
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Selene event component

dev-development 2014-08-15 23:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2016-02-07 09:58:45 UTC


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Installation is done via composer.

Add selene/events as requirement to your composer.json file.

    "require": {

Run composer install or composer update

$ composer install --dev


Run tests with:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit



use Selene\Components\Events;

$events = new Dispatcher;


The Event Dipatcher

Attaching event handlers

Event handlers can be any valid callable objects. If you use the dispatcher with a DIC (Dependency Injection Container), attaching services as handler is also possible. e.g. myservice@handleStuff or just myservice if the services implements EventListenerInterface.


$events->on('event_name', $callback);

$events->on('event_name', function () {
    // …

$events->on('event_name', [$object, 'method']);

$events->on('event_name', 'Static::method');

You can also attach event listeners. An event listener must implement EventListenerInterface.


$events->addListener('event_name', $eventListener);
// same as
$events->on('event_name', $eventListener);
Execution priority

Dispatcher::on() as well as Dispatcher::addListener take an integer value as third argument, specifiying the execution priority of the handler callback. A callback with a higher priority value will be executed before a lower one.


$events->on('event_name', $callbackBefore, 10);

$events->on('event_name', $callbackMid, 5);

$events->on('event_name', $callbackAfter, 0);
Attaching event handlers only once

You can attach an event handler to execute excaclty one time. The handler will detach itself after being called the first time.


$events->once('event_name', $callback);
Detaching event handlers

You can either coose to remove a certain listener from a given event, or remove all listeners for an event.

If no event handler is given, all events that are registered under the given event name will be cancled.


// will cancel all eventhandlers for `event_name`


// will detach `$callback` for `event_name`
// other handlers bound to `event_name` remain untouched
$events->off('event_name', $callback);
Using the Event Dispatcher with Services

It is possible to use the event dispatcher with the service container.


use Selene\Component\Events\Dispatcher;
use Selene\Component\DI\Container;

$container = new Container;

$events = new Dispatcher($container);

//… or set the container:

$events = new Dispatcher($container);

You may annotate the handle method on the service id using the @ symbol, lik mysevice@mycallback. If your service implements EventListenerInterface, the handle annotation may be ommitted.

$events->on('event_name', 'my_listener'); // assuming SeviceListener implements

If you want to target a different handler method append @ followed my the method name to the service id

$events->on('event_name', 'my_service@eventCallbackMethod'); 
Dispatching events

The dispatch method takes three arguments $event_name, $event, and $stopOnFirstResult. The second an third arguments are optional. If no event is passed in as a second argument, the dispatcher will create


use \Selene\Components\Event\Event;

$event = new Event;
$events->dispatch('event_name', $event); // returns an array containing the results returned by the attached handlers.

// will stop broadcasting the event as  soon as the first result is being returned:
$events->dispatch('event_name', $event, true); 
// same as
$events->until('event_name', $event); 

After being dispatched, the event object will always have a name property equally to the the event name. Also, the dispatcher instance will be avaliable calling Event::getDispatcher().

Custom events

Of course you can create your onw custom event objects.


namespace Acme\Eventing

use \Selene\Components\Events\Event.

class AcmeEvent extends Event
    public function __construct(…)
        // do your setup
Get all attached handlers

// returns an array of all attached handlers

// returns an array of all handlers attached to `my_event`
Event Subscribers

Event Subscribers are utility classes that can subscibe to multiple events attaching one or more eventhandlers per event at once.

An Event Subscriber must implement the Selene\Components\Event\SubscriberInterface.


namespace Acme\Foo;

use \Selene\Components\Events\EventInterface;
use \Selene\Components\Events\SubscriberInterface;

class EventSubscriber implements SubscriberInterface
    public static $event;

    public function getSubscriptions()
        return [
            'foo_event' => [
                ['onFooEventPre', 100],
                ['onFooEventMid', 10],
                ['onFooEventAfter', 0]
            'bar_event' => ['onBarEvent', 10]

    public function onFooEventPre(EventInterface $event)
        return $event->getEventName() . '.pre';   // 'foo_event.pre'

    public function onFooEventMid(EventInterface $event)
        return $event->getEventName() . '.mid';   // 'foo_event.mid' 

    public function onFooEventAfter(EventInterface $event)
        return $event->getEventName() . '.after'; // 'foo_event.after'

    public function onBarEvent(EventInterface $event)
        return $event->getEventName();            // 'bar_event'

Now add the subscriber to the event dispatcher.


$subscriber = new Acme\Foo\EventSubscriber;

$events->dispatch('foo_event');  // => ['foo_event.pre', 'foo_event.mid', 'foo_event.after']
$events->dispatch('bar_event');  // => ['bar_event']

Removing a subscriber


The Event Queue Dispatcher

The EventQueueDispatcher can register eventlisteners and dispatch a array of events directly. By default, and if the event object inherits from Selene\Components\Events\Event, the event name will match your event class name, where the camelcase notation is divided by a dot (e.g. FooEvent becomes foo.event).

Otherwhise be shure to set the event name on your event object before dispatching it throut the EventQueueDispatcher.


use \Acme\Eventing\Event;
use \Acme\Eventing\EmergencyEvent;
use \Acme\Eventing\Listeners\EventListener;
use \Acme\Eventing\Listeners\EmergencyListener;
use \Selene\Components\Events\EventQueueDispatcher;

$dispatcher = new EventQueueDispatcher;

$eventListener = new EventListener;
$emergencyListener = new EmergencyListener;
$event = new QueueListener;

$dispatcher->addListener('event', $eventListener, 100); 
$dispatcher->addListener('emergency.event', $emergencyListener, 100); 

$events = [
    new Event,
    new EmergencyEvent
