with composer:

composer require shifudeen/elastic-apm-laravel

Add the ServiceProvider class to the providers array in config/app.php:

'providers' => [
    // ... more providers

From here, we will take care of everything based on your configuration. The agent and the middleware will be registered, and transactions will be sent to Elastic.

Agent configuration

The following environment variables are supported in the default configuration:

Variable Description
APM_ACTIVE true or false defaults to true. If false, the agent will collect, but not send, transaction data; span collection will also be disabled.
APM_ACTIVE_CLI true or false defaults to true. If false, the agent will not collect or send transaction or span data for non-HTTP requests but HTTP requests will still follow APM_ACTIVE. When APM_ACTIVE is false, this will have no effect.
APM_APPNAME Name of the app as it will appear in APM. Invalid special characters will be replaced with a hyphen.
APM_APPVERSION Version of the app as it will appear in APM.
APM_SERVERURL URL to the APM intake service.
APM_SECRETTOKEN Secret token, if required.
APM_USEROUTEURI true or false defaults to true. The default behavior is to record the URL as defined in your routes configuration. Set to false to record the requested URL, but keep in mind that this can result in excessive unique entries in APM.
APM_IGNORE_PATTERNS Ignore specific routes or jobs by transaction name. Should be a regular expression, and will match multiple patterns via pipe | in the regex. Note that 4 backslashes should be used to match a single backslash. Example: "/\/health-check|^OPTIONS |Foo\\\\Bar\\\\Job/"
APM_QUERYLOG true or false defaults to 'true'. Set to false to completely disable query logging, or to auto if you would like to use the threshold feature.
APM_THRESHOLD Query threshold in milliseconds, defaults to 200. If a query takes longer then 200ms, we enable the query log. Make sure you set APM_QUERYLOG=auto.
APM_BACKTRACEDEPTH Defaults to 25. Depth of backtrace in query span.
APM_MAXTRACEITEMS Defaults to 1000. Max number of child items displayed when viewing trace details.

You may also publish the elastic-apm-laravel.php configuration file to change additional settings:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

Once published, open the config/elastic-apm-laravel.php file and review the various settings.


The default collectors typically listen on events to measure portions of the request such as framework loading, database queries, or jobs.

The SpanCollector in particular allows you to measure any section of your own code via the ApmCollector Facade:

use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Facades\ApmCollector;

ApmCollector::startMeasure('my-custom-span', 'custom', 'measure', 'My custom span');

// do something amazing


To record an additional span around your job execution, you may include the provided job middleware (Laravel 6+ only

public function middleware()
    return [

Add a collector for other events

You can add extra collector(s) to listen to your own application events or Laravel events like Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSending for example. We created a base collector that already includes functionality to measure events, that you can extend from:

// app/Collectors/MailMessageCollector.php

namespace YourApp\Collectors;

use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Contracts\DataCollector;
use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Collectors\EventDataCollector;

use Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSending;
use Illuminate\Mail\Events\MessageSent;

class MailMessageCollector extends EventDataCollector implements DataCollector
    public function getName(): string
        return 'mail-message-collector';

    protected function registerEventListeners(): void
        $this->app->events->listen(MessageSending::class, function (\Swift_Message $message) {
                'mail #' . $message->getId(),

        $this->app->events->listen(MessageSent::class, function (\Swift_Message $message) {
            $this->stopMeasure('mail #' . $message->getId());

Don't forget to register your collector when the application starts:

// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

use AG\ElasticApmLaravel\Facades\ApmCollector;

use YourApp\Collectors\MailMessageCollector;

public function boot()
    // ...


Get Composer. Follow the instructions defined on the official Composer page, or if you are using homebrew, just run:

brew install composer

Install project dependencies:

composer install

Run the unit test suite:

php vendor/bin/codecept run unit

Please adhere to PSR-2 and Symfony coding standard. Run the following commands before pushing your code:

php ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config .php_cs