
Converts given date into a nice readable format. Supports russian and english. Example will be '1 hour ago', '2 days ago', '1 second ago', 'Online' and so.


Ago package

Ago Total Downloads PHP Version Require License

Date/time converter into "n time ago" format that supports multiple languages, such as 🇷🇺 🇬🇧 🇳🇱 🇺🇦 🇩🇪. You can contribute any language that you wish easily by creating a pull request. When new PHP version comes out, this package will be updated to support it as soon as possible.

This package is well tested, optimized and already used in many production apps. It has shown itself pretty well. If you find any issues or bugs 🐞, please create an issue, and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

Follow the official documentation for more information

🚀 Quick Start

composer require serhii/ago


The Ago project is licensed under the MIT License