
A Laravel library to generate forms based on Laravel Collective Forms & HTML, Boostrap 5 CSS Framework, RichText editor, and Icons provided by FontAwesome. Includes form management and validation.

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3.1.1 2024-06-22 15:17 UTC


By Sébastien L'haire

A Laravel library to generate forms based on Boostrap 5 CSS Framework. RichText editor, and Icons provided by FontAwesome. Manages also results inputs of packages DateRangePickerHelper, Uploader, and Tags input. Package demo available here. Includes form management and validation.

Formsbootstrap example image


  1. install package

composer require seblhaire/formsbootstrap See package documentations if you want to use related packages DateRangePickerHelper, Uploader and Tagsinput.

  1. Composer will automatically link the package with Laravel. But you still can explicitely add provider and facade to your config/app.php:
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
    "Form" => Seblhaire\\Formsbootstrap\\FormFacade::class
  1. Publish package (optionally).
$ php artisan vendor:publish
  1. For Javascript and stylesheets, see next section.

Javascript and stylesheets

On a webpage, every JS library and CSS stylesheets can be linked separately. If you choose this classical way, first dowload and install jQuery and Bootstrap. Then publish package files as explained above and put following tags in your template:

<script type="text/javascript" src="formsbootstrap/js/jquery.richtext.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="formsbootstrap/js/seb.formsbootstrap.js"></script>

Websites often use many libraries and stylesheets and browser must download many files before the site can be rendered properly. Modern websites come with a single compressed Javascript file which concatenates necessary scripts; same principle for stylesheets. With Laravel you can use Laravel Mix to compile files.

Use NPM package manager : npm install bootstrap jquery @fortawesome/fontawesome-free

Then your js source file should be something like this:

global.jQuery = require('jquery');
var $ = global.jQuery;
var jQuery = global.JQuery;
window.$ = $;
window.jQuery = jQuery;

For your stylesheet:

@import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';
@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome";
@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/regular";
@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid";
@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands";
@import "../../vendor/seblhaire/formsbootstrap/resources/css/formsbootstrap";
@import "../../vendor/seblhaire/formsbootstrap/resources/css/richtext";

Config files

Accessible through


Section formsbootstrap.classes contains class selectors that will be used for form validation, form reset etc. Section formsbootstrap.mandatory gives mandatory parameters for each form tag. Section formsbootstrap.editorTranslations contains translations for RichTextEditor. Finally section formsbootstrap.defaults contains default tag parameters.

In case you need change defaut values, use command php artisan vendor:publish and chose appropriate package in list. Then config files will be available in file config/vendor/seblhaire/.

Form tags

Templates have been defined in order to build forms rapidly in Laravel Blade templates. Example can be found in above mentionned demo site. The command that buils <form> tag is described in last subsection.


Form::bsHidden(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: mandatory id of field.
    • value: mandatory string or numeral values.
    • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • attributes: array of values to be added to input.


Forms::bsText(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: mandatory id of input.
    • labeltext: mandatory label of input.
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • value: prefilled value in input. Default null.
    • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
    • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
    • divclass: class to be added to div tag containing label and input. Default: "mb-3". Not useful if parameter input_in_div is false.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Text can be string or translation key. Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.


{!! Form::bsText(['id' => 'title', 'labeltext' => 'Title', 'required' => true]) !!}

Formsbootstrap text


Forms::bsNumber(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: mandatory id of input.
    • labeltext: mandatory label of input.
    • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • value: prefilled value in input. Default null.
    • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
    • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
    • divclass: class to be added to div tag containing label and input. Default: "mb-3". Not useful if parameter input_in_div is false.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Text can be string or translation key. Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.


{!! Form::Form::bsNumber([id' => 'number2', 'labeltext' => 'Number 2', 'value'=> 5, 'attributes' => ['min' => 0, 'max' => 10], 'helptext' => 'Please enter a number between 0 and 10', 'required' => true]);!!}

Formsbootstrap number


Forms::bsTextarea(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: mandatory id of input.
    • labeltext: mandatory label of input.
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • value: prefilled value in input. Default null.
    • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
    • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
    • divclass: class to be added to div tag containing label and input. Default: "mb-3". Not useful if parameter input_in_div is false.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Text can be string or translation key. Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.


{!! Form::bsTextarea(['id' => 'notes', 'labeltext' => 'Notes', 'required' => true]) !!}

Formsbootstrap textarea


Forms::bsEditor(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: mandatory id of input.
    • labeltext: mandatory label of input.
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • value : text to display in editor. Default: null.
    • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Text can be string or translation key. Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.
    • divclass: class to be added to div tag containing label and input. Default: "mb-3".
    • config: array of Javascript editor parameters (Cf. next paragraph).
    • configvar: Javascript variable to initialize several editors (Cf. next paragraph).
    • translations: array of translations.

