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SMS Driven Survey - PHP

v1.0.5 2015-04-26 17:22 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 16:31:02 UTC


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SMS Survey Manager

About this Library

Twilio is a text messaging service which allows you to interact with your users/clients/community via text messages. No need for smart phones or building apps.

This library uses twilio to conduct surveys. This project was born out of a need for non-profit groups to survey their communities for feed back (mostly after an event/class/seminars) without paying lots and lots of money. offers a discounted rate for 501(c)3 organizations, which makes it ideal.


Adding a survey

Add a survey

List of active and disabled surveys:

survey list

Adding a question to a survey

Adding Questions

Survey Report (Text was all sample text)

Survey Report


Manage Survey

You can create as many surveys as you want, all running at the same time. Surveys can be created via the admin interface. The admin interface also gives you pie and bar charts of your survey answers to easily digest the results.

Survey Questions

Survey questions can be of the following types

  1. Text
  2. Yes/No
  3. 5 start rating.

You can have as many questions as you want per survey. Although you should minimize questions to 2 or 3.

Starting a Survey

Surveys are activated by texting the survey name to your assigned twilio phone number. The user than has 10 minutes to complete the survey.


Install via Composer

    "require": {
        "sarhanm/sms-survey": "1.0.2"        

Install Manually

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Run composer to install all dependencies

php composer.phar install

Note: You can download composer.phar from

Test Manual Setup

php vendor/bin/phpunit tests/

NOTE: By default, this does not test your database setup as the tests are run against a in-memory database. If you would like to test against a real database, just change the $test in survey-db-config.php to reference your database.

Database Configuration

1. Create a file named "survey-db-config.php"

File should contain the following:

    die("Improper use of file!");

return array(
    "test" => array(
        'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
        'memory' => true)
    "production" => array(
        'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',

Driver options can be found on Doctrin's documentation page.

This file will be discovered in the following way

  1. Look for a PHP named constant with the path to the above file. Make sure its defined before you instantiate any of the survey classes.

    define('SURVEY_DB_CONFIG_PATH', 'path/to/db/config/survey-db-config.php');
  2. Look for the file survey-db-config.php in the include_path via stream_resolve_include_path

  3. Look for the file survey-db-config.php in the cwd() or in cwd()/config.

2. Setup Doctrine's cli-config.php File

NOTE: This only applies if you installed this library via composer. Otherwise the cli-config.php file already exists in the correct location at the root.

Doctrine looks for a cli-config.php file at the root directory.

Add a cli-config.php file either in your root directory or in a folder named "config" in your root directory.

The contents of the cli-config.php should be

require './vendor/sarhanm/sms-survey/config/cli-config.php';

3. Generate the SQL code to create DB tables.

php vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create  --dump-sql

Take the output and run in your database.

You can alternatively let doctrine execute the sql statements for you as long as you've properly configured your database. Usually you'll want to run dump-sql first to verify things are setup correctly before the below command.

php vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create

You can see other options by passing a -h to the above command.

Twilio Setup

NOTE: You will need to create and setup your own account

In your Twilio Request Handler, add the following

//Order does matter. 
//Do the require before the session start so (de)serialization is aware
//of all the loaded classes.

$twilioRequest = new \sarhan\survey\TwilioRequestHandler();

$twilioAccountAuthToken = "myTwilioAuthToken";

$response = $twilioRequest->handleRequest($twilioAccountAuthToken);

    echo $response->getContent();
    echo "Invalid Twilio Request";

Admin pages

Admin pages are available to manage your surveys and view reporting.

Warning: These pages are rough, quick and dirty implementations. They need a lot of work. They are also not secure. You should put some password protection on those directories/files