seblhaire / specialauth
- php: >=8.0
- illuminate/http: ^10.0|^11.0
- seblhaire/formsbootstrap: ^3.0
- dev-main
- 1.2.0
- 1.1.1
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- 1.0.48
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- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- dev-feature/separatecode
- dev-feature/splitcode
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-22 15:50:15 UTC
This library is based on Laravel authentication libraries (login, logout, password reset procedure) provided in Laravel Breeze but does not contain registration process. Instead, application accounts are created by users with administrator rights.
composer require seblhaire/specialauth
- Composer will automatically link the package with Laravel. But you still can explicitely add provider and facade to your
'providers' => [ Seblhaire\Specialauth\SpecialauthServiceProvider::class, Seblhaire\Specialauth\PasswordResetServiceProvider::class ]
- Publish package:
php artisan vendor:publish
- Config package (cf. below).
- See Formsboostrap package documentation to install it and set stylesheets and scripts.
- Complete templates.
- Apply database migrations.
- Adapt notifications.
- Create main admin account.
- Define user roles and profiles.
Configuration file specialauth
After publishing the package, modifiy file specialauth.php
to adapt it for your application. The configuration is accessible
: path before login, logout and password reset routes. Default'admin'
: route where to redirect user on login success. Default'adminhome'
: route where to redirect user on logout. Default'login'
: notification class used to send password reset mail. Cf below. Default:\Seblhaire\Specialauth\ResetPasswordNotification
: notification class used to send user creation mail. Cf below. Default:\Seblhaire\Specialauth\CreatePasswordNotification
: lists user roles for your application. Will be used to feed table in database. Default:['administrator', 'standard_user']
: lists user profile items for your application. Will be used to feed table in database. Default:[]
Mail Configuration
Your application must be able to send mails by using one of the methods on Laravel official documentation.
In file app/Http/Kernel.php
, replace line guest
by the following value:
'guest' => \Seblhaire\Specialauth\Http\Requests\RedirectIfAuthenticated::class,
In file auth.php
, replace value:
providers' => [
'users' => [
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => \Seblhaire\Specialauth\Models\User::class,
Web pages
After publishing the package, you can use and adapt the layout. You must include Formsboostrap package
scripts to use password utilities. Files can be found in resources/views/vendor/specialauth/public
Email templates
You should also adapt email templates to your application. Templates can be found in resources/views/vendor/specialauth/public/emails
You can define the header and footer for your application. All mails sent by your application can share the same layout. Finally, mail contents can be defined as in public/emails/email.blade.php
. Feel free to adapt it to your needs. Mail contents sent by your app are described below.
Database migration
This package comes with a database migration 2014_10_12_000000_specialauth_create_users_table
that includes all necessary Laravel migrations.
Delete files in your app's database/migrations
, since we modifiy Laravel default table structure.
Then run php artisan migrate:install
. Make sure that configuration file specialauth.php is completed with roles and profiles and finally run migration with php migrate --seed --seeder=UsersTableSeeder
to create and fill tables. Later you will need create
your first user.
Our package uses two notification classes for two processes. The first one is usual password reset notification that sends a link to an user who has forgotten his/her password which allows to define a new password. The second sends a link to the same procedure, but it is send to users newly created by a website administrator.
Notification \Seblhaire\Specialauth\ResetPasswordNotification
extends \Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\ResetPassword
. It overloads method buildMailMessage
that creates and returns an instance of \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage
. Theme is the css template stored in resources/views/vendor/specialauth/pubic/emails/themes
and markdown template in resources/views/vendor/specialauth/pubic/emails
. If you need change this notification, define your own notification class in /App/Notification
namespace. Refer to Laravel documentation to know how to format a notification mail.
Notification \Seblhaire\Specialauth\CreatePasswordNotification
also extends \Illuminate\Auth\Notifications\ResetPassword
, but extends more methods to customize mail.
If you want to create your own notification class, we suggest that you extend our package class and rewrite method buildMailMessage
You can use template and theme in other notification of your app.
Create main admin account
This package is designed for applications where users can not sign up to access to admin console, but must be invited by an administrator. When installing an app, you should create your webmaster account. In this package, we give an example file Createmainuser.php that you can adapt to your need and place in your app commands directory. Usually this command should be run only once. Then forms and routes in your application should be used to create users, using the same principles as in the command class.
User roles and profile
The package modifies default Laravel user model and adds role and profile tables. Model \Seblhaire\Specialauth\Models\User
uses Laravel standard traits and adds
Eloquent relationships to the Role
and Profile
model. If your app needs more relationships, such as links to logs, you can extend our User
You must first add profile names to the profiles
table, such as skin
to choose between themes, table_max_element
to get the user favorite element number in a table, etc. When you create your app, you can define profiles items in configuration and seed them into the database. You can add new profiles to new versions of your app or do it in your app.
Profiles are attached to user through table profile_user
. Profile value is stored in jsonvals
pivot value. You just have to store a JSON object such as
{"val": 20}
, or more complex object structures.
Profiles can be attached to users with $user->profiles()->attach(1, ['jsonvals' => '{"val":' . config('tablebuilder.table.itemsperpage') . '}'])
where value 1 refers
to the id
of the profile value in table profiles
. The config value here refers to default table size value in package TableBuilder. To change this value, we suggest to first detach value with $user->roles()->detach(1);
and attach new value.
If you need to access a profile value of the current user, use \Auth::user()->profile('table_max_element')->val
to retrieve the value of this profile item.
First of all, you should define precisely differents roles for your app users. Usually, apps define super users who can run all actions and ordinary users that only can do ordinary tasks. But you can define more roles. When creating your application, database migrations chapter shows you how to automatically insert your app roles. However, when updating your app you can easily create new roles, or your app could also allow users to insert new roles.
Users should have at least one role, but table structure allows users to have several roles.
To assign a role to a user, use $user->roles()->attach(1)
to attach role with id
1 in table roles
. To update roles, first detach all roles with $user->roles()->detach()
and re-attach updated list.
If you need to know if a user has a role, use $user->hasRole('administrator')
Then you must define how to use roles in your app.
Policies define conditions that must be met to allow actions that you can use in controllers. For eample, to update a user, your must either be this user or have adminstrator role. To display information on a user, you must be this user.
First, you must create a policy class:
php artisan make:policy UserPolicy
Define policies as in this example and then use for example this method to refuse user update.
if (\Auth::user()->cant('update_user', $user)) return redirect()->route('adminhome')
Dont' forget to register your policies in a Service provider file like this one. In this example, we also add Laravel gate rules that cas for example be used by a route middleware like this one.
Route to logout procedure is accessible with the POST method.
- Insert a link for the logout procedure, in a menu for example:
<a id="logout-drop-link" href="">Logout</a>
- Insert a hidden form that posts to your logout route.
<form id="logout-form" action="{{ route('logout') }}" method="POST" style="display: none;">
{{ csrf_field() }}
- Submit the hidden form with your link. Here is an example that uses jQuery library.
jQuery('#logout-drop-link').on('click', function(e){