
v1.0.11 2024-03-03 09:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-16 07:32:35 UTC


Laravel Pagination for manual SELECT queries

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Laravel Manual Pagination - Laravel Man Pagination

Introduction - Laravel Man Pagination package

This package is concretely useful for paging with manual SELECT queries using DB::select()

Laravel Man Pagination is a Open Source PHP library of a simple manual pagination (compatible with Bootstrap 5).

With this pagination, you will have no limit in a Laravel project to manage paginations.

This pagination also allows you to generate a per page. This will generate a form HTML tag with a select HTML tag and clickable options.

Paginate easily without limit 🚀


$pagination = new Pagination();

$pagination->paginate($totalElements); // $totalElements: result of an SQL COUNT query

$limit = $pagination->limit();
$offset = $pagination->offset();

// Here your manual SQL query with $limit and $offset

// Then your listing of elements with a loop

{!! $pagination->links() !!}
{!! $pagination->perPageForm() !!}


This package is developed by Stephen Damian


  • PHP 8.0 || 8.1 || 8.2 || 8.3
  • Laravel 8 || 9 || 10 || 11



Installation via Composer:

composer require s-damian/laravel-man-pagination

Customization with "vendor:publish"

Custom Config and Lang and CSS

After installing the package, you can to run the vendor:publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider"

The vendor:publish command will generate these files:

  • config/man-pagination.php

  • lang/vendor/man-pagination/{lang}/pagination.php

  • public/vendor/man-pagination/css/pagination.css

You can of course customize these files.

"vendor:publish" with "--tag" argument

Publish only config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider" --tag=config

Publish only lang files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider" --tag=lang

Publish only CSS file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider" --tag=css

Pagination Instance Methods


Concrete example with a manual SELECT query "DB::select"

When doing "complex" SQL queries, sometimes you prefer to do it without Eloquent.

Here is an example of SQL query where this library is really useful:

$pagination = new Pagination();


$limit = $pagination->limit();
$offset = $pagination->offset();

$ordersAndInvoices = DB::select('
        for_type AS type,
        for_reference AS reference,
        for_first_name AS first_name,
        for_last_name AS last_name,
        for_tel AS tel,
        for_email AS email,
        for_amount AS amount

    FROM (

                "Order" AS for_type,
                orders.reference AS for_reference,
                customers.first_name AS for_first_name,
                customers.last_name AS for_last_name,
                customers.tel AS for_tel,
                customers.email AS for_email,
                baskets.amount AS for_amount
            FROM orders
            INNER JOIN customers
                ON orders.customer_id = customers.id
            INNER JOIN baskets
                ON orders.id = baskets.order_id
            LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.'

        UNION ALL
                "Invoice" AS for_type,
                invoices.reference AS for_reference,
                customers.first_name AS for_first_name,
                customers.last_name AS for_last_name,
                customers.tel AS for_tel,
                customers.email AS for_email,
                invoices.amount AS for_amount
            FROM invoices
            INNER JOIN customers
                ON invoices.customer_id = customers.id
            LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.'
    ) alias_ignored

    ORDER BY amount DESC
    LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset

Example rendering of pagination:

Laravel Man Pagination

Simple example with a manual SELECT query "DB::select"

Here is a simple example, following the MVC pattern, of how to use this library:



use SDamian\LaravelManPagination\Pagination;

class CustomerController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $sqlForCount = DB::select('
            SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb_customers
            FROM customers

        $total = $sqlForCount[0]->nb_customers;

        $pagination = new Pagination();

        $limit = $pagination->limit();
        $offset = $pagination->offset();

        $customers = DB::select('
            SELECT *
            FROM customers
            ORDER BY id DESC
            LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.'

        return view('customer.index', [
            'customers' => $customers,
            'pagination' => $pagination,


<div style="text-align: center;">
    @foreach ($customers as $customer)
        {{ $customer->id }}
<div style="text-align: center;">
    {{-- Show the pagination --}}
    {!! $pagination->links() !!}

    {{-- Show the per page --}}
    {!! $pagination->perPageForm() !!}

Simple example of Controller with Eloquent

This is for example only. Concretely, using Eloquent, you don't need this library. Because You can use Eloquent's paginate method.


use SDamian\LaravelManPagination\Pagination;

class CustomerController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $total = Customer::count('id');

        $pagination = new Pagination();

        $limit = $pagination->limit();
        $offset = $pagination->offset();

        $customers = Customer::skip($offset)->take($limit)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get();

        return view('customer.index', [
            'customers' => $customers,
            'pagination' => $pagination,

Add argument(s) to the instance


// To change number of Elements per page:
$pagination = new Pagination(['pp' => 50]);
// Is 15 by default

// To change number of links alongside the current page:
$pagination = new Pagination(['number_links' => 10]);
// Is 5 by default

// To change the choice to select potentially generate with perPageForm():
$pagination = new Pagination(['options_select' => [5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 'all']]);
// The value of 'options_select' must be a array.
// Only integers and 'all' are permitted.
// Options are [15, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300] by default.

// To change the page name of the pagination in URL:
$pagination = new Pagination(['page_name' => 'p']);
// The page name is by default "page".

// To change the "per page" name of the pagination in URL:
$pagination = new Pagination(['per_page_name' => 'per_page']);
// The "per page" name is by default "pp".

// To change the CSS style of the pagination (to another CSS class as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_class_p' => 'name-css-class-of-pagintion']);
// The CSS class name is by default "pagination".

// To change the CSS style of the pagination active (to another CSS class as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_class_link_active' => 'name-css-class-of-pagintion']);
// The active CSS class name is by default "active".

// To change the CSS style of a per page (select) (to another id id as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_id_pp' => 'name-css-id-of-per-page-form']);
// The CSS ID name is by default  "per-page-form".

Differences with Laravel integrated pagination

In this pagination, I tried to keep the conventions and the behavior of the pagination integrated in Laravel.

I added extra "security":

If for example there are only 8 pages, and in the URL the visitor tries to go to page 9 (or to a page after page 9):

  • The onLastPage() method will return false (whereas with the pagination integrated in Laravel, it returns true).

  • The currentPage() method will return 1 (whereas with the pagination integrated in Laravel, it returns it returns the page in the URL).


Bugs and security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a bug or a security vulnerability, please send a message to Stephen. Thank you.

All bugs and all security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project is an Open Source package under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.