
This package would help integrate Laravel with Tumeny pay.

1.3.1 2024-04-30 12:23 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-30 12:28:24 UTC


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A Laravel Package for integrating with Tumeny Pay

This Laravel package integrates Tumeny Pay as a payment gateway into your Laravel application.


  1. Install the package via Composer:

    composer require shengamo/tumeny-pay
  2. Publish the package migrations:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=Shengamo\TumenyPay\TumenyPayServiceProvider
  3. Add the following environment variables to your .env file:



Payment Request

To initiate a payment request, you can use the processPayment method provided by the TumenyPay class.

use Shengamo\TumenyPay\TumenyPay;

$tumeny = new TumenyPay();
$tumeny->processPayment('amount', 'plan name or default', 'Zambian mobile number', 'quantity of items', 'description');

// e.g. request a payment of K100 from the mobile number 0961234567.
$tumeny->processPayment(100, 'default', '0961234567', 1, 'custom description');

Setup the verification of payments

To automatically verify pending order payments, add the following line to the schedule function in your App\Console\Kernel.php file:

use Shengamo\TumenyPay\Jobs\VerifyPendingOrderPayments;

$schedule->job(new VerifyPendingOrderPayments())->everyMinute();

Events & Listeners

Events are fired when ShengamoOrder is generated and also when the ShengamoOrder has been updated. You could register these events in the EventServiceProvider. If you would like to handle an action, for example, if you would like to add a subscription if the order is successful, you could create an event listener that listens to the ShengamoOrderCreated Event.

For example, after creating a AddSubscriptionListener Listener class, the code below would handle subscription if order is successful.

class AddSubscriptionListener
    public function __construct()

    public function handle(ShengamoOrderUpdated $event): void
        //If the order status is successful or 2
        if($event->shengamoOrder->status === 2)
         // Add the subscription here

Add the events and listener in your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider like the example below.

    protected $listen = [
        ShengamoOrderUpdated::class => [


Manually firing the verification

In order to manually verify all the pending transactions in your shengamo_orders table, you can ran the artisan command.

php artisan tumeny:verify




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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.