Editor config

RichTextEditor can be parametrized by above config values. Editor can be initialized by several ways:

  • use configvar with a variable name, which contains a Javascript config variable:
<script type="text/javascript">
 var editorConfig = {!! Form::validateEditorParams([
     'imageUpload' => false,
     'fileUpload' => false,
     'fonts' => false
     'linkText' => 'Link content'
]) !!};

Default value is null

  • use config parameter. Default:
'config' => [
         'useParagraph' => true,
         'imageUpload' => false,
         'fileUpload' => false,
  • if both config and configvar have null value, then editor is filled with default values and text in English.

Text formatting

  • bold: default: true
  • italic : default: true
  • underline: default: true

Text alignment

  • leftAlign: default true
  • centerAlign: default true
  • rightAlign: default true
  • justify : default true


  • ol : default true
  • ul : default true


  • heading : default true


  • fontColor: default true
  • fontSize : default true
  • fonts : default true
  • fontList : array containing values:
    • Arial
    • Arial Black
    • Comic Sans MS
    • Courier New
    • Geneva
    • Georgia
    • Helvetica
    • Impact
    • Lucida Console
    • Tahoma
    • Times New Roman
    • Verdana


Better use Uploader

  • imageUpload : default false
  • fileUpload : default false


  • videoEmbed : default true


  • urls : default true


  • table: default true


  • removeStyles: default true,
  • code: default true


  • colors array of colors. Default: empty array


  • fileHTML Default: empty string
  • imageHTML Default: empty string


  • youtubeCookies : default true.

Developer settings

  • useSingleQuotes: default false
  • height Default: 0,
  • heightPercentage: Default 0
  • id: default empry string
  • class: default empty string
  • useParagraph : default false
  • maxlength: default 0
  • callback default null
  • useTabForNext: default false


  • translations: array of translations. Replace default translations by using keys in list above. Default value are defined in config('formsbootstrap.editorTranslations'). Default texts are listed next to keys. Text can be string or translation key. Cf below.
    • title : formsbootstrap::editor.title "Title"
    • white : formsbootstrap::editor.white "White"
    • black : "Black"
    • brown : formsbootstrap::editor.brown "Brown"
    • beige: formsbootstrap::editor.beige "Beige"
    • darkBlue: formsbootstrap::editor.darkBlue "Dark Blue"
    • blue: "Blue"
    • lightBlue : formsbootstrap::editor.lightBlue "Light Blue"
    • darkRed: formsbootstrap::editor.darkRed "Dark Red',
    • red : "Red"
    • darkGreen : formsbootstrap::editor.darkGreen "Dark Green"
    • green : "Green"
    • purple : formsbootstrap::editor.purple "Purple"
    • darkTurquois: formsbootstrap::editor.darkTurquois "Dark Turquois"
    • turquois : formsbootstrap::editor.turquois "Turquois"
    • darkOrange: formsbootstrap::editor.darkOrange "Dark Orange"
    • orange: "Orange"
    • yellow: formsbootstrap::editor.yellow "Yellow"
    • imageURL: formsbootstrap::editor.imageURL "Image URL"
    • fileURL: formsbootstrap::editor.fileURL "File URL"
    • linkText: formsbootstrap::editor.linkText "Link text"
    • url : formsbootstrap::editor.url "URL"
    • size : formsbootstrap::editor.size "Size"
    • responsive : formsbootstrap::editor.responsive "Responsive"
    • text : formsbootstrap::editor.text "Text"
    • openIn: formsbootstrap::editor.openIn "Open in"
    • sameTab : formsbootstrap::editor.sameTab "Same tab"
    • newTab : formsbootstrap::editor.newTab "New tab"
    • align: formsbootstrap::editor.align "Align"
    • left : formsbootstrap::editor.left "Left"
    • center: "Center"
    • right : formsbootstrap::editor.right "Right"
    • rows : formsbootstrap::editor.rows "Rows"
    • columns : formsbootstrap::editor.columns "Columns"
    • add: formsbootstrap::editor.add "Add"
    • pleaseEnterURL: formsbootstrap::editor.pleaseEnterURL "Please enter an URL"
    • videoURLnotSupported : formsbootstrap::editor.videoURLnotSupported "Video URL not supported"
    • pleaseSelectImage : formsbootstrap::editor.pleaseSelectImage "Please select an image"
    • pleaseSelectFile : formsbootstrap::editor.pleaseSelectFile "Please select a file"
    • bold : formsbootstrap::editor.bold "Bold"
    • italic : formsbootstrap::editor.italic "Italic"
    • underline : formsbootstrap::editor.underline "Underline"
    • alignLeft : formsbootstrap::editor.alignLeft "Align left"
    • alignCenter: formsbootstrap::editor.alignCenter "Align centered"
    • alignRight : formsbootstrap::editor.alignRight "Align right"
    • addOrderedList : formsbootstrap::editor.addOrderedList "Add ordered list"
    • addUnorderedList : formsbootstrap::editor.addUnorderedList "Add unordered list"
    • addHeading : formsbootstrap::editor.addHeading "Add Heading/title"
    • addFont : formsbootstrap::editor.addFont "Add font"
    • addFontColor: formsbootstrap::editor.addFontColor "Add font color"
    • addFontSize : formsbootstrap::editor.addFontSize "Add font size"
    • addImage: formsbootstrap::editor.addImage "Add image"
    • addVideo : formsbootstrap::editor.addVideo "Add video"
    • addFile: formsbootstrap::editor.addFile "Add file'"
    • addURL : formsbootstrap::editor.addURL "Add URL"
    • addTable : formsbootstrap::editor.addTable "Add table"
    • removeStyles : formsbootstrap::editor.removeStyles "Remove styles"
    • code : formsbootstrap::editor.code "Show HTML code"
    • undo : formsbootstrap::editor.undo "Undo"
    • redo : formsbootstrap::editor.redo "Redo"
    • close : formsbootstrap::editor.close "Close"


