
A PHP wrapper for the official Favro API

Installs: 10 161

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 4

Watchers: 3

Forks: 7

Open Issues: 2


0.2.4 2018-04-01 13:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 03:13:23 UTC


Favro PHP Api

68747470733a2f2f7472617669732d63692e6f72672f7365726567617a68756b2f7068702d666176726f2d6170692e7376673f6272616e63683d6d6173746572 68747470733a2f2f7363727574696e697a65722d63692e636f6d2f672f7365726567617a68756b2f7068702d666176726f2d6170692f6261646765732f7175616c6974792d73636f72652e706e673f623d6d6173746572 68747470733a2f2f636f6465636c696d6174652e636f6d2f6769746875622f7365726567617a68756b2f7068702d666176726f2d6170692f6261646765732f6770612e737667 68747470733a2f2f636f6465636c696d6174652e636f6d2f6769746875622f7365726567617a68756b2f7068702d666176726f2d6170692f6261646765732f636f7665726167652e737667 68747470733a2f2f706f7365722e707567782e6f72672f7365726567617a68756b2f666176726f2d6170692f762f737461626c65 68747470733a2f2f706f7365722e707567782e6f72672f7365726567617a68756b2f666176726f2d6170692f646f776e6c6f616473


Library requires CURL extension and PHP 5.6 or above.


The recommended way to install this library is via Composer. New to Composer?

composer require seregazhuk/favro-api

Quick Start

First of all you need to select your current organization, because nearly all API requests require the organizationId of the organization that these call are being made against. You can set your current organization in two ways: by name or by Id.

// You may need to amend this path to locate composer's autoloader
require './vendor/autoload.php';

use seregazhuk\Favro\Favro;

$favro = Favro::create('', 'test');

// set your organization
$favro->useOrganization("My Organization");

// get all collections
$result = $favro->collections->getAll();

You can get all your organization and then set it by id:

// get your organizations
$result = $favro->organizations->getAll();
$organizations = $result['entities'];

// select the first organization

Rate limiting

To get your current rate limit information use getRateInfo() method:

$result = $favro->getRateInfo();

    'reset' => 2016-09-03T08:17:24.158Z
    'remaining' => 42
    'limit' => 50

Result will be an array of three elements:

Key Description
reset The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC.
remaining The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
limit The maximum number of requests permitted to make per hour.

More information about rate limiting is available in the official api docs.


Get all users

$result = $favro->users->getAll();

The response will be an array of users:

    "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
            "userId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
            "name": "Favro user",
            "email": ""

Get a user


Argument Type Description
userId string The id of the user to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->users->getById($userId);

The response returns a user object:

    "userId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "name": "Favro user",
    "email": ""


Get all organizations

$result = $favro->organizations->getAll();

The response will be an array of organizations:

    "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
            "organizationId" : "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
            "name" : "My organization",
            "sharedToUsers": [
                    "userId" : "fB6bJr5TbaKLiofns",
                    "role" : "administrator",
                    "joinDate" : "2016-02-10T14:25:58.745Z"

Get an organization


Argument Type Description
organizationId string The id of the organization to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->organizations->getById($ogranizationId);

The response returns an organization object:

    "organizationId" : "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "name" : "My organization",
    "sharedToUsers": [
            "userId" : "fB6bJr5TbaKLiofns",
            "role" : "administrator",
            "joinDate" : "2016-02-10T14:25:58.745Z"

Create an organization

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the organization.
shareToUsers array The users who will be invited to the organization. See below for a description of a user share object.

shareToUsers is also an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
userId string The userId of the existing user. Required if email is not provided.
email string Email. Required if userId is not provided.
role string The role of the user in the organization. Refer to organization roles. Required.
delete boolean Removes user from the organization if value equals to true. Optional.
$result = $favro->organizations->create($attributes);

The response will be the created organization:

    "organizationId" : "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "name" : "My organization",
    "sharedToUsers": [
            "userId" : "fB6bJr5TbaKLiofns",
            "role" : "administrator",
            "joinDate" : "2016-02-10T14:25:58.745Z"

Update an organization


Argument Type Description
organizationId string The id of the organization to update.
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the organization.
members array Update user roles in the organization. See below for a description of a user share object.
shareToUsers array The users who will be invited to the organization. See below for a description of a user share object.

