
Dellin API wrapper for Laravel

v1.6.0 2024-07-21 08:07 UTC


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Laravel Dellin API Wrapper

Allows you to:

  • Find a City by query string
  • Find a Street by City ID and query string
  • Find Terminals in the City by City ID
  • Calculate a delivery


You need to get Dellin API key, login and password. Key can be obtained at


composer require sergeevpasha/laravel-dellin


This package has a few configuration values:

'key'        => env('DELLIN_KEY', null),
'login'      => env('DELLIN_LOGIN', null),
'password'   => env('DELLIN_PASSWORD', null),
'prefix'     => 'dellin',
'middleware' => ['web']

If you only need to use DellinClient, you may completely skip this configuration. Otherwise, you can use default options and specify some data in .env file:


To make full use of predefined routes, you will need to publish config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SergeevPasha\Dellin\Providers\DellinServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Now you can change routes prefix and middleware to whatever you need

Use Case #1

After installing you may just import the client

use SergeevPasha\Dellin\Libraries\DellinClient;

Firstly let's initialize our client

$client = new DellinClient('key');
    You may also authorize your user and get a session ID.
    You may use it in getPrice() method to adjust prices (Authorized users have lower prices)
$session = client->authorize('login', 'password);

Now we can use these methods:

$client->findCity(string $query)
$client->findCityStreet(int $city, string $query)
$client->getCityTerminals(int $city, bool $arrival = true)
/* This one requires a Delivery Object, see next to see how to build it */
$client->getPrice(Delivery $delivery)

Delivery Object

To build a Delivery object you will need to pass an array to fromArray() method just like that:

    'session_id'             => '12345', // User Session ID, Not required
    'delivery_type'          => '1', // Delivery Type, see available Delivery Types below
    'arrival_shipping_type'  => '1', // Shipping Type, see available Shipping Types below
    /* Only one of the following is required */
    'arrival_terminal_id'    => '123'
    'arrival_address_id'     => '123'
    'arrival_street_code'    => '123'
    'arrival_city_code'      => '123'
    /* --- */
    /* Next lines are NOT required */
    'arrival_worktime_start' => '12:30', // Time format HH:MM
    'arrival_worktime_end'   => '13:00',
    'arrival_break_start'    => '15:30',
    'arrival_break_end'      => '16:00',
    'arrival_exact_time'     => '1', // Boolean flag to show that there should be an exact time pickup a cargo
    'arrival_freight_lift'   => '1', // Boolean flag, specify if there is a lift on arrival location
    'arrival_to_floor'       => '10', // Floor level to deliver
    'arrival_carry'          => '100', // Meters to deliver
    'arrival_requirements'   => [
    ], // You can get these codes from getSpecialRequirements() method
    'derival_produce_date'   => '2020-10-10' // Date, when this order should be done (YYYY-MM-DD)
    /* Below are the same specs, but for the derival */
    'derival_shipping_type'  => '1', // Shipping Type, see available Shipping Types below
    'derival_terminal_id'    => '123'
    'derival_address_id'     => '123'
    'derival_street_code'    => '123'
    'derival_city_code'      => '123'
    'derival_worktime_start' => '12:30', // Time format HH:MM
    'derival_worktime_end'   => '13:00',
    'derival_break_start'    => '15:30',
    'derival_break_end'      => '16:00',
    'derival_exact_time'     => '1', // Boolean flag to show that there should be an exact time pickup a cargo
    'derival_freight_lift'   => '1', // Boolean flag, specify if there is a lift on arrival location
    'derival_to_floor'       => '10', // Floor level to deliver
    'derival_carry'          => '100', // Meters to deliver
    'derival_requirements'   => [
    'packages'               => [
    ], // You can get these codes from getAvailablePackages() method
    'ac_docs_send'           => '1', // Boolean flag to send accompanying documents
    'ac_docs_return'         => '1', // Boolean flag to return accompanying documents
    'requester_role'         => '1', // Requester Role, see available Requester Roles below
    'requester_uid'          => 'xxxx-xxxx' // Who is ordering delivery. You can get this UID from getCounterparties() method
    'cargo_quantity'         => '1', // Amount of packages to ship
    'cargo_length'           => '10', // Max package Length in Meters
    'cargo_height'           => '10', // Max package Height in Meters
    'cargo_width'            => '10', // Max package Width in Meters
    'cargo_weight'           => '10', // Weight in KG
    'cargo_total_volume'     => '0.05, // Volume in M3
    'cargo_total_weight'     => '10', // Total Weight in KG
    /* Next lines are NOT required */
    'cargo_oversized_weight' => '10', // Total Weight of oversized packages
    'cargo_oversized_volume' => '10', // Total Volume of oversized packages
    /* Only one is required */
    'cargo_freight_uid'      => 'xxxx-xxx', // Freight UID
    'cargo_freight_name'     => 'mybook', // Freight Name
    /* --- */
    'cargo_hazard_class'     => '1.1' // Cargo hazard level. Default and recommended is 0, unsless you know what you are doing
    'insurance_value'        => '100000', // Insurance value
    'insurance_term'         => '1', // Boolean flag, that specifies that you need to insure delivery time too
    'payment_city'           => '7700000000000000000000000' // KLADR Code of payment city
    'payment_type'           => '1', // Payment type, see below

Available Delivery Types

    AUTO = 0
    EXPRESS = 1
    LETTER = 2
    AVIA = 3
    SMALL = 4

Available Payment Types

    CASH = 0
    NONCASH = 1

Available Requester Roles

    SENDER = 0
    RECEIVER = 1
    PAYER = 2
    THIRD = 3

Available Shipping Types

    ADDRESS = 0
    TERMINAL = 1

Use Case #2

There are some predefined routes, that will be merged with your routes as well. You may check it by using php artisan routes:list It actually exposes the same methods to the routes, so it should be pretty clear on how to use it. For more information on how to use it, please check out src/ folder.