
Sergsxm UIBundle provides functions for creating forms and table lists

1.1.3 2017-03-30 13:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 16:00:58 UTC


It`s bundle for Symfony2 framework, which provides functions for creating forms, table lists and tree (order) forms. This is useful when creating a site`s backend.

The bundle being developed, be careful when using in projects.

Forms features:

  • The fields are combined into groups
  • Control the visibility of the groups, depending on fields conditions
  • JavaScript validation
  • Advanced templating with field`s templates replacement
  • Ajax file upload

Table lists features:

  • Use Doctrine
  • Support for tabs
  • Sort by all fields
  • Text search function
  • Ajax actions
  • Saving the sorting settings, search settings, current page etc. in session

Tree (order) forms features:

  • Use Doctrine
  • Easy tree or order setup by JavaScript
  • Supports mouse and touchscreen

1. Installation

To install SergsxmUIBundle, run composer require sergsxm/ui-bundle.

Register the bundle in the app/AppKernel.php file:

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Sergsxm\UIBundle\SergsxmUIBundle(),

Register the bundle in the app/config/routing.yml file:

    resource: "@SergsxmUIBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /

Install bundle assets by command php app/console assets:install.

Now you can use the bundle.

If you will change layout template, remember to add CSS and JS files of this bundle and initialization section on it (and Bootstrap, jQuery, TinyMCE files of course):

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{asset('bundles/sergsxmui/css/ui.css')}}" />
        <script src="{{asset('bundles/sergsxmui/js/ui.js')}}"></script>
            sergsxmUIFunctions.initContext('{{app.request.locale}}', '{{path('sergsxm_ui_file_upload')}}');

1.1. Third-party modules

For the operation of the bundle following modules needed:



TinyMCE (optionaly, used for html input type in forms)

Yandex.maps (optionaly, used for address input type in forms)

2. Forms usage

2.1. Form creation

To create the form use the service:

$form = $this->get('sergsxm.ui')->createForm($object);

$object is a object for properties mapping. Leave this parameter or set it to null if this functionality is not needed.

Now you have Form (Sergsxm\UIBundle\Form\Form) object. This object contains following methods:

public function addField($type, $name, $configuration = array(), $mappingObject = self::MO_PARENT);
public function openGroup($name, $description = '', $condition = '');
public function closeGroup();
public function enableCaptcha($type, $configuration = array());
public function disableCaptcha();
public function getFormId();
public function setFormId($formId);
public function setReadOnly($readOnly);
public function bindRequest(Request $request = null);
public function clear();
public function getResult();
public function getView();
public function renderView($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:Form:Form.html.twig', $parameters = array());
public function render($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:Form:Form.html.twig', $parameters = array(), Response $response = null);
public function findInputByName($name);
public function getValue();
public function setValue($value);
public function fromAnnotations($tag = null, $mappingObject = self::MO_PARENT);

Assigning functions described in greater detail in the class file.

Below is a code example of using form:

$object = new \StdClass();
$object->text1 = 'foo';
$object->textarea1 = '';
$object->select1 = '';
$object->checkbox1 = '';
$object->password1 = '';
$object->timestamp1 = '';
$object->html1 = '';
$object->file1 = null;

$form = $this->get('sergsxm.ui')->createForm($object);
    ->addField('text', 'text1')
    ->openGroup('test', 'Test group', '')
    ->addField('textarea', 'textarea1')
    ->addField('select', 'select1', array(
        'choices' => ['One', 'Two', 'Three'],
    ->openGroup('test1', 'Subgroup', 'select1 == 1')
    ->addField('checkbox', 'checkbox1')
    ->addField('password', 'password1')
    ->addField('timestamp', 'timestamp1')
    ->openGroup('test2', 'Subgroup 2')
    ->addField('html', 'html1')
    ->addField('file', 'file1', array(
        'storeType' => \Sergsxm\UIBundle\FormInputTypes\File::ST_FILE,
        'storeFolder' => 'uploadfiles',
if ($form->bindRequest()) {
    echo 'Data saved!';
return $form->render('SergsxmUIBundle:Form:Form.html.twig', array('title' => 'New form', 'backUrl' => '/123'));

2.2. Object`s properties mapping

If you create a form specified object for properties mapping, the form values are automatically transferred to the object properties with the same name. Make sure it is possible in the example above. Also, for each field , you can specify another object (see 4 parameter for addField method).