Form::bsEditor(['id' => 'text', 'labeltext' => 'Text', 'value' => $content]);

Formsbootstrap editor


Forms::bsEmail(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: id of input. Default "email".
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • labeltext: label of input. Default, content of translation key "E-mail". Text can be string or translation key. Cf below.
    • value: prefilled value in input. Default null.
    • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
    • verify: the email address format must be validated before the form is sent. Defaut: true. Cf below.
    • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
    • divclass: class to be added to div tag containing label and input. Default: "mb-3". Not useful if parameter input_in_div is false.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.
    • email_regex: regular expression used to verify password. Cf below.

Email verification

Email fields can be automatically verified by regular expression. This expression can be found in config(',email_regex'). It only verifies that a valid email address is used, but not that a mailbox exists and that the person who entered it in the form is its legitimate user.

If you want to check that the user that sent the form has access to the address, we suggest the standard verification procedure that is currently used by web application: in your main code, send an email which contains a link to a callback function in your code. Then email address is validated since the user must have access to the mailbox to read the validation mail. Laravel provides built-in services to verify email addresses.

Besides, in the form processing controller method, you should validate the email address on server side. Use something like this:

$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [
      'email' => ['string', 'regex:' . config('')],
if ($validator->fails()){
  return response()->json(['res' => $validator->errors()->all()]);

Emails can also be validated by 'email' => 'required|string|email:rfc'.

Javascript object

With this package, we provide a simple Javascript object that will be used by form validation. It is initalized automatically by our package.

jQuery('#email').sebEmailHelper({emailregex : /^ ... $/});

If you need validate your field in a function, just call

if (jQuery('#email').data('sebemailhelper').check()){


{!! Form::bsEmail[) !!}

Formsbootstrap email


Two tag methods are available.

  • first method provides a simple <input type="password"> and optionally validates password rules;
  • second method outputs a complete password change procedure, with (optional) old password, new password and password confirmation.
    • two options also allow passwords to be displayed in clear and to generate a new password.
    • old password can be verified either by a special route called before main form is submitted, or in main route itself.

Default password rules are:

  • min. 8 characters and max. 80 characters
  • at least one lower case character and one upper case character
  • at least one number
  • at least one symbol character among ^!?-_§=@$£¢€&§°[]{}*#%/.;,:+|()
Form::bsPassword(array $data)
Form::bsPasswordWithConfirm(array $data)

Common parameters to both methods

config('formsbootstrap.defaults.password_common') contains options available for the two methods;

  • min_password sets the minimal password length. Default is 8. This value is set by PHP constant PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH contained in package config file, since this value is used in password validation regular expression and in other values in the config file.
  • max_password sets the maximal password length. Default is 80. This value is set by PHP constant PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH, for the same reasons as PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH.
  • password_regex contains Javascript regular expression for password validation.
  • password_regex_php contains PHP regular expression for password validation.
  • authorized_special_chars contains the list of special chars authorized in passwords. NB: if you change this value, you must also modify the values in password_regex , password_regex_php and password_chars.
  • password_chars contains all characters authorized in passwords. NB: if you change this value, you must also modify the values in password_regex , password_regex_php and authorized_special_chars .
  • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Cf below.
  • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.
  • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
  • divclass: class to be added to div tag containing label and input. Default: "mb-3". Not useful if parameter input_in_div is false.

