
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A fast and simple scraper for the Twitter advanced search.

4.0 2022-02-15 11:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-05-23 10:09:43 UTC



composer require sergix44/twscraper


use SergiX44\Twitter\TwitterScraper;

$scraper = TwitterScraper::make()
	->search('near:Verona within:2km filter:images filter:hashtags', new DateTime('2019-06-15'), new DateTime('2019-07-22'))
	->setLang('en')// optional
	/** @var Tweet[] $tweets */
	->onChunk(function (array $tweets, int $totalTweets) { // optional
	}, true) // than flush? (useflul when processing lot of tweets and avoid memory exhausted errors)
	->setChunkSize(100)// optional
/** @var Tweet[] $tweets */
$tweets = $scraper->getTweets();

WARNING: if the flush is set to true, the method getTweets will return only the latest chunk of tweets!