
Store and access contextual request data with ease

v1.0.0 2022-07-31 20:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-09 06:11:56 UTC


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This package makes managing contextual data about a request a breeze. It might be helpful to think of Request Contexts as an alternative to session data, the difference being Request Contexts only persist for the lifespan of the request.

For example, you can retrieve the authenticated User's active Team like so:

$currentTeam = Request::context()->get('currentTeam');


You can install the package via composer:

composer require scuttlebyte/laravel-request-context

Note: Laravel 5.4+ is required.


Register context for later use in the request

Request::context()->put('currentTeam', Request::user()->teams->first());

Access Request Context by key

$currentTeam = Request::context()->get('currentTeam');

Request Contexts don't have to be Eloquent models:

Request::context()->put('currentTeamTaskCount', Request::user()->teams->first()->tasks->count());

$count = Request::context()->get('currentTeamTaskCount');
// int(10)
Request::context()->put('teamOwner', Request::user()->teams->first()->owner->name);

$owner = Request::context()->get('teamOwner');
// string(14) "Martha Stewart"
Request::context()->put('teamProperties', Request::user()->teams->first()->properties);

$properties = Request::context()->get('teamProperties');
// array(1) {
//   'foo' =>
//   string(3) "bar"
// }

The sky is pretty much the limit. You can even pass an array of contexts in:

    'currentTeamTaskCount' => Request::user()->teams->first()->tasks->count(),
    'teamOwner' => Request::user()->teams->first()->owner->name

$count = Request::context()->get('currentTeamTaskCount');
// int(10)

$owner = Request::context()->get('teamOwner');
// string(14) "Martha Stewart"

Facade & helper

Go ahead, there's no judgement here.

Facade Context:

// store it
Context::put('currentTeam', Request::user()->teams->first());

// get it
$currentTeam = Context::get('currentTeam');

Helper method context():

// store it
context('currentTeam', request()->user()->teams->first());

// get it
$currentTeam = context('currentTeam');

Where to bind Contexts?

A Middleware is the perfect candidate:


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;

class StoreTeamRequestContext
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $request->context()->put('currentTeam', $request->user()->teams()->first());
        return $next($request);

But why?

Accessing contextual data through chained Eloquent relationships and helpers leaks implementation details throughout your application, and often leads to a lot of similar and repeated lines of code.

This package does its best to aid you in the following ways:

  • Explicitly binds contextual data in a single location
  • Makes refactoring contextual relationships much easier and less risky
  • Context values are easily retrieved anywhere you have access to a Request object without memorizing chained eloquent relationships


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Spatie for their commitment to open source and the Laravel community (and for the skeleton used to create this package!)


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.