shareToUsers is also an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
userId string The userId of the existing user. Required if email is not provided.
email string Email. Required if userId is not provided.
role string The role of the user in the organization. Refer to organization roles. Required.
delete boolean Removes user from the organization if value equals to true. Optional.
$result = $favro->organizations->update($organizationId, $attributes);

The response will be the updated organization:

        "organizationId" : "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
        "name" : "My organization",
        "sharedToUsers": [
                "userId" : "fB6bJr5TbaKLiofns",
                "role" : "administrator",
                "joinDate" : "2016-02-10T14:25:58.745Z"


Get all collections

$result = $favro->collections->getAll();

The response will be a paginated list of collections:

    "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
            "collectionId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
            "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
            "name": "My collection",
            "sharedToUsers": [
                    "userId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
                    "role": "admin"
            "publicSharing": "users",
            "background": "purple",
            "archived": false,
            "shareWidgetsByDefault": true

Get an collection


Argument Type Description
collectionId string The id of the collection to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->collections->getById($collectionId);

The response returns a collection object:

    "collectionId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "name": "My collection",
    "sharedToUsers": [
            "userId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
            "role": "admin"
    "publicSharing": "users",
    "background": "purple",
    "archived": false,
    "shareWidgetsByDefault": true

Create a collection

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the collection. Required.
starPage boolean Star the collection for authorized user. Defaults to false.
shareWidgetsByDefault boolean Share widgets to the collection members by default. Defaults to true.
publicSharing string Public share role for the collection. Refer to collection public sharing.
background string The background color of the collection. Refer to collection background.
shareToUsers array The users who will be invited to the collection. See below for a description of a user share object.

shareToUsers is also an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
userId string The userId of the existing user. Required if email is not provided.
email string Email. Required if userId is not provided.
role string The role of the user in the collection. Refer to collection roles. Required.
delete boolean Removes user from the collection if value equals to true. Optional.
$result = $favro->collections->create($attributes);

The response will be the created collection:

    "collectionId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "name": "My collection",
    "sharedToUsers": [
            "userId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
            "role": "admin"
    "publicSharing": "users",
    "background": "purple",
    "archived": false,
    "shareWidgetsByDefault": true

Update a collection


Argument Type Description
collectionId string The id of the collection to update.
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the collection. Required.
starPage boolean Star the collection for authorized user. Defaults to false.
shareWidgetsByDefault boolean Share widgets to the collection members by default. Defaults to true.
publicSharing string Public share role for the collection. Refer to collection public sharing.
background string The background color of the collection. Refer to collection background.
shareToUsers array The users who will be invited to the collection. See below for a description of a user share object.

shareToUsers is also an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
userId string The userId of the existing user. Required if email is not provided.
email string Email. Required if userId is not provided.
role string The role of the user in the collection. Refer to collection roles. Required.
delete boolean Removes user from the collection if value equals to true. Optional.
$result = $favro->collections->update($collectionId, $attributes);

The response will be the updated collection:

    "collectionId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "name": "My collection",
    "sharedToUsers": [
            "userId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
            "role": "admin"
    "publicSharing": "users",
    "background": "purple",
    "archived": false,
    "shareWidgetsByDefault": true

Delete a collection


Argument Type Description
collectionId string The id of the collection to be deleted.
$result = $favro->collections->delete($collectionId);


Get all widgets


Argument Type Description
collectionId string The id of the collection to filter by. Optional.
includePublic boolean Include publicly shared widgets. Defaults to false.
$result = $favro->widgets->getAll();

The response will be a paginated array of widgets:

     "limit": 100,
     "page": 0,
     "pages": 1,
     "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
     "entities": [
             "widgetCommonId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
             "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
             "collectionIds": [
             "name": "This is a widget",
             "type": "board",
             "publicSharing": "collection",
             "color": "purple",
             "sharedToUsers": [
                    "userId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
                    "role": "view"

Get a widget


Argument Type Description
widgetCommonId string The id of the widget to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->widgets->getById($widgetCommonId);

The response returns a widget object:

    "widgetCommonId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "collectionIds": [
    "name": "This is a widget",
    "type": "board",
    "publicSharing": "collection",
    "color": "purple",
    "sharedToUsers": [
            "userId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
            "role": "view"

