
Breadcrumbs component for Nette Framework

v1.1.1 2024-11-27 11:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 11:50:42 UTC


Breadcrumbs component for Nette Framework (2.x and 3.x branch)

Inspired by Geniv/nette-breadcrumb


$ composer require sasule/breadcrumb


First activate extension in your config.neon or common.neon (based on version of Nette framework)

    breadcrumb:		Sasule\Breadcrumb\DI\BreadcrumbExtension

Then inject into your presenter and create component:

 * @var Sasule\Breadcrumb\Breadcrumb
private $breadcrumb;

 * @param Sasule\Breadcrumb\Breadcrumb $breadcrumb
public function injectBreadcrumb(Sasule\Breadcrumb\Breadcrumb $breadcrumb)
    $this->breadcrumb = $breadcrumb;


 * @return Sasule\Breadcrumb\Breadcrumb
protected function createComponentBreadcrumb()
    $bc = $this->breadcrumb;
    //$bc->addLink('Domů', ':Default:Homepage:default');  //You can add default links so this will be shown everytime (if uncommented).
    return $bc;

Then in your template:

{control breadcrumb}

...and you are done.


Method Description
setTemplateFile(string $templateFile) Sets another template. Use full path to template file.
addLink(string $title, string $target, array $parameters = []) Ads new link. $title Title which will be shown. $target Target of link. Expected in Nette format. $parameters Link parameters as usual.
addLinkLocalised(string $title, string $target, array $parameters = []) Ads new localised link. Parameter $title is translated. Meaning of parameters is same as above.