
This API Product provides the option to manage charging at all public Shell Recharge locations. The end points provides control to start, stop and get status of the charging session.

1.4.0 2025-02-28 14:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 14:04:53 UTC



This API Product provides the list of all Shell Recharge locations. The list includes all Shell Recharge network and all locations available through our roaming partners.

Supported Functions

  • Get the list of all the locations and its details.
  • Get the details of a particular location.
  • Get the list of locations nearby using the latitude and longitude.
  • Get the list of locations for a given set of bounds with different zoom levels.

The Charging endpoints provides control to start, stop and get status of the charging session.

Supported Functions

  • Start a charging session\n
  • Stop a charging session \n
  • Retrieve the status of a charging session \n
  • Retrieve the list of all active sessions for a card

Go to the Shell Developer Portal:

Install the Package

Run the following command to install the package and automatically add the dependency to your composer.json file:

composer require "shell/ev-recharge-sdk:1.4.0"

Or add it to the composer.json file manually as given below:

"require": {
    "shell/ev-recharge-sdk": "1.4.0"

You can also view the package at:

Test the SDK

Unit tests in this SDK can be run using PHPUnit.

  1. First install the dependencies using composer including the require-dev dependencies.
  2. Run vendor\bin\phpunit --verbose from commandline to execute tests. If you have installed PHPUnit globally, run tests using phpunit --verbose instead.

You can change the PHPUnit test configuration in the phpunit.xml file.

Initialize the API Client

Note: Documentation for the client can be found here.

The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:

Parameter Type Description
environment Environment The API environment.
Default: Environment.PRODUCTION
timeout int Timeout for API calls in seconds.
Default: 0
enableRetries bool Whether to enable retries and backoff feature.
Default: false
numberOfRetries int The number of retries to make.
Default: 0
retryInterval float The retry time interval between the endpoint calls.
Default: 1
backOffFactor float Exponential backoff factor to increase interval between retries.
Default: 2
maximumRetryWaitTime int The maximum wait time in seconds for overall retrying requests.
Default: 0
retryOnTimeout bool Whether to retry on request timeout.
Default: true
httpStatusCodesToRetry array Http status codes to retry against.
Default: 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524
httpMethodsToRetry array Http methods to retry against.
Default: 'GET', 'PUT'
clientCredentialsAuth ClientCredentialsAuth The Credentials Setter for OAuth 2 Client Credentials Grant

The API client can be initialized as follows:

$client = ShellEVClientBuilder::init()


The SDK can be configured to use a different environment for making API calls. Available environments are:


Name Description
production Default Production Server
environment2 Test Server


This API uses the following authentication schemes.

List of APIs

Classes Documentation