Create a widget

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
collectionId string The collectionId of the collection to create the widget in. Required.
name string The name of the widget. Required.
type string The type of widget to create. Refer to widget types. Required.
color string The color of the widget icon. Refer to widget colors.
publicSharing string The public sharing level of the widget. Refer to widget public sharing.
shareToUsers array The list of users to share the widget to. See below for a description of a user share object.

shareToUsers is also an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
userId string The userId of the existing user. Required if email is not provided.
email string Email. Required if userId is not provided.
role string The role of the user on the widget. Refer to widget roles. Required.
delete boolean Removes user from the widget if value equals to true. Optional.
$result = $favro->widgets->create($attributes); 

The response will be the created widget:

    "widgetCommonId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "collectionIds": [
    "name": "This is a widget",
    "type": "board",
    "publicSharing": "collection",
    "color": "purple",
    "sharedToUsers": [
            "userId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
            "role": "view"

Update a widget


Argument Type Description
widgetCommonId string The common id of the widget to update. Required
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the widget. Required.
archive boolean Archive or unarchive widget. Requires collectionId to be specified in the request.
collectionId string The id of the collection where widget will be archived. Required if archive is included in the request.
color string The color of widget label. Look at widget colors.
publicSharing number The public sharing level of the widget. Refer to widget public sharing.
members array Update user roles on the widget. See below for a description of a user share object.
shareToUsers array The list of users to share the widget to. See below for a description of a user share object.

shareToUsers is also an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
userId string The userId of the existing user. Required if email is not provided.
email string Email. Required if userId is not provided.
role string The role of the user on the widget. Refer to widget roles. Required.
delete boolean Removes user from the widget if value equals to true. Optional.
$result = $favro->widgets->update($widgetCommonId, $attributes);

The response will be the updated widget:

        "widgetCommonId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
        "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
        "collectionIds": [
        "name": "This is a widget",
        "type": "board",
        "publicSharing": "collection",
        "color": "purple",
        "sharedToUsers": [
                "userId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
                "role": "view"

Delete a widget


Argument Type Description
widgetCommonId string The common id of the widget to be deleted. Required.
collectionId string The id of collection where widget will be deleted. Optional. If ommitted all instances of the widget will be deleted.

// or

$favro->widgets->delete($widgetCommonId, $collectionId);


Get all columns


Argument Type Description
widgetCommonId string The common id of the widget to filter by. Required.
$result = $favro->columns->getAll($widgetCommonId);

The response will be a paginated array of columns:

    "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
        "columnId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
            "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
            "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
            "name": "This is a column",
            "position": 0

Get a column


Argument Type Description
columnId string The id of the column to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->columns->getById($columnId);

The response returns a column object:

    "columnId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
    "name": "This is a column",
    "position": 0

Create a column

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
widgetCommonId string The widgetCommonId to create the column on. Required.
name string The name of the column. Required.
position string The position of the column on the widget. By default the column will be placed at the end of the widget. Optional.
$result = $favro->columns->create($attributes); 

The response will be the created column:

    "columnId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
    "name": "This is a column",
    "position": 0

Update a column


Argument Type Description
columnId string The id of the column to update.
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the column.
position string The position of the column.
$result = $favro->columns->update($columnId, $attributes);

The response will be the updated column:

    "columnId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
    "name": "This is a column",
    "position": 0

Delete a column

Deleting a column will also delete any cards that exist within that column.


Argument Type Description
columnId string The id of the column to be deleted. Required.
$result = $favro->columns->delete($columnId);


Get Get all cards

In order to use this endpoint you must specify either todoList or one of cardCommonId, widgetCommonId or collectionId.


