
Library/middleware custom log for Mezzio.

dev-master 2022-07-02 09:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-28 07:27:19 UTC


Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog is middleware to auto create custom log based on request.


To install run command :

$ composer require ryudith/mezzio-custom-log


Add Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\ConfigProvider to config/config.php


$aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([

    \Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\ConfigProvider::class,  // <= add this line

    // Swoole config to overwrite some services (if installed)
        ? \Mezzio\Swoole\ConfigProvider::class
        : function (): array {
            return [];

    // Default App module config

    // Load application config in a pre-defined order in such a way that local settings
    // overwrite global settings. (Loaded as first to last):
    //   - `global.php`
    //   - `*.global.php`
    //   - `local.php`
    //   - `*.local.php`
    new PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/autoload/{{,*.}global,{,*.}local}.php'),

    // Load development config if it exists
    new PhpFileProvider(realpath(__DIR__) . '/development.config.php'),
], $cacheConfig['config_cache_path']);


Add Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\CustomLogMiddleware to config/pipeline.php


return function (Application $app, MiddlewareFactory $factory, ContainerInterface $container): void {
    // The error handler should be the first (most outer) middleware to catch
    // all Exceptions.
    $app->pipe(CustomLogMiddleware::class);  // <= add this line



You must place $app->pipe(CustomLogMiddleware::class) after $app->pipe(ErrorHandler::class) because custom log also add to exception listener so can log when exception occur.

Custom Configuration

Configuration is locate in vendor/ryudith/mezzio-custom-log/ConfigProvider.php :


return [
    'dependencies' => [
    'factories' => [
        CustomLogMiddleware::class => CustomLogMiddlewareFactory::class,
        LogHandler::class => LogHandlerFactory::class,
'mezzio_custom_log' => [
    'format' => 'json',
    'data_delimiter' => '|',
    'log_file' => './data/log/log_'.date('Ymd'),
    'default_message' => 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/{responseCode}',
    'save_log_level' => ['ALERT', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL', 'EMERGENCY',],

    'notify_log' => false,
    'notify_interval_time' => 3600,
    'notify_log_level' => ['EMERGENCY', 'ALERT', 'CRITICAL', 'ERROR',],
    'log_notify_email' => [
        'EMERGENCY' => [
        'ERROR' => [
    'log_notify_from' => 'skynet@localhost.com',

    'log_storage_class' => null,
    'log_notify_class' => null,


Detail :

  1. format
    is format output log, json or plain.

  2. data_delimiter
    is data delimiter if use plain format.

  3. log_file
    is log file location directory.

  4. default_message
    is default message for log, except for exception which the message is exception message.

  5. save_log_level
    is log level that need to save.

  6. notify_log
    is flag to notify when some level log occur, default using php mail.

  7. notify_interval_time
    is interval time to send notify email log, default is 3600 or 1 hour.

  8. notify_log_level
    is which log level should send notification.

  9. log_notify_email
    is email address to send notification grouped by log level, log level control by notify_log_level configuration.

  10. log_notify_from
    is email address to verify notification email come from, if you using default php mail or use notification email in general.

    When you use email gateway service like sendinblue or sendgrid or any other service, make sure this value is your register valid email as sender to avoid block by provider.

  11. log_storage_class
    is storage class name if want to use custom storage handler.

  12. log_notify_class
    is notification class name if want to use custom notification handler.

Enable Helper

To enable helper add the following items to factories configuration (usually in config/dependencies.global.php) :


'factories' => [
    // add this to enable web version helper
    Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\Helper\ZipWebHelperHandler::class => Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\Helper\ZipWebHelperHandlerFactory::class,

    // add this to enable cli version helper
    Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\Helper\ZipCliHelper::class => Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\Helper\ZipCliHelperFactory::class,



Then for web helper register helper to routes.php

$app->get('/customlog/zip', ZipWebHelperHandler::class);

You can change /customlog/zip to any route path.

For web helper you can change default configuration values as listed below by add array key to mezzio_custom_log configuration, also don't forget to add your IP to whitelist to be able access helper.

  1. helper_whitelist_ip
    is string single IP address value to access helper, default is

  2. log_dir
    is log directory location, default is ./data/log from your Mezzio project directory.

  3. zip_log_filename
    is log output ZIP file name, default './data/zip/log_'.date('Ymd').'.zip'.

  4. back_days_param_name
    is URL query parameter name for how many days back from base_date_param_name parameter name value.

  5. base_date_param_name
    is URL query parameter name for end date (exclusive) to pack log files.

Change default configuration web helper value

Create new file config/autoload/customlog.local.php and add :



return [
   'mezzio_custom_log' => [
       'helper_whitelist_ip' => '',
       'log_dir' => './data/log',
       'zip_log_filename' => './data/zip/log_'.date('Ymd').'.zip',
       'back_days_param_name' => 'days',
       'base_date_param_name' => 'date',

Then you can access helper with URL http://localhost:8080//customlog/zip?days=10&date=2022-06-12 00:00:00 with your whitelist IP for example. The URl tell to ZIP log from date 2022-06-12 00:00:00 to 10 days before or from >= 2022-06-02 00:00:00 to < 2022-06-12 00:00:00 and will fail if there is no log file.

For CLI helper you need to register helper command to laminas-cli commands configuration usually locate in file config/autoload/mezzio.global.php :


'laminas-cli' => [
        'commands' => [
            'your:command' => Ryudith\MezzioCustomLog\Helper\ZipCliHelper::class,


Change your:command to your own choice command.

If you fail run command composer run mezzio your:command help for example, try use run command vendor/bin/laminas --ansi your:command help.


API Documentation

Issues or questions