Parameters of password alone

config('formsbootstrap.defaults.password') contains options for the unique password field:

  • id: field id. Default : "password".
  • name: name of field, if different from id.
  • labeltext: label of input. By default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.password: "Password". Cf below.
  • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
  • validate: password must validate the password rules before the form is sent. Default false,
  • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
  • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
  • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
  • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.

Parameters of password with confirm

config('formsbootstrap.defaults.password-with-confirm') contains options for the password validation group:

  • oldpass: parameters for old password field. Content:
    • id: field id. Default: "old_password".
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • labeltext: label of input. By default, translation key formsbootstrap::messages.old_password: "Old password". Cf below.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: ['autocomplete' => "current-password"] which is required by password vaults.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
  • newpass: parameters for new password field. Content:
    • id: field id. Default: "password".
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • labeltext: label of input. By default, translation key formsbootstrap::messages.new_password: "New password". Cf below.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: ['autocomplete' => "new-password"] which is required by password vaults.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
  • newpassclear: parameters for new password field in clear. Content:
    • id: field id. Default: "password-clear".
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
  • confirmpass: parameters for confirm password field. Content:
    • id: field id. Default: "password_confirmation".
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • labeltext: label of input. By default, translation key formsbootstrap::messages.confirm_password: "Confirm Password". Cf below.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
  • pwdhiddenzone-id: id of <div> containing the password hidden by dots. Default: "password-hidden-div".
  • pwdclearzone-id: id of <div> containing the password in clear. Default: "password-clear-div".
  • show_old: must show the field "old password". Default: true.
  • show_generate: show the generate password button and the hide/show password button. Default true.
  • show_clear: show the hide/show password button. Default: true. Value false works only if show_generate option is also false.
  • show_rules displays a button that opens a modal that displays password rules. Here are related options:
    • showrulesbtntext : text that is displayed when mouse is over button. By default, translation key formsbootstrap::messages.showrules: "Show password rules". Cf below.
    • password_rules_modal_head: text used in password rules modal. By default, translation key formsbootstrap::messages.password_rules: 'Password rules'. Cf below.
    • password_rules_intro contains the text displayed in the modal before the rules list. Default translation key formsbootstrap::messages.password_rules_intro "Password must contain:". Cf below.
    • password_rules_list is used for an array of strings that will be used to build a bulleted list of rules. Default: empty array. If array is empty, function \Seblhaire\Formsbootstrap\FormsBootstrapUtils::complileRules() builds an array of rules based on translation keys formsbootstrap::messages.password_rule_length, password_rule_case , password_rule_number and password_rule_special_char and config entries found in config('formsbootstrap'). Cf below.
    • close_rules is the text use formsbootstrap::messages.close_rules Default "Close". Cf below.
  • generated_pass_length: length of password generated by "Generate password" button. Default: 12.
  • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
  • pwdbtngroup-class: class of inline buttons group in field "new-password". Default: "input-group".
  • pwdbtn-class: class of inline button in field "new-password". Default: "input-group-append".
  • togglebtn-class: class of hide/show buttons. Default: "btn btn-info".
  • toggledbtn-title: content of hide/show button to be displayed on mouse hover. Default: translation key "formsbootstrap::messages.display_pwd": "Display password". Cf below.
  • toggledbtn-icon-on: icon to button "show password". Default: <i class="far fa-eye"></i>. This icon is provided by Font Awesome package.
  • toggledbtn-icon-off: icon to button "hide password". Default: <i class="far fa-eye-slash"></i>. This icon is provided by Font Awesome package
  • generatebtn-icon: icon for "Generate password" button. Default <i class="fa-solid fa-gears"></i>. This icon is provided by Font Awesome package
  • generatepwdbtn-class: class of "Generate password" button. Default: "btn btn-outline-secondary",
  • generatepwdbtn-lbl: text of "Generate password" button. Default translation key: formsbootstrap::messages.generate: "Generate". Cf below.
  • generatepwdbtn-title: title of "Generate password" button to be displayed on mouse hover. Default translation key: formsbootstrap::messages.generate_long: "Generate new password". Cf below.
  • oldpass-feedback : feedback displayed on validation when old password is missing. Default translation key: formsbootstrap::messages.incorrectoldpass: "Old password incorrect or empty". Cf below.
  • oldpass-validfeedback: feedback displayed when old password is valid. Default: empty string.
  • invalid-feedback: feedback displayed when password is invalid, i.e. it is rejected by validation regex. Default translation key: formsbootstrap::messages.invalidpassword: "Password is invalid or empty". Cf below.
  • nomatch-feedback: feedback displayed when password and confirmation don't match or when confirmation is missing. Default translation key: formsbootstrap::messages.nomatchpassword, "Confirmation missing or does not match with password". Cf below.
  • nomatch-validfeedback: feedback to be displayed if password matches with confirmation. Default: empty string,
  • valid-feedback: feedback to be displayed when all verifications have been passed.
  • checkoldpassurl: old password can either be validated in an ad-hoc route, or in the form processing method itself. Default is null. If you want the old password to be validated before submitting whole form and to alter password, set this option with a route that accepts POST method and returns json result. Password validity can be returned to our password processing class either:
    • by using our standard callback method that checks values of two json values return by our route:
      • ok must be true or false to assert that password verification has been completed or not.
      • password_ok must be true or false to assert that password is correct or not.
    • by defininingy your own function that verfies password and by setting checkoldpass_callback with its name. Eg:
       			var chkpass = function(res){
       				return res.password_checked == 'done';