Argument Type Description
todoList boolean Return cards from todolist only. Defaults to false.
cardCommonId string The common id of the card to filter by.
widgetCommonId string The common id of the widget to filter by.
collectionId string The id of the collection to filter by.
unique boolean If true, return unique cards only. Defaults to false.
$result = $favro->cards->getAll($params);

The response will be a paginated array of cards:

    "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
        "cardId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
            "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
            "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
            "columnId": "b4d8c6283d9d58f9a39108e7",
            "name": "This is a card"

Get a card


Argument Type Description
cardId string The id of the card to be retrieved. Required.
$result = $favro->cards->get($cardId);

The response returns a card object:

    "cardId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
    "columnId": "b4d8c6283d9d58f9a39108e7",
    "name": "This is a card"

Create a card

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
widgetCommonId string The widgetCommonId to create the card on. One of organizationId, widgetCommonId is required. If not set, the card will be created in the user’s todo list.
laneId string The laneId to create the card in. This is only applicable if creating the card on a widget that has lanes enabled. Optional.
columnId string The columnId to create the card in. It must belong to the widget specified in the widgetCommonId parameter. WidgetCommonId is required if this parameter is set.
parentCardId string If creating a card on a backlog widget, it is possible to create this card as a child of the card specified by this parameter. Optional.
name string The name of the card. Required.
detailedDescription string The detailed description of the card. Supports formatting.
assignmentIds array The list of assignments (array of userIds). Optional.
tags array The list of tag names or card tags that will be added to card. If current tag is not exist in the organization, it will be created.
tagIds array The list of tag IDs, that will be added to card.
startDate string The start date of card. Format ISO-8601.
dueDate string The due date of card. Format ISO-8601.
tasklists array The list of card tasklists.
$result = $favro->cards->create($attributes); 

The response will be the created card:

    "cardId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
    "columnId": "b4d8c6283d9d58f9a39108e7",
    "name": "This is a card"

Update a card


Argument Type Description
cardId string The id of the card to update. Required.
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the card.
detailedDescription string The detailed description of the card. Supports formatting.
widgetCommonId string The widgetCommonId to commit the card in. Optional.
laneId string The laneId to commit the card in. This is only applicable if creating the card on a widget that has lanes enabled. Optional.
columnId string The columnId to commit the card in. It must belong to the widget specified in the widgetCommonId parameter. Optional.
parentCardId string If commiting a card on a backlog widget, it is possible to create this card as a child of the card specified by this parameter. Optional.
addAssignmentIds array The list of assignments, that will be added to card (array of userIds). Optional.
removeAssignmentIds array The list of assignments, that will be removed from card (array of userIds). Optional.
addTags array The list of tag names or card tags that will be added to the card. If the tag does not exist in the organization it will be created.
addTagIds array A list of tagIds that will be added to card.
removeTags array The list of tag names, that will be removed from card.
removeTagIds array The list of tag IDs, that will be removed from card.
startDate string The start date of card. Format ISO-8601. If null, start date will be removed.
dueDate string The due date of card. Format ISO-8601. If null, due date will be removed.
addTasklists array The list of card tasklists, that will be added to card.
$result = $favro->cards->update($cardId, $attributes);

The response will be the updated cards:

    "cardId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "widgetCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
    "columnId": "b4d8c6283d9d58f9a39108e7",
    "name": "This is a card"

Delete a card


Argument Type Description
cardId string The id of card to be deleted. Required.
everywhere boolean If true, all copies of card will be deleted too. Defaults to false.
$result = $favro->cards->delete($cardId, $everyWhere);

The response returns an array of cardIds for the cards that were deleted.



Get all tags


Argument Type Description
name string The name of the tag to filter by. Optional.
color string The color of the tag to filter by. Optional.
$result = $favro->tags->getAll($params);

The response will be a paginated array of tags:

    "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
            "tagId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
            "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
            "name": "My tag",
            "color": "purple"

Get a tag

Argument Type Description
tagId string The id of the tag to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->tags->get($tagId);

The response returns a tag object:

        "tagId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
        "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
        "name": "My tag",
        "color": "purple"

Create a tag

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
cardCommonId string The common id of the card to post the tag on. Required.
name string The name of the tag. Required.
color string The color of the tag. If not specified, color will be selected randomly. Refer to tag colors.
$result = $favro->tags->create($attributes); 

The response will be the created tag:

    "tagId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "name": "My tag",
    "color": "purple"

Update a tag

Argument Type Description
tagId string The id of the tag to update.
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the tag to edit. Optional.
color string The color of the tag to edit. Optional. Refer to tag colors.
$result = $favro->tags->update($tagId, $attributes);

The response will be the updated tag:

     "tagId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
     "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
     "name": "My tag",
     "color": "purple"