If you do not need this feature, you can specify in the configuration of the field 'mapping' => false.

2.3. Input types

Supported input types: checkbox, text, textarea, timestamp, html, password, select, file, number, image, address, tag, category.

Type checkbox has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field must be checked"
uncheckedValue Value for unchecked condition false
checkedValue Value for checked condition true
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type text has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
regexp Regular expression with which the entered text will be checked "/^[\s\S]*$/i"
regexpError Text for the "regular expression" error "The field is not valid"
validateCallback User-defined function to check the field (see below) null
validateCallbackParameters Additional parameters for validateCallback function null
uniqueInDoctrine Enables checking the uniqueness of the field in the Doctrine database false
uniqueError Text for the "unique" error "This value already exists in the database"
trim Trim value false
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type email is same as text type with predefined regexp.

Type textarea has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
regexp Regular expression with which the entered text will be checked "/^[\s\S]*$/i"
regexpError Text for the "regular expression" error "The field is not valid"
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type timestamp has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
dateTimeFormat Timestamp format accepted by date() function "Y-m-d\TH:i:s"
formatError Text for the "datetime format" error "Bad datetime format"
timeZone Timezone (string or \DateTimeZone or null) null
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type html has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
disableFilters Turns off all HTML filters, the field value is passed as is false
allowTags If filled all tags other than listed, will be removed (format: "h1,p,a") null
allowStyleProperty If false all "style" attributes will be removed true
replaceUrl If true all links will be replaced with JavaScript calls or redirect false
replaceUrlPath Links will be replaced with redirect to this URL with "path" get-parameter null
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type password has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
encoder PasswordEncoderInterface to encode password, or null, or "@factory" to use security.encoder_factory service null
repeat If true it requires password repetition false
repeatError Text for the "repeat" error "Values​do not match"
repeatDescription Repeat field description, which will be displayed to the user ""
mapNullValues If false, the mapping property will not change when field is empty true
regexp Regular expression with which the entered text will be checked "/^[\S]{5,99}$/i"
regexpError Text for the "regular expression" error "The field is not valid"
randomizeSalt If true salt will be replaces by random value true
mappingSaltProperty Property name to store salt value in mapping object ""
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type select has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
choices An array of possible values array()
choicesError Text for the error when value do not find in choices array "The field contain bad value"
multiply If true possible to select multiple values false
expanded If true select will show extended (radio buttons, checkboxes) false
explodeValue Only for multiply select: if true output value will be exploded to string (if false - array) false
explodeSeparator Explode separator (when explodeValue is true) ","
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type file has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
maxSize Maximum allowed file size (null for unlimited) null
maxSizeError Text for oversize error "File size is larger than allowed"
mimeTypes Array of allowed MIME types (null for disable filter) null
mimeTypesError Text for MIME type error "Invalid file type"
storeType Type of file store (see below) ST_FILE
storeFolder Folder for saving files "uploads"
storeDoctrineClass Doctrine file entity class (must implements Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\FileInterface) ""
multiply If true possible to upload multiply files in one field false
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type number has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
decimalPoint Sets the separator for the decimal point "."
thousandSeparator Sets the thousands separator ""
decimals Sets the number of decimal points (or null for disable option) null
minValue Sets minimal value (or null for disable option) null
maxValue Sets maximal value (or null for disable option) null
valueError Text for the "limits" error "The number is beyond the set limits"
notNumberError Text for the "not a number" error "This is not a number"
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type image has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
maxSize Maximum allowed file size (null for unlimited) null
maxSizeError Text for oversize error "File size is larger than allowed"
minWidth Minimal image width (null for unlimited) null
minHeight Minimal image height (null for unlimited) null
maxWidth Maximal image width (null for unlimited) null
maxHeight Maximal image height (null for unlimited) null
imageSizeError Text for image size error "Wrong image size"
notImageError Text for "not an image" error "The file is not an image"
storeType Type of file store (see below) ST_FILE
storeFolder Folder for saving files "uploads"
storeDoctrineClass Doctrine file entity class (must implements Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\ImageInterface) ""
multiply If true possible to upload multiply images in one field false
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type address has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
mapEnabled If true map is enabled in field false
mappingCoordinatesProperty Property name to store coordinates from map null
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type tag has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
doctrineClass Doctrine tag entity class (must inplements Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\TagInterface) null
tagProperty Property name in entity class to find tags in database 'tag'
createCallback Function that call when tag entity create (after set tag and before persist) null
disabled Set field to disabled state false

