
Pecom API wrapper for Laravel

v1.4.1 2023-12-17 09:23 UTC


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Laravel PECOM API Wrapper

Allows you to:

  • Find a City by query string
  • Find all Terminals in the City by City ID
  • Calculate a delivery price


You need to get Pecom API key and login. Key can be obtained in your cabinet at


composer require sergeevpasha/laravel-pecom


This package has a few configuration values:

'key'        => env('PECOM_KEY', null),
'user'       => env('PECOM_USER', null),
'prefix'     => 'pecom',
'middleware' => ['web']

If you only need to use PecomClient, you may completely skip this configuration. Otherwise, you can use default options and just specify PECOM_KEY and PECOM_USER at .env file. To make full use of predefined routes, you will need to publish config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SergeevPasha\Pecom\Providers\PecomServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Now you can change routes prefix and middleware to whatever you need

Use Case #1

After installing, you may just import the client

use SergeevPasha\Pecom\Libraries\PecomClient;

Now you need to initialize it:

$client = new PecomClient('user', 'key');

Now we can use these methods:

$client->findCity(string $query)
$client->getCityTerminals(int $cityId)
/* This one requires a Delivery Object, see next to see how to build it */
$client->getPrice(Delivery $delivery)

Delivery Object

To build a Delivery object you will need to pass an array to fromArray() method just like that:

    'arrival_city_id'                 => '123', // Arrival City ID, can be found using findCity() method
    'derival_city_id'                 => '123456', // Derival City ID, can be found using findCity() method
    'arrival_open_car'                => '1', // Boolean. Removable Curtains for arrival car
    'derival_open_car'                => '1, // Boolean. Removable Curtains for derival car
    'arrival_distance_type'           => '2', // Distance Type, Moscow ONLY
                                                  0 - NONE,
                                                  1 - Require transportation by Sadovoe Koltso
                                                  2 - Require transportation by Moscow district railway
                                                  3 - Require transportation by Third Transport Ring
    'derival_distance_type'           => '0', // Same as arrival
    'one_day_delivery'                => '1', // Boolean, day by day delivery
    'is_shop'                         => '0', // Boolean, sender is a shop
    'pay_date'                        => '2020-10-10', // Payment date
    'arrival_address'                 => '1', // Boolean, if delivery is required (means you are not using terminal)
    'derival_address'                 => '1', // Boolean, if pickup is required
    /* Next fields are not required */
    'require_insurance'               => '1', // Boolean, if you need to insure a cargo
    'insurance_price'                 => '100.50', // Total cargo cost to insure
    'arrival_service'                 => [
        'enabled'                     => '1', // Enable additional service on arrival        
        'arrival_service.floor'       => '10', // Floor to deliver
        'arrival_service.distance'    => '10', // Distance in Meters to deliver
        'arrival_service.elevator'    => '1', // Boolean, if there is an elevator
    'derival_service'                 => [    
        'enabled'                     => '0', // Enable additional service on derival
        'floor'                       => '10', // Pickup floor
        'distance'                    => '10', // Pickup Distance in Meters
        'elevator'                    => '1', // Boolean, if there is an elevator
    /* --- */
    'cargo'                           => [ // It's an array of arrays with cargo data
          'width'                     => '1', // Width in Meters
          'height'                    => '1', // Height in Meters
          'weight'                    => '1', // Weight in KG
          'volume'                    => '1', // Weight in M3
          'max_size'                  => '1', // Max dimension size in Meters
          /* Next fileds are not required */
          'protective_package'        => '1', // Boolean, if you need a protective package
          'total_sealing_positions'   => '4', // Total sealing positions
          'oversized'                 => '1', // Boolean, if cargo is oversized
          /* --- */

Use Case #2

There are some predefined routes, that will be merged with your routes as well. You may check it by using

php artisan routes:list

It actually exposes the same methods to the routes, so it should be pretty clear on how to use it. For more information on how to use it, please check out src/ folder.