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This bundle provides some basic helpers for controllers.

0.1 2013-03-27 13:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:33:31 UTC


This bundle provides simple helpers for Symfony2 controllers.

Build Status


Require the package via composer:


    "require": {
        "seiffert/controller-helper-bundle": "dev-master",

Activate the bundle in your AppKernel:

Note: SeiffertHelperBundle has to be registered as well, since SeiffertControllerHelperBundle uses it as a dependency.


    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Seiffert\HelperBundle\SeiffertHelperBundle(),
            new Seiffert\ControllerHelperBundle\SeiffertControllerHelperBundle(),


The purpose of this bundle is to provide helper methods for controllers that have been specified as services. To avoid these controller having tons of dependencies, this bundle groups all those helpers a controller needs, and provides a single object which has all necessary helper methods. This helper object can be injected into your controllers like this:


    class: %my.bundle.controller.default.class%
        - @seiffert.helper.controller



namespace My\Bundle\Controller;

class DefaultController
    private $h;

    public function __construct($helper)
        $this->h = $helper;
    public function indexAction()
        return $this->h->render('MyBundle:Default:index.view.html');

Available Helpers

Currently, there are only a couple of helpers provided by this bundle. You can expect the number of helpers to increase in the near future.

  • DoctrineHelper: (these methods throw a MissingDependencyException if Doctrine is not active)
    • getEntityManager()
    • persist($entity = null)
    • flush($entity = null)
    • getRepository($entityName)
  • FlashMessageHelper:
    • addFlashMessage($type, $message)
  • FormHelper: (this method throws a MissingDependencyException if no form factory can be found)
    • createForm(FormTypeInterface $type, $data = null, array $options = array())
  • RouterHelper:
    • generateUrl($route, $parameters = array(), $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH)
  • SecurityHelper: (this method throws a MissingDependencyException if no authenticated user can be found)
    • `getCurrentUser()
  • TemplateHelper: (these methods throw a MissingDependencyException if no active templating engine can be found)
    • render($template, $arguments = array(), Response $response = null)
    • renderView($template, $arguments = array())
    • stream($template, $arguments = array(), StreamedResponse $response = null)