Type category has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
required If true field is required false
requiredError Text for the "required" error "The field can not be empty"
categories An array of categories (each element must implements Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\TreeInterface) array()
categoriesError Text for the error when value do not find in categories array "The field contain bad value"
multiply If true possible to select multiple categories false
expanded If true select will show extended (radio buttons, checkboxes) false
mapIdToValue If true only category ID will be placed as value of mapping property false
loadDoctrineRepository Allow to load categories from Doctrine repository (otherwise - by categories parameter) null
disabled Set field to disabled state false

ValidateCallback function must be callable. The function should return null (if field value is valid) or error text. The first parameter passed to the function is the value of the field. The second parameter specifies by parameter validateCallbackParameters.

StoreType specifies the type of save file. Types defined by constants in the class \Sergsxm\UIBundle\FormInputTypes\File (\Sergsxm\UIBundle\FormInputTypes\Image for image type). There are two types: ST_FILE and ST_DOCTRINE. When you type ST_FILE file is saved in storeFolder folder. The file with the extension info, which stores information about the file, will creates in the same folder. Filename will be used as value for the mapping property. When you type ST_DOCTRINE file is also stored in storeFolder folder. File information is stored in a database in entity storeDoctrineClass. This entity will be used as value for the mapping property. Note: storeFolder must be protected from external access for security.

You can also specify a placeholder for the fields and the captcha through placeholder configuration parameter.

2.4. Captcha types

Supported captcha types: standart.

Type standart has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Captcha field description, which will be displayed to the user as the field name such as field name
validateError Text for validation error "Values do not match"
width Captcha image width (in pixels) 150
height Captcha image height (in pixels) 50
background Background color for captcha image (CSS like string) "fff"
color Main color for captcha image (CSS like string) "000"
noise Enable noise lines false
length Length of text 6
letters Allowed letters "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
font TTF font file for captcha letters null means internal font

2.5. Advanced templating

Default simple form`s template are placed in SergsxmUIBundle:Form:Form.html.twig. Field`s and group`s parameters are transferred to the group default template SergsxmUIBundle:Form:FormGroup.html.twig. In this template, field`s parameters are transferre to the field default templates, witch places into SergsxmUIBundle:FormInputTypes:. You can change the default templates, but you can describe the output of individual fields in the group template:

{% if root|default(false) == false %}
    <div id="{{groupId}}">
        {% if description != '' %}
        {% endif %}
{% endif %}
        {% for field in fields %}
            {% if field['type'] == 'text' %}
            {% else %}
                {% include field['defaultTemplate'] with field only %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
        {% for group in groups %}
            {% include group['defaultTemplate'] with group only %}
        {% endfor %}
{% if root|default(false) == false %}
{% endif %}

So you can create your own templates and put them when calling the render methods of form object.

You can also specify a template for the fields and the captcha through template configuration parameter.

2.6. Annotations

You can create forms from the annotations of mapping object. For this purpose use method fromAnnotations($formName = null, $mappingObject = self::MO_PARENT).

Annotation Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\FormField is used to create input fields. Type and configuration parameters are directly passed to the method addField.