Javascript object

With this package, we provide a simple Javascript object that will be used by form validation. It is initialized automatically by our package.

    passregex : ...,

Object functions are called by input buttons or form validation but you can call them in other scripts:

  • jQuery('#password').data('sebpasswordhelper').generate() fills inputs with a generated password that passes rules;
  • jQuery('#password').data('sebpasswordhelper').toggleInputs() toggles visibility or invisibility of new password;
  • jQuery('#password').data('sebpasswordhelper').clearpass() empties password input(s);
  • jQuery('#password').data('sebpasswordhelper').checkStrength() verifies if new password passes rules;
  • jQuery('#password').data('sebpasswordhelper').checkIdentity() verifies that new password and confirm password are the same:
  • jQuery('#password').data('sebpasswordhelper').checkOldPass() verifies that old password is not empty; if you specify a route in config('formsbootstrap.defaults.password-with-confirm.checkoldpassurl'), this method also checks that old password is correct. Cf above.


{!! Form::bsPassword(['required' => true, 'validate' => false]) !!}

Formsbootstrap password

{!! Form::bsPasswordWithConfirm(['checkoldpassurl' => route('formsbootstrap_checkoldpass')]) !!}

Formsbootstrap password confirm


Forms::bsSelect(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • name: mandatory id and name of input.
    • labeltext: text of label
    • values: array of options (key => values).
    • default: key of default value.
    • multiple: select multiple values. Default: false
    • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
    • divclass: class to be added to div tag containing label and input. Default: "mb-3". Not useful if parameter input_in_div is false.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • required: a value is required.
    • feedback: a feedback must be dislayed after form validation.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.


{!! Form::bsSelect(['name' => 'priority', 'labeltext' => 'Priority', 'values' => ['lowest' => 'Lowest','low' => 'Low', 'medium' => 'Medium','high' => 'High','highest' => 'Highest'], 'default' => 'medium']) !!}

Formsbootstrap select

{!! Form::bsSelect(['name' => 'os', 'labeltext' => 'Operating system', 'values' => ['mac' => 'MacOs','windows' => 'Windows', 'linux' => 'Linux', 'vms' => 'Vms','unix' => 'Unix'], 'default' => 'linux', 'multiple' => true]) !!}

Formsbootstrap select multiple


Forms::bsCheckbox(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • name: mandatory id and name of input.
    • values: mandatory array of options (key => values).
    • checkedvalues: value to be checked. Default: empty array.
    • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • mainlabel: label including all checkbox inputs
    • mainlabelclass: class of main label. Default: "form-label"
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
  • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • mainattr: array of attributes of main div. Default: empty array.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • divclass: main <div> class. Default: "mb-3"
    • divelt: <div> class including each input. Default: "form-check form-check-inline".
    • switch field must be displayed in switch mode. Default false.
    • switch-class class for swicth mode. Default: "form-switch"


{!! Form::bsCheckbox(['name' => 'os', 'values' => ['mac' => 'MacOs','windows' => 'Windows', 'linux' => 'Linux', 'vms' => 'Vms','unix' => 'Unix'], 'checkedvalues' => ['vms', 'mac'],'mainlabel' => 'Operating system']) !!}

Formsbootstrap checkbox

{!! Form::bsCheckbox(['name' => 'languages', 'values' => ['en' => 'English', 'fr' => 'Français', 'de' => 'Deutsch', 'it' => 'Italiano', 'es' => 'Español', 'pt' => 'Português'], 'mainlabel' => 'Languages', 'switch' => true, 'required' => true]) !!}

