
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Formats Monolog's log lines to make them colorful when displayed in HTML.


Serendipity HQ Monolog HTML Line Log

A Monolog Formatter to make log lines colorful depending on their level.

Current Status

Coverage Maintainability Rating Quality Gate Status Reliability Rating Security Rating Technical Debt Vulnerabilities

Phan PHPStan PSalm PHPUnit Composer PHP CS Fixer Rector

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Install monolog-html-line-formatter via Composer

$ composer require serendipity_hq/monolog-html-line-formatter

This library follows the versioning conventions.

How to use Serendipity HQ Monolog HTML Line Formatter

// Crate a Monolog Logger
$logger = new Logger('The name of your Logger');

try {
    $handler = new TheHandlerYouChose($logFile, Logger::DEBUG);
    $handler->setFormatter(new MonologHtmlLineFormatter());
} catch(\Throwable $e) {
    throw $e;

// Now add some handlers

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composer global require symfony/thanks && composer thanks
to say thank you to all libraries you use in your current project, this included!