     * @var string
     * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\FormField(type="text", configuration={"description"="File name", "required"=true, "requiredError"="The field can not be empty"})
    private $fileName;

To localize the phrases in annotation there is option: translate. Option translate is an array that contains the keys of the configuration array that need to be localized. Also you can specified translator domain by 'Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\TranslationDomain' class annotation.


 * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\TranslationDomain("sergsxmui")
class FileEntity
     * @var string
     * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\Description("File name field")
     * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\FormField(
     *      type="text", 
     *      configuration={"description"="File name", "required"=true, "requiredError"="The field can not be empty"}, 
     *      translate={"description", "requiredError"})
    private $fileName;

Annotation Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\Description is used to set field description. This value will be translated.

Class annotation Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\Form is used to setup forms of object. There are three parameters: name, groups and fields. Parameter name contains form name. When you call a method fromAnnotations($formName) form with this name will be loaded. Parameter groups contains information about all groups. Parameter fields contains form structure.


 * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\Form(
 *      name="user",
 *      groups={
 *          {"name"="first", "description"="First group"},
 *          {"name"="second", "description"="Second group"}
 *      },
 *      fields={"fileName", "first"={"contentFile"}, "second"={"mimeType"}}
 * )
 * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\TranslationDomain("sergsxmui")
class FileEntity
     * @var string
     * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\Description("File name")
     * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\FormField(
     *      type="text",
     *      configuration={"required"=true, "requiredError"="Field required"}, 
     *      translate={"requiredError"})
    private $fileName;

     * @var string
     * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\FormField(type="text", configuration={"description"="MIME", "required"=true, "requiredError"="Field required"})
    private $mimeType;

     * @var string
     * @\Sergsxm\UIBundle\Annotations\FormField(type="text", configuration={"description"="Content file"})
    private $contentFile;

3. Table lists usage

3.1. Table list creation

To create the table list use the service:

$list = $this->get('sergsxm.ui')->createTableList();

Now you have TableList (Sergsxm\UIBundle\TableList\TableList) object. This object contains following methods:

public function addTab($repository, $name, $configuration = null);
public function getTab($name);
public function bindRequest(Request $request = null);
public function getView();
public function renderView($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:TableList:TableList.html.twig', $ajaxTemplate = 'SergsxmUIBundle:TableList:TableListAjax.html.twig', $parameters = array());
public function render($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:TableList:TableList.html.twig', $ajaxTemplate = 'SergsxmUIBundle:TableList:TableListAjax.html.twig', $parameters = array(), Response $response = null);

Methods addTab adn getTab returns TableListTab (Sergsxm\UIBundle\TableList\TableListTab) object. This object contains following external methods:

public function addWhereCondition($dql, $condition, $parameter);
public function openWhereGroup($whereType);
public function closeWhereGroup();
public function groupBy($dql);
public function addColumn($type, $name, $configuration = array());
public function addUrlAction($name, $url, $configuration = array());
public function addAjaxAction($name, $sql, $configuration = array());
public function getDescription();

In a few words, when you create the tab, you specified Doctrine repository. When you add any column as the name specified the name of the field in the repository. Thus it is possible to build a simple table. For advanced tasks see section Advanced queries.

Assigning functions described in greater detail in the class file.

Below is a code example of using table lists:

$list = $this->get('sergsxm.ui')->createTableList();

