
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the philkra/elastic-apm-php-agent package instead.

PHP Agent for Elastic APM

v0.2.1 2018-11-21 14:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-05-22 08:31:53 UTC


Packagist Scrutinizer PHP from Packagist

Unofficial PHP agent for Elastic APM (>=6.5). It is no longer maintained, use this package instead.

This package also ships with the helpers for easy integration with your existing project and libraries like Doctrine, Guzzle etc.



composer require samuelbednarcik/elastic-apm-agent


Create an agent configuration object

$config = new AgentConfiguration();
$config->setServerUrl('http://localhost:8200'); // elastic apm server

// create metadata which will be applied to the transaction
$metadata = new Metadata();

Create an agent instance

$agent = new Agent(
    new Client(),
    new ElasticAPMSerializer()

Call start method as soon as possible in your code. Request start time is retrieved from the REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT server variable. If you don't provide a request instance, it will be created from the global variables. Start method will also return a transaction instance.

$transaction = $agent->start($request);

Call stop function at the end of the code. Optionally, if you are using symfony request/response, you can use transaction builder to generate a context for the transaction. By calling the stop method, all spans from collectors will be collected. This function will also return a transaction.

$transaction = $agent->stop();
    TransactionBuilder::buildContext($request, $response)

After that, you can call sendAll method which will send all informations to APM server.

try {
} catch (GuzzleException $e) {
    // log an error

Span Collectors

Span collectors are used for extracting informations about events which happens in the external libraries like doctrine or guzzle.

You can register collectors when creating an agent instance

$agent = new Agent(
    new Client(),
    new ElasticAPMSerializer(),
        new MyCollector()

Agent will collect spans from all registered collectors after calling the stop method.

Distributed tracing

Distributed tracing headers are automatically handled by the agent, the only thing you have to do is to send elastic-traceparent-header in request which you want to track.

$traceparent = new TraceParent(


If you are using Guzzle client, you can use TracingGuzzleMiddleware which will inject header for you.

$middleware = new TracingGuzzleMiddleware($agent)

$stack = HandlerStack::create();
$client = new Client(['handler' => $stack])
