This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Selene Dependency Injection Component

dev-development 2014-08-19 03:25 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2016-02-07 09:58:41 UTC


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use Selene\Components\DI;

$container = new Container;




$container->setParameter('my.param', 'param value');
$container->setParameter('my.options', [1, 2, 3]);

$container->getParameter('my.param');   // 'param value'
$container->getParameter('my.options'); // [1, 2, 3]

Defining a service

$container->define('my.service', 'ServiceClass', ['service args']);

Injecting a class instance as service

There're situations where it's not possible or not desired for a service being created by the container. Therefor you may inject a class instance as a service.


    ->define('service_id', 'InjectedClass')

    // ...

$container->inject('service_id', $instance);
Syncing dependencies on injected services

If your service depends on a nother service that is injected, you cannot rely on that dependency beeing declared on the service constructor. Instead you should use setter injected as described below. Setters relying on injected services are only called once all depencies are resolved.


Constructor injection

$container->setParameter('my.param', 'param value');

// passing a parameter to the constructor of a service:
$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\FooService', ['%my.param%']);
// or
$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\FooService')

// passing a service reference to the constructor of a service:

$container->define('other_service', 'Acme\OtherService');

$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\ServiceNeedsOtherService', ['$other_service']);
// or
$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\ServiceNeedsOtherService')

Notice the $ symbol in front of the service id. $ will indicate that you're referencing a service. You may also create a reference object instead of using the dollar notation.


use \Selene\Components\DI\Reference;

$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\ServiceNeedsOtherService')
    ->addArgument(new Reference('other_service'));
Setter injection

$container->setParameter('my.options', [1, 2, 3]);

// passing a parameter to a setter method of a service
$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\FooService')
    ->addSetter('setOptions', ['%my.options%'])

// passing a service reference to a setter method of a service

$container->define('other_service', 'Acme\OtherService');

$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\ServiceNeedsOtherService')
    ->addSetter('setOtherService', ['%other_service%']);

Sometimes you may find it easier to bootstrap a service using a factory. With regards to the DIC, a factory is a class method that takes certain (or no) arguments, and returns an instance of your service.

The factory method can be both static or none static. All arguments declared on the service definition will be injected to the factory method.


namespace Acme\Foo;

class ServiceFactory
    public function makeFooService($fooargs = null)
        return new FooService($fooargs);

$container->setParameter('foo.options', ['opt1', 'opt2']);
$container->setParameter('foo.factory.class', 'Acme\Foo\ServiceFactory');

    ->setFactory('%foo.factory.class%', 'makeFooService')


Currently there're two different scopes, container and prototype. Services are created as container by default. You may override this by setting the respective scope.

Note that you cannot change the scope of an injected servce to prototype.


$container->define('my_service', 'Acme\FooService')
Services and scope container

Services defined with a container scope will return the same instance each time the service is called.

Services and scope prototype

Unlike the container scope, setting the scope of a service to prototype will create a new instance of that service each time it is called.

Resolving a Service

All serices are lazy. A service is resolved the first time it is called.

$service = $container->get('my_service');


Serivices my also be aliased and resolved by their alias.

$container->alias('my_service', 'my_alias');

Service Inheritance

You may inherit dependencies from a parent service. The parent service can be concrete or abstract.

Note that the childservice will inherit both constructor and setter injected dependecies from its parent.


$container->setParameter('Acme\AbstractServiceClass', ['$foo_service']);
    ->define('parent_service', 'Acme\ConcreteServiceClass')

    ->define('concrete_service', 'Acme\ConcreteServiceClass')
    ->setParent(new Reference('parent_service'));

Building the Container

Dynamic dependency injection comes with a cost of overhead. It is, however possible to build a static container from a dynamic one. This is useful when using the DIC in a production environment.


use Selene\Components\DI\Builder;

$builder = new Builder($container);


The DIC can be configured using file loaders

Configuraion using xml

Example xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <parameter id="service.class">Acme\Foo</parameter>

        <service id="service" class="%service.class%"/>

use Selene\Components\DI\Builder;
use Selene\Components\DI\Loader\XmlLoader;
use Selene\Components\Config\Resource\Locator;

$loader = new XmlLoader($builder = new Builder($container), new Locator($paths));