    ->addTab('TestBundle:FileEntity', 'files', array('description' => 'Files', 'countEnabled' => true))
    ->addColumn('text', 'fileName', array('description' => 'File name', 'searchEnabled' => true))
    ->addColumn('text', 'mimeType', array('description' => 'MIME type'))
    ->addColumn('timestamp', 'uploadDate', array('description' => 'Upload date'))
    ->addAjaxAction('delete', 'DELETE FROM TestBundle:FileEntity f WHERE IN (:ids)', array('confirmed' => true))
    ->addAjaxAction('set_jpeg', 'UPDATE TestBundle:FileEntity f SET f.mimeType = \'image/jpeg\' WHERE IN (:ids)')
    ->addAjaxAction('set_png', 'UPDATE TestBundle:FileEntity f SET f.mimeType = \'image/png\' WHERE IN (:ids)')
    ->addUrlAction('new', '/admin/edit');
    ->addTab('TestBundle:FileEntity', 'files2', 'Files 2')
    ->addColumn('text', 'fileName', array('description' => 'File name', 'searchEnabled' => true))
    ->addColumn('text', 'mimeType', array('description' => 'MIME type'))
    ->addColumn('timestamp', 'uploadDate', array('description' => 'Upload date'))
    ->addAjaxAction('delete', 'DELETE FROM TestBundle:FileEntity f WHERE IN (:ids)', array('confirmed' => true))
    ->addAjaxAction('set_jpeg', 'UPDATE TestBundle:FileEntity f SET f.mimeType = \'image/jpeg\' WHERE IN (:ids)')
    ->addAjaxAction('set_png', 'UPDATE TestBundle:FileEntity f SET f.mimeType = \'image/png\' WHERE IN (:ids)')
    ->addUrlAction('new', '/admin/edit')
return $list->render('SergsxmUIBundle:TableList:TableList.html.twig', 'SergsxmUIBundle:TableList:TableListAjax.html.twig');

Default configuration of TableListTab:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Tab description, which will be displayed at tab button such as tab name
whereType Type of root WHERE statment (OR, AND or XOR) TableListQuery::WT_OR
countEnabled Enables items count display in tab button false

3.2. Column types

Supported column types: text, checkbox, select, timestamp, file, number, image, tag, category.

All column types has following settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Column description, which will be displayed at the table head such as column name
url Link to any page, for example edit page of the row item (format describes below) null
urlTarget Value of target property of link null
hidden Off column display false
defaultOrderDirection Sets column as default order column and specified direction (0 - ASC, 1 - DESC) unset

Type text has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
orderEnabled Enables ordering for column true
searchEnabled Enables search for column false
pattern Text pattern. In this string statment "{{text}}" will be replaced by cell value "{{text}}"
textLimit Limits text length null

Type checkbox has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
uncheckedValue Value for unchecked condition false
checkedValue Value for checked condition true
orderEnabled Enables ordering for column true
uncheckedPattern Text pattern for unchecked value ""
checkedPattern Text pattern for checked value ""

Type select has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
choices An array of possible values array()
multiply If true possible to select multiple values false
explodeValue Only for multiply select: if true value exploded to string (if false - array) false
explodeSeparator Explode separator (when explodeValue is true) ","
orderEnabled Enables ordering for column true
implodeSeparator Implode separator for output value ","

Type timestamp has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
dateTimeFormat Timestamp format accepted by date() function "Y-m-d\TH:i:s"
timeZone Timezone (string or \DateTimeZone or null) null
orderEnabled Enables ordering for column true

Type file has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
storeType Type of file store (see file form field description) ST_FILE
multiply If true possible to upload multiply files in one field false
implodeSeparator Implode separator for output value ","
fileUrl Link to any file page, for example edit or download file (format like for url parameter) null

Type number has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
decimalPoint Sets the separator for the decimal point "."
thousandSeparator Sets the thousands separator ""
decimals Sets the number of decimal points (or null for disable option) null
orderEnabled Enables ordering for column true
searchEnabled Enables search for column false

Type image has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
storeType Type of image store (see image form field description) ST_FILE
multiply If true possible to upload multiply files in one field false
implodeSeparator Implode separator for output value ","
imageUrl Link to download image page (format like for url parameter) null

Type tag has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
implodeSeparator Implode separator for output value " "
pattern Pattern for one tag (string statment {{tag}} will be replaced by tag name) "{{tag}}"

Type category has following personal settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
categories An array of categories (each element must implements Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\TreeInterface) array()
multiply If true possible to contain multiple categories false
mapIdToValue If true only category ID placed as value of mapping property false
loadDoctrineRepository Allow to load categories from Doctrine repository (otherwise - by categories parameter) null
implodeSeparator Implode separator for output value ","
categoryUrl Link to any category page, for example view or edit category (format like for url parameter) null

Parameter url can be two formats. One of formats is string with custom URL (detecting by "/" symbol). In this string statment "{{id}}" will be replaced by row item ID. Second format is string with Symfony route. This string will by processed by Symfony routing service (with route parameter "id").

