
Cache response based URL route key for Mezzio.

dev-master 2022-07-12 08:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 16:45:26 UTC


Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache is middleware for Mezzio framework to save response produce by request (default use request path as cache key).


To install run command :

$ composer require ryudith/mezzio-response-cache


Add Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache\ConfigProvider to config/config.php


$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([

    Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache\ConfigProvider::class,  // <= add this line

    // Swoole config to overwrite some services (if installed)
        ? \Mezzio\Swoole\ConfigProvider::class
        : function (): array {
            return [];

    // Default App module config

    // Load application config in a pre-defined order in such a way that local settings
    // overwrite global settings. (Loaded as first to last):
    //   - `global.php`
    //   - `*.global.php`
    //   - `local.php`
    //   - `*.local.php`
    new PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/autoload/{{,*.}global,{,*.}local}.php'),

    // Load development config if it exists
    new PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/development.config.php'),
], $cacheConfig['config_cache_path']);


Add Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache\ResponseCacheMiddleware to config/pipeline.php


return function (Application $app, MiddlewareFactory $factory, ContainerInterface $container): void {
    // The error handler should be the first (most outer) middleware to catch
    // all Exceptions.
    $app->pipe(ResponseCacheMiddleware::class);  // <= add this line



You can put ResponseCacheMiddleware::class before or after ErrorHandler::class or anywhere you want depend on you need. Basically, middleware do check cache path key (default behavior) if not exists then generate response else it will give cache. It also support custom configurations for exclude path or IP from cache for example (See custom configurations below).

Custom Configurations

  1. default_ttl
    Default time to life cache in second, default 3600 (or 1 hour).

    'mezzio_response_cache' => [
       'default_ttl' => 3600,
  2. exclude_ip_from_cache
    IP list to exclude cache (list array), default empty array.

    'mezzio_response_cache' => [
       'exclude_ip_from_cache' => [
  3. exlcude_path_from_cache
    Route path list to exclude cache (list array), default empty array.

    'mezzio_response_cache' => [
       'exlcude_path_from_cache' => [
  4. cache_handler_class
    Class to handle cache mechanism. Custom class to handle cache middleware.

    'mezzio_response_cache' => [
       'cache_handler_class' => CacheHandler\CacheHandler::class,
  5. cache_storage_handler_class
    Class to handle cache storage mechanism. Custom class to handle cache storage for cache handler in middleware, default is file system storage.

    'mezzio_response_cache' => [
       'cache_storage_handler_class' => Storage\FileSystemCacheHandler::class,
  6. cache_metadata_location
    Path location for metadata cache. Path directory location where cache_storage_handler_class will save cache metadata for default cache storage.

    'mezzio_response_cache' => [
       'cache_metadata_location' => './data/cache/response/content',
  7. cache_content_location
    Path location for actual cache content. Path directory location where cache_storage_handler_class will save cache content data for default cache storage.

    'mezzio_response_cache' => [
       'cache_content_location' => './data/cache/response/content',

Simple Helper


Add Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache\Helper\WebHandlerCache to factories configuration, usually inside file config/dependencies.global.php.

'factories' => [

    // add this to enable web simple helper
    Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache\Helper\WebHandlerCache::class => Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache\Helper\WebHandlerCacheFactory::class

Then register helper to route in file config/route.php.

$app->get('/cacheresponse/helper', Ryudith\MezzioResponseCache\Helper\WebHandlerCache::class);

change route path /cacheresponse/helper to your own route path.

Next you can access simple web helper from http://localhost:8080/cacheresponse/helper?o=clear or http://localhost:8080/cacheresponse/helper?o=delete&p=/about from browser.

change address depend your Mezzio app configuration (address above is just example).

Query parameter used by simple web helper is :

  1. o
    The operation, clear or delete.
  2. k
    Sha1 cache key, default generate with sha1($uriPath).
  3. p
    Cache path, if you don't know what sha1 cache key, you can use path cache instead. If you use k and p at same time, helper will pick k value instead and ignore p query parameter.


API Documentation

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