Delete a tag


Argument Type Description
tagId string The id of the tag to be deleted. Required.
$result = $favro->tags->delete($tagId);


Get all tasks


Argument Type Description
cardCommonId string The card common id to filter by. Required.
taskListId string The task list id to filter by. Optional.
$result = $favro->tasks->getAll($params);

The response will be a paginated array of card tasks:

[  "limit": 100,
     "page": 0,
     "pages": 1,
     "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
     "entities": [
             "taskId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
             "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
             "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
             "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
             "name": "This is a task",
             "completed": false,
             "position": 0

Get a task

Argument Type Description
taskId string The id of the task to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->tasks->get($taskId);

The response returns a task object:

    "taskId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
    "name": "This is a task",
    "completed": false,
    "position": 0

Create a task

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
taskListId string The task list id to post the task on. Required.
name string The name of the task. Required.
position number Task position in the task list. Optional.
completed boolean Task completion state. Optional.
$result = $favro->tasks->create($attributes); 

The response will be the created task:

    "taskId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
    "name": "This is a task",
    "completed": false,
    "position": 0

Update a task

Argument Type Description
taskId string The id of the task to update.
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the task to edit. Optional.
position string Task position in the list. Optional.
completed string Task completion state. Optional.
$result = $favro->tasks->update($taskId, $attributes); 

The response will be the updated task:

    "taskId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
    "name": "This is a task",
    "completed": false,
    "position": 0

Delete a task


Argument Type Description
taskId string The id of the task to be deleted. Required.
$result = $favro->tasks->delete($taskId);


Get all tasklists


Argument Type Description
cardCommonId string The card common id to filter by. Required.
$result = $favro->tasklists->getAll($cardCommonId);

The response will be a paginated array of card task lists:

    "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
            "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
            "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
            "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
            "description": "This is a tasklist",
            "position": 0

Get a task list

Argument Type Description
taskListId string The id of the task list to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->tasklists->get($taskListId);

The response returns a task list object:

    "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
    "description": "This is a tasklist",
    "position": 0

Create a task list

Argument $attributes is an array and contains the following values:

Index Type Description
cardCommonId string The card common id to post the task list on. Required
name string The name of the task list. Required.
position string Task position of the task list. Optional.
tasks array The list of card task. Optional.
$result = $favro->tasklists->create($attributes); 

The response will be the created task list:

    "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
    "description": "This is a tasklist",
    "position": 0

Update a task list

Argument Type Description
taskId string The id of the task list to update.
attributes array Array of attributes to be updated.

attributes is an array with the following structure:

Index Type Description
name string The name of the task list to edit. Optional.
position number Task position of the task list. Optional.
$result = $favro->tasklists->update($taskListId, $attributes); 

The response will be the updated task:

    "taskListId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "cardCommonId": "tXfWe3MXQqhnnTRtw",
    "description": "This is a tasklist",
    "position": 0

Delete a task list


Argument Type Description
taskListId string The id of the task list to be deleted. Required.
$result = $favro->tasklists->delete($taskListId);


Get all comments


Argument Type Description
cardCommonId string The card common id to filter by. Required.
$result = $favro->comments->getAll($cardCommonId);

The response will be a paginated array of comments:

  "limit": 100,
    "page": 0,
    "pages": 1,
    "requestId": "8cc57b1d8a218fa639c8a0fa",
    "entities": [
        "commentId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
            "cardCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
            "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
            "userId": "b4d8c6283d9d58f9a39108e7",
            "comment": "This is a comment",
            "created": "2016-04-18T11:18:42.901Z",
            "lastUpdated": "2016-04-18T11:18:42.901Z"

Get a comment

Argument Type Description
commentId string The id of the comment to be retrieved.
$result = $favro->comments->get($commentId);

The response returns a comment object:

    "commentId": "67973f72db34592d8fc96c48",
    "cardCommonId": "ff440e8f358c08513a86c8d6",
    "organizationId": "zk4CJpg5uozhL4R2W",
    "userId": "b4d8c6283d9d58f9a39108e7",
    "comment": "This is a comment",
    "created": "2016-04-18T11:18:42.901Z",
    "lastUpdated": "2016-04-18T11:18:42.901Z"

Create a comment

How can I thank you?

Why not star the github repo? I'd love the attention!