3.3. URL actions

Actions are displayed as a list of buttons. There are two types of actions: URL and ajax. URL actions are simple links to other pages on your site (for example, to create a new page). Ajax actions are actions on the selected items in table list. They are processed through the ajax request.

URL actions are added by method addUrlAction($name, $url, $configuration = array());. Parameter $name contains technical name of action. Parameter $url is action URL or route name.

URL actions has following additional configuration settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Action description, which will be displayed at the button such as action name
permission Allows to turn off the button, if it is prohibited by user permissions true
sendIds If true checked IDs will be sent to a URL through a GET request false
multiply If true it may be checked a lot of rows, if false it is to be checked only one row true
confirmed If true action requires confirmation false
confirmedMessage Сonfirmation message "Please confirm this operation"
confirmedTitle Сonfirmation window title "Warning"
confirmedOk Label for OK button "OK"
confirmedCancel Label for cancel button "Cancel"

3.4. Ajax actions

Ajax actions are added by method addAjaxAction($name, $sql, $configuration = array());. Parameter $name contains technical name of action. Parameter $sql contains DQL query. It may be a few queries separated by ";". The query can contain parameters :id or :ids.

Ajax actions has following additional configuration settings:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
description Action description, which will be displayed at the button such as action name
permission Allows to turn off the button, if it is prohibited by user permissions true
multiply If true it may be checked a lot of rows, if false it is to be checked only one row true
confirmed If true action requires confirmation false
confirmedMessage Сonfirmation message "Please confirm this operation"
confirmedTitle Сonfirmation window title "Warning"
confirmedOk Label for OK button "OK"
confirmedCancel Label for cancel button "Cancel"
callback Callback function (see below) null

When the DQL query is not enough (for example, to verify user permissions for each row), use the callback function. This function is passed an array of identifiers of selected rows. The function should return an errors array (key - row identifier, value - error text).

3.5. Advanced queries

When you create the tab, you specified Doctrine repository. When you add any column as the name specified the name of the field in the repository. As a result, the query will look like this SELECT, item.{{columnName1}} as col0, item.{{columnName2}} as col1 .... FROM {{repository}} item.

It has the ability to perform subqueries. To do this, as variable $name write a subquery:

    ->addColumn('number', 'SELECT COUNT( FROM TestBundle:TestEntity m WHERE m.fooFile =', array('description' => 'Use count'))

Also, it has the ability to perform join statments. To do this, as variable $name write a select part and add 'join' parameter:

    ->addColumn('image', 'file.contentFile JOIN item.fooFile file', array('description' => 'Image'))

With methods addWhereCondition, openWhereGroup, closeWhereGroup of TableListTab and with $configuration parameter whereType in addTab method of TableList you can manage WHERE statment of DQL.

With method groupBy of TableListTab you can manage GROUP BY statment of DQL.

4. Tree and order forms usage

4.1. Tree and order form creation

To create the tree form use the service:

$list = $this->get('sergsxm.ui')->createTreeForm($configuration, $treeItems);

To create the order form use the service:

$list = $this->get('sergsxm.ui')->createOrderForm($configuration, $orderListItems);

First parameter is a configuration array. Second parameter is array of list items (you may also load all Doctrine repository by specified loadDoctrineRepository configuration parameter).

Now you have TreeForm (Sergsxm\UIBundle\TreeForm\TreeForm) or OrderForm (Sergsxm\UIBundle\OrderForm\OrderForm) object.

