
A small bundle that give you some class & traits to faster make yours entities

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Open Issues: 5


dev-master 2023-02-19 20:27 UTC



  • Give you some traits to build faster yours Doctrine2 Entities
  • Give you a listener that override Gedmo\Loggable\LoggableListener (in stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle) which make that all fields of your entity is loggable without declare them one peer one manually.


This small bundle give you the ability to build faster your Doctrine2 Entities with some PHP Traits. This bundle depends on

  • stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle (& gedmo/doctrine-extensions included with) -> in Dependencies ;
  • ramsey/uuid-doctrine -> in Dependencies ;
  • vich/uploader-bundle ( for traits with files) -> Caution this bundle is not included in dependencies to not force users that don't need it.

List of traits

  • GenderTrait -> for gender Mr, Mrs, Mister, etc.
  • IdTrait -> for id
  • UuidTrait -> for uuid field (use ramsey/uuid-doctrine)
  • IsActiveTrait -> for a boolean active/inactive
  • IsEnabledTrait -> for a boolean enabled/disabled
  • LabelTrait -> for classic label
  • NameTrait -> for classic fields firstname & lastname
  • IntegerNumberTrait -> for a int number field
  • FloatNumberTrait -> for a float number field
  • TitleTrait -> for classic title field
  • TypeTrait -> for classic type
  • YearTrait -> for year field
  • VichUploaderFileTrait -> for a file with its upload (use VichUploaderBundle)
  • VichUploaderImageTrait -> for a image file with its upload (use VichUploaderBundle)
  • SingleImageFileUploadTrait -> Same but if you don't want to use VichUploaderBundle.
  • SingleFileUploadTrait -> Same but if you don't want to use VichUploaderBundle.

Share yours

Feel free to share yours to add its in this bundle :)


Activate bundle

To use it, simply composer require rroek/doctrine-tools-bundle

Use it in your Entity

    namespace Acme\MyBundle\Manager;
    use RRoek\DoctrineToolsBundle\Traits\Entity\IdTrait;
     * @ORM\Entity()
    class MyAwesomeEntity
        use IdTrait;

Give you this in your entity :

     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", precision=0, scale=0, nullable=false, unique=true)
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
     * JMS\Expose
    private $id;

And it's Getter & Setter

And its all ! Your entity have auto-increment Id without rewrite another time that common field.

Use the LoggableListener

The LoggableListener simply extends Gedmo\Loggable\LoggableListener of stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle. It just override one method to permit to write this :

 * Parameter.
 * @