Formsbootstrap checkbox switch

{!! Form::bsCheckbox(['name' => 'conditions', 'values' => ['accepted' => 'I agree to terms and conditions'], 'required' => true, 'invalid-feedback' => "You must agree before submitting."]) !!}

Formsbootstrap checkbox valid


Forms::bsRadio(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • name: mandatory id and name of input.
    • values: mandatory array of options (key => values).
    • checkedvalue: value to be checked. Default null.
    • required: the input must be filled to validate form. Default false.
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • mainlabel: label including all radio inputs
    • mainlabelclass: class of main label. Default: "form-label"
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default "form-control".
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
      • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • mainattr: array of attributes of main div. Default: empty array.
    • helptext: text to help, to be inserted above field. Default: empty string.
    • invalid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is not filled. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.required: "This field is required". Cf below.
    • valid-feedback: text to be displayed if mandatory input is filled. Default: empty string.
    • divclass: main <div> class. Default: "mb-3"
    • divelt: <div> class including each input. Default: "form-check form-check-inline".


{!! Form::bsRadio(['name' => 'priority', 'values' => ['lowest' => 'Lowest','low' => 'Low', 'medium' => 'Medium', 'high' => 'High','highest' => 'Highest'], 'checkedvalue' => 'medium', 'mainlabel' => 'Priority']) !!}

Formsbootstrap radio


Forms::bsColorpicker(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • name: mandatory id of input.
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • labeltext mandatory Label of input
    • value: HTML color code. Eg: ##ffaa94
    • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default: "form-control form-control-color"
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • mainattr: array of main div tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • divclass: main <div> class. Default: "mb-3"
    • title: Modal title. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.colorpicker "Click to chose a color". Cf below.


{!! Form::bsColorpicker(['id' => 'color', 'labeltext' => 'Color', 'value' => '#ff0000']) !!}

Formsbootstrap color picker


Forms::bsSelect(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • name: mandatory id of input.
    • labeltext: mandatory label of input.
      • name: name of field, if different from id.
    • value: default value. Default: null,
    • input_in_div: sets if label and input should be contained in a <div>. Default true.
    • inputclass: class of input tag. Default: "form-control form-range formsbootstrap-range"
    • labelclass: class of label tag. Default "form-label".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.
    • groupclass: class of <div> containing the range slider. Default: "input-group"
    • groupeltclass: class of <span> containing boundarie values. Default: "input-group-text formsbootstrap-inputgt"
    • groupeltresclass : class for current value. Default: "input-group-text"
    • showvalue: display current value. Default true
    • valueprefix: text before current value. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.rangevalueprefix "Selected". Cf below.
    • show_bounds: display boundary values (min and max). Default true.
    • labelattributes: array of label tag attributes to be added to default ones. Default: empty array.
    • divclass: main <div> class. Default: "mb-3"
    • min: minimum range value. Default null
    • max: maximum range value. Default null
    • step: increment value when you slide this element. Default null or 1.


{!! Form::bsRange(['id' => 'range', 'labeltext' => 'Range', 'min' => 0, 'max' => 10, 'value' => "3", 'required' => true]); !!}

Formsbootstrap range


Forms::bsSubmit(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: id of input. Default: "submit"
    • label: button text. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.send: "Send". Cf below.
    • class: button class. Default: "btn btn-primary".
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.


{!! Form::bsSubmit([]) !!}

Formsbootstrap send


Forms::bsButton(array $data)


  • data: array parameter. Content:
    • id: mandatory. id and name of input.
    • label: mandatory. Button label.
    • class: button class. Default: "btn btn-secondary".
    • action: Javascript code to be called on click. Default: null
    • attributes: array of input tag attributes to be added to default ones, Default: empty array.


{!! Form::bsButton(['id' => 'cancel', 'action' => 'alert("cancel clicked");', 'label' => 'Cancel']) !!}

Formsbootstrap cancel


Form fields must be included between <form></form>. You just have to use the following functions. Then a Javascript object is created for form validation.

Form::bsOpen(array $data)

Form automatically inserts a hidden input that contains CSRF token. It also can insert automaticallly the submit button and optionally other buttons. And it can build a hidden alert div to contain form submit results.


  • data array parameter

    • id: mandatory form id tag.
    • action: route to form script. Default null.
    • method: define method used to send form. Default: post
    • validate: add validation to form. Default: true.
    • class: css class(es). Default: empty.
    • options: additional options. Default: []
    • checkonleave : verifies whether form has been submited when values have been modified and user clicks to leave the page.
    • ajaxcallback: mandatory name of callback function that can be called after form has been processed. The function must return a string that will be displayed as result message.
     var processform = function(data){
     	return data.success + ' ' + data.formcontent;

    For this function, your form processing controller method should return json results return response()->json(['ok' => true, 'message' => 'Success!', 'formcontent' => ...form content...]. In more sophisticated applications, callback method can refresh other elements on page, display a new page etc. See below.