TreeForm object contains following methods:

public function getView();
public function renderView($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:TreeForm:TreeForm.html.twig', $parameters = array());
public function render($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:TreeForm:TreeForm.html.twig', $parameters = array(), Response $response = null);
public function setReadOnly($readOnly);
public function getResult();
public function bindRequest(Request $request = null);
public function clear();
public function getFormId();
public function setFormId($formId);

OrderForm object contains following methods:

public function getView();
public function renderView($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:OrderForm:OrderForm.html.twig', $parameters = array());
public function render($template = 'SergsxmUIBundle:OrderForm:OrderForm.html.twig', $parameters = array(), Response $response = null);
public function setReadOnly($readOnly);
public function getResult();
public function bindRequest(Request $request = null);
public function clear();
public function getFormId();
public function setFormId($formId);

Below is a simple example of using tree forms:

$treeForm = $this->get('sergsxm.ui')->createTreeForm(array(
    'createEnabled' => true,
    'createCallback' => array($this, 'createTree'),
    'removeEnabled' => true,
), $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('\TestBundle\Entity\TreeEntity')->findAll());
if ($treeForm->bindRequest()) {
    echo 'Data saved!';
return $treeForm->render();

4.2. Tree and order item entity

Item entity for TreeForm must implements \Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\TreeInterface.

Each tree entity has a parent field and the order field. Value of the parent field can be a parent entity or integer ID (set by configuration). Value of the order field is an integer.

There is also nested set interface \Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\TreeNSInterface that extends TreeInterface. This interface has additionaly methods to set level, left and right keys for nested set algorithms.

Item entity for OrderForm must implements \Sergsxm\UIBundle\Classes\OrderInterface.

Each order list entity has a order filed.

4.3. Configuration parameters

TreeForm has following configuration parameters:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
createCallback Parameter required when createEnabled is true. Function witch called for tree item creation (see below) null
changeCallback Function witch called after tree item is changed (see below) null
removeCallback Function witch called after tree item is removed (see below) null
url Link to any page, for example edit page of the tree item (format describes below) null
createEnabled If true create function is enabled false
removeEnabled If true remove function is enabled false
readOnly If true tree form is locked for editing false
mapIdToParentProperty If true value of the parent field is integer ID, if false - entity false
loadDoctrineRepository Allow to load tree items from Doctrine repository (otherwise, you must specify tree items when you create a form) null
nestedSetFirstIndex First index value for nested set keys 1

Parameter createCallback must contains callback function with three parameters: $title, $parent, $order. $title is a title of new tree item. $parent is parent entity or null. $order is order of tree item in tree (integer).

Parameter changeCallback must contains callback function with three parameters: $item, $parent, $order. $item is tree item entity. $parent is parent entity or null. $order is order of tree item in tree (integer). This function call after changing parent and order fields of entity.

Parameter removeCallback must contains callback function woth one parameter: $item. $item is tree item entity to remove. This function call after call of remove method of entity manager.

Parameter url can be two formats. One of formats is string with custom URL (detecting by "/" symbol). In this string statment "{{id}}" will be replaced by row item ID. Second format is string with Symfony route. This string will by processed by Symfony routing service (with route parameter "id").

OrderForm has following configuration parameters:

Parameter Parameter description Default value
createCallback Parameter required when createEnabled is true. Function witch called for tree item creation (see below) null
changeCallback Function witch called after tree item is changed (see below) null
removeCallback Function witch called after tree item is removed (see below) null
url Link to any page, for example edit page of the tree item (format describes above) null
createEnabled If true create function is enabled false
removeEnabled If true remove function is enabled false
readOnly If true tree form is locked for editing false
loadDoctrineRepository Allow to load list items from Doctrine repository (otherwise, you must specify list items when you create a form) null

Parameter createCallback must contains callback function with two parameters: $title, $order. $title is a title of new item. $order is order of item in order list (integer).

Parameter changeCallback must contains callback function with two parameters: $item, $order. $item is order list item entity. $order is order of item in order list (integer). This function call after changing parent and order fields of entity.

Parameter removeCallback must contains callback function woth one parameter: $item. $item is order list item entity to remove. This function call after call of remove method of entity manager.

5. Notes

This bundle is just my own view of how should be organized in forms and lists. The code is few tested and may contain some bugs.

6. License

This bundle is under MIT license