
v1.0.13 2024-10-13 08:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 08:00:43 UTC


Laravel Pagination for Manual SELECT Queries

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Laravel Manual Pagination - Laravel Man Pagination

Introduction - Laravel Man Pagination

This package is particularly useful for implementing pagination with manual SELECT queries using DB::select().

Laravel Man Pagination is an Open Source PHP library of a simple manual pagination (compatible with Bootstrap 5).

With this pagination, you will have no limits in a Laravel project to manage paginations.

This pagination also allows you to generate a per page form. This will generate a form HTML tag with a select HTML tag and clickable options.

Key Features

  • Simple Laravel library for pagination.
  • Customizable per page options.
  • Support for multiple languages.
  • Compatible with Bootstrap 5.

Basic Example

Paginate easily without limits 🚀


$pagination = new \SDamian\LaravelManPagination\Pagination();

$pagination->paginate($totalElements); // $totalElements: result of an SQL COUNT query

$limit = $pagination->limit();
$offset = $pagination->offset();

// Here your manual SQL query with $limit and $offset

// Then your listing of elements with a loop

{!! $pagination->links() !!}
{!! $pagination->perPageForm() !!}


This package is developed by Stephen Damian.


  • PHP 8.0 || 8.1 || 8.2 || 8.3 || 8.4
  • Laravel 8 || 9 || 10 || 11



Installation via Composer:

composer require s-damian/laravel-man-pagination

Customization With "vendor:publish"

Custom Config and Lang and CSS

After installing the package, you can run the vendor:publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider"

The vendor:publish command will generate these files:

  • config/man-pagination.php
  • lang/vendor/man-pagination/{lang}/pagination.php
  • public/vendor/man-pagination/css/pagination.css

You can of course customize these files.

"vendor:publish" With "--tag" Argument

Publish only config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider" --tag=config

Publish only lang files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider" --tag=lang

Publish only CSS file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SDamian\LaravelManPagination\ManPaginationServiceProvider" --tag=css

Pagination Instance Methods


Concrete Example With a Manual SELECT Query "DB::select"

When doing "complex" SQL queries, sometimes you prefer to do it without Eloquent.

Here is an example of an SQL query where this library is really useful:

use SDamian\LaravelManPagination\Pagination;

$pagination = new Pagination();


$limit = $pagination->limit();
$offset = $pagination->offset();

$ordersAndInvoices = DB::select('
        for_type AS type,
        for_reference AS reference,
        for_first_name AS first_name,
        for_last_name AS last_name,
        for_tel AS tel,
        for_email AS email,
        for_amount AS amount

    FROM (

                "Order" AS for_type,
                orders.reference AS for_reference,
                customers.first_name AS for_first_name,
                customers.last_name AS for_last_name,
                customers.tel AS for_tel,
                customers.email AS for_email,
                baskets.amount AS for_amount
            FROM orders
            INNER JOIN customers
                ON orders.customer_id = customers.id
            INNER JOIN baskets
                ON orders.id = baskets.order_id
            LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.'

        UNION ALL
                "Invoice" AS for_type,
                invoices.reference AS for_reference,
                customers.first_name AS for_first_name,
                customers.last_name AS for_last_name,
                customers.tel AS for_tel,
                customers.email AS for_email,
                invoices.amount AS for_amount
            FROM invoices
            INNER JOIN customers
                ON invoices.customer_id = customers.id
            LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.'
    ) alias_ignored

    ORDER BY amount DESC
    LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset

Example rendering of pagination:

Laravel Man Pagination

Simple Example With a Manual SELECT Query "DB::select"

Here is a simple example, following the MVC pattern, of how to use this library:



use SDamian\LaravelManPagination\Pagination;

class CustomerController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $sqlForCount = DB::select('
            SELECT COUNT(id) AS nb_customers
            FROM customers

        $total = $sqlForCount[0]->nb_customers;

        $pagination = new Pagination();

        $limit = $pagination->limit();
        $offset = $pagination->offset();

        $customers = DB::select('
            SELECT *
            FROM customers
            ORDER BY id DESC
            LIMIT '.$limit.' OFFSET '.$offset.'

        return view('customer.index', [
            'customers' => $customers,
            'pagination' => $pagination,


<div style="text-align: center;">
    @foreach ($customers as $customer)
        {{ $customer->id }}
<div style="text-align: center;">
    {{-- Show the pagination --}}
    {!! $pagination->links() !!}

    {{-- Show the per page --}}
    {!! $pagination->perPageForm() !!}

Simple Example of Controller With Eloquent

This is for example only. Concretely, using Eloquent, you don't need this library. Because You can use Eloquent's paginate method.


use SDamian\LaravelManPagination\Pagination;

class CustomerController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $total = Customer::count('id');

        $pagination = new Pagination();

        $limit = $pagination->limit();
        $offset = $pagination->offset();

        $customers = Customer::skip($offset)->take($limit)->orderBy('id', 'desc')->get();

        return view('customer.index', [
            'customers' => $customers,
            'pagination' => $pagination,

Instance Options


use SDamian\LaravelManPagination\Pagination;

// To change the number of elements per page:
$pagination = new Pagination(['pp' => 50]);
// Is 15 by default

// To change number of links alongside the current page:
$pagination = new Pagination(['number_links' => 10]);
// Is 5 by default

// To change the choice to select potentially generate with perPageForm():
$pagination = new Pagination(['options_select' => [5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 'all']]);
// The value of 'options_select' must be an array.
// Only integers and 'all' are permitted.
// Options are [15, 30, 50, 100, 200, 300] by default.

// To change the page name of the pagination in URL:
$pagination = new Pagination(['page_name' => 'p']);
// The page name is by default "page".

// To change the "per page" name of the pagination in URL:
$pagination = new Pagination(['per_page_name' => 'per_page']);
// The "per page" name is by default "pp".

// To change the CSS style of the pagination (to another CSS class as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_class_p' => 'name-css-class-of-pagination']);
// The CSS class name is by default "pagination".

// To change the CSS style of the pagination active (to another CSS class as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_class_link_active' => 'name-css-class-of-pagination']);
// The active CSS class name is by default "active".

// To change the CSS style of a per page (select) (to another id as default):
$pagination = new Pagination(['css_id_pp' => 'name-css-id-of-per-page-form']);
// The CSS ID name is by default "per-page-form".

Differences With Laravel Integrated Pagination

In this pagination, I tried to keep the conventions and the behavior of the pagination integrated in Laravel.

I Added Extra "Security":

If, for example, there are only 8 pages, and in the URL the visitor tries to go to page 9 (or to a page after page 9):

  • The onLastPage() method will return false (whereas with the pagination integrated in Laravel, it returns true).
  • The currentPage() method will return 1 (whereas with the pagination integrated in Laravel, it returns the page in the URL).


If you discover a bug or a security vulnerability, please send a message to Stephen. Thank you.

All bugs and all security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.