
Crud Rest Api package for creating other crud controllers.

v1.1.0 2022-12-16 08:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 13:09:58 UTC


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Intro and install

This package created for create fast crud operations, for example Pagination,Object list without pagination, Store, Update, Destroy and Show

composer require shaburov/laravel-crud-rest-api


Publish config 
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CrudRestApi\CrudServiceProvider"
Run controller tests
php artisan crud-rest-api:test
Run migrations
php artisan crud-rest-api:migrate {param_from_migrate}

You can activate default routes in config and will see how it's working load_routes => true on default false And execute command php artisan route:list

How to use it

Create Controller and extends it from CrudBaseController or create your Controller on based interfaces and traits and connect your model using method setModelClass

abstract class MyController extends CrudController implements
    CrudSaveInterface, CrudIndexInterface,
    CrudStoreInterface, CrudListInterface,
    CrudUpdateInterface, CrudDestroyInterface,
    CrudRestoreInterface, CrudShowInterface
    use CrudListTrait,

    abstract public function setModelClass(): string;

class ArticleController extends MyController
    public function setModelClass(): string
        return Article::class;


You should use CrudValidatorInterface and use Trait CrudValidatorTrait And in method setValidations connect your validations

public function setValidations(): void
   $this->validateShow = ArticleShowRequest::class;
   $this->validateStore = ArticleStoreRequest::class;
   $this->validateIndex = null;
   $this->validateList = null;
   $this->validateUpdate = null;
   $this->validateDelete = null;

Change behavior

All methods include in yourself methods 
for change default behaviors

public function beforeList();
public function afterList();

public function updating()
public function updated($model)

public function creating()
public function created($model)

public function saving()
public function saved($model)

public function beforeIndex()
public function afterIndex()

public function beforeShow()
public function afterShow()

public function deleting()
public function deleted()

Controller example


You should add routes in your routes file

Route::namespace('App\Http\Controllers')->group(function (){
    Route::resource('articles', 'ArticleController');


index [GET] include parameters 
page - current page // articles?page=1
per_page - number of objects in the list // articles?per_page=1
list - for get all object // articles?list    

You can use $this->request and process it in behaviors

 public function beforeIndex(): void
     $title =  $this->request->get('title');
         ->where('title', $title)

 or use $this->requestData and get parameter and rewrite it

 public function updating(): void
     $this->requestData['title'] = Str::lower($this->requestData['title']);


'load_routes' => false,
'migration_dir' => database_path()."/migrations/crud" // path export migrations - not required ,
'per_page' => [
        'key' => 'per_page', // key for get parameter
        'value' => 10, // default value
        'limit' => 100, // max value

In the future

Generating controllers

Limits on the number of pages for all Controllers separately

And more...