    • filldatacallback : callback function called after form has been filled with values. Default null. Cf below.
    • data_build_function: function to build data send to form processing. Default null. In most cases, the below-mentionned Javascript object builds data for us. But if you include form fields that are not listed in the top of this document and not processed by this form package, you can define a custom function like:
    var builddata = function(){
       return Array(
         { name: "main_id", value: jQuery('#main_id').val() },
         { name: "title", value: jQuery('#title').val() },
    • csrf: csrf token, automatically initialized on form creation.
    • remove_validation_function: callback function used to remove validation messages for custom field. Use this fuction if your form contains fields that are not listed in the top of this document and not processed by this form package. Default: null.
    • clearonclick_function: if you have validation message on your form and click on a field that has a message, this message is removed. Use this fuction if your form contains fields that are not listed in the top of this document and not processed by this form package. Default: null.
    • validate_function callback function called when form is validated. Use this fuction if your form contains fields that are not listed in the top of this document and not processed by this form package. The function must return true when all fields are valid, false otherwise. Default: null.
    • clear_function: calback function if you empty your form by the reset() function, se this fuction if your form contains fields that are not listed in the top of this document and not processed by this form package. Default: null.
    • resetvalues: values to be used on form reset to fill hidden values. Eg: ['id' => 0, 'type' => 'article']. Default: [].
    • check_modified_on_reset: on form resetting, sets whether user has to confirm the erasing of modified values. Default: true.
    • modified_on_reset_confirm_text: text to be displayed in the confirmation box if form user wants to reset a modified form. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.modified_on_reset_confirm_text: "This form has been modified. Are you sure you want to reset it ?". Cf below.
    • buildbuttons: automatically insert submit button and optionally other buttons. Default: true.
    • buttondivclass: class for div containing buttons. Default: mb-3 btngroup.
    • submitbtnclass: class of submit button. Default: btn btn-primary.
    • submitbtnlbl: label for submit button. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.send: "Send". Cf below.
    • additionalbuttons: list of additional buttons contained in array. Default: []. In above example, we have 2 buttons, identified with parameter id, Button class is in class and button value in value. [['id' => 'cancelBtn', 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary', 'value' => 'Cancel'], ['id' => 'filldata', 'class' => 'btn btn-warning', 'value' => 'Fill form with example data']]
    • evalajaxres_callback: form result succes evaluation function. Default null. <script> var evalres = function(res){ return res.formresult == 'success'; } </script> Here we define a function that checks value formresult returned by a form. See below.
    • evalajaxres_resultmessage: retrieves error message returned by form processing method. Default null. <script> var resmsg = function(res){ return res.msg; } </script> Here we define a function that checks value msg returned by a form. See below.
      • buildresultalert: build a hidden resut div just before buttons, that is used to display form result. Default: true.
      • alertcommonclass: div class to use both with error and success result. Default: alert.
      • alertsuccessclass: class added to div in case of success result. Default: alert-success.
      • alerterrorclass: class added to div in case of error result. Default: alert-danger.
      • alertdisplaytimeok : time in ms to keep success message displayed. Default: 4000.
      • alertdisplaytimefalse : time in ms to keep error message displayed. Default: 8000.
      • resultok: message to display on form success result if another message has not been defined. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.resultok: "Result OK". Cf below.
      • resultfalsemessage to display on form error result if another message has not been defined. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.resultfalse: "Processing error". Cf below.
    • tokenexpired: message to display when token has expired (HTTP error 419) after a long inactivity. Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.tokenexpired: "Token expired. Please reload form". Cf below.
    • nonauthorized: message to display if a (HTTP error 403). Default: translation key formsbootstrap::messages.nonauthorized: "You are not allowed to perform this action". Cf below.

Form select classes

With jQuery, you can use classes to select elements. Eg jQuery('.verify') select all items in the current page that contain this class. You don't have to define CSS styles for these classes, but you can.

Required fields verification

These classes select elements that must not be empty:

  • requiredclass select all form inputs that do not require a special procedure. Default "verify". This class is inserted automatically by our scripts when required.
  • requiredcheckclass: select all <input type="checkbox"> <div> containers. Default "verify-check". This class is inserted automatically by our scripts when required.
  • selcheckclass: select <div> containing goups of checkboxes. Default: "selcheck". This class is inserted automatically by our scripts when required.
  • requiredspecialclass : select editor inputs, uploaders, daterange and tags fields, that need a special processing. Default: "verify-special". NB: this class must be manually added to element that must be checked.

Elements special verifications

Some form elements have special verification rules that verify well-formedness. These classes are automatically inserted when needed:

  • verifymailclass: select all <input type="email">. Default: "verify-email".
  • verifypassclass: select password input groups. Default: "verify-pass".
  • verifypassmatchclass : select password confirmation input. Default: "verify-pass-match".
  • verifypassold: select old password input. Default: "verify-pass-old".

Form reset class

When form reset function is called, we select fields by following classes. These classes are automatically added to elements, except the last one:

  • resettextclass: class to select <input> field that can be reset.. Default: "resettext".
  • resetselectclass: class to select <select> that can be reset. Default: "resetselect"'.
  • resetcheckclass : class to select <input type="check">. Default: "resetcheck".
  • resetradioclass: class to select <input type="radio">. Default: "resetradio".
  • resetspecialclass: select editor inputs, uploaders, daterange and tags fields, that need a special processing. Default: "resetspecial". NB: this class must be manually added to element that must be checked.

Javascript form processing object

With this package, we have built a Javascript object that processes form events, validates form and sends form results to a callback function. It is automatically initiallized with the parameter values.

jQuery('#form_complete').sebFormHelper({ ... })

Usually you don't have to call this object methods by yourself. Here we describe the public methods, though Javascrip does not allow to distinguish private, protected and public methods:


This function can be used to submit form without pushing the usual submit button. This method validates the form before submitting it and then processes result:


Form success is evaluated first to see if we display an error message or go on with success callback actions.

  • if a function is defined in option evalajaxres_callback, we use the return value;
  • otherwise, we check values returned by form and check ok parameter, which must be true of false.
Errors messages
  • If form processing launches an exception, the default error message will be displayed.
  • If form processing returns error messages (eg. Laravel form validation errors), we try retrieve the message: please make sure every necessary field is filed.
    • If a function is defined in evalajaxres_resultmessage, we use the returned value.
      • If not, we return the string contained in message parameter.


Validates the form, usually called by the submit function. Returns true when validation has passed but false if it fails. If you have defined the validate_function parameter, this callback function will also be called.



This method stores all fields content in an object property that is used to check if form values have been saved before the form user leaves the page.



This method checks if form data has been modified since last call of save() method. Returns true or false.

if (jQuery('#form_complete').data('sebformhelper').save()){


You will probaly need to fill your form with existing data in your database that the form user needs to modify. First write a controller method linked to a route that returns the values you need in a Json object. Object keys must be the same as your form name and values must be compatible.

public function loadData(Request $request){
	/** load data from database**/
	$data = Article::find($request->input('id'));
	return response()->json([
      'ok' => true,
      'data' => [
        'main_id' => $data->id,
        'title' => $data->title,

Then call this controller method with Ajax:

    url: '{!! route('loaddata') !!},
    encoding: 'utf8',
    type: 'post',
    dataType: 'json',
    cache: false,
    headers: {
      'X-CSRF-Token': '{!! csrf_token() !!}'
    if (res.ok){

Then fields in your form with id corresponding with result keys will be filled. It also works with other compatible packages mentioned on this document top. If you have defined a function for the parameter filldatacallback, this callback will be used to fill other fields. Method save() is called after form has been filled.


This method just erases all validation messages.



Resets the form, i.e. empties all values and reset the default ones. If parameter check_modified_on_reset is true, a confirmation box is displayed with tthe text of parameter modified_on_reset_confirm_text. If you have defined a callback function with parameter clear_function, it will be called as well.



Displays error message in div before buttons.



Displays success message in div before buttons.



Display message in div before buttons, by overriding default values.

  • message contains message to display
  • isok is a boolean value to set if we display error or success message.
  • delay to display message before hiding it
  • classok class(es) for succes message
  • classerror class(es) for error message
jQuery('#form_complete').data('sebformhelper').alertresult(message, isok, delay, classok, classerror)


  'id' => 'form_complete',
  'action' => route('formsbootstrap_processform'),
  'ajaxcallback' => 'processform',
  'filldatacallback' => 'datafill'

Translation keys

Laravel loads config files very early in process. Thus config files cannot contain __('translation.key'). Therefore, we made an helper either to print directly strings or to send translation key to translation helper. Translation keys can be delimited by character #- Ex: "#formsbootstrap::messages.required#".

In templates, helper is called by eg: Form::translateOrPrint($data['oldpass']['labeltext']);

Feel free to translate keys in your own language and either to send it to the author or to do a merge request on GitHub.

Questions? Contributions?

Feel free to send feature requests or merge request to the author or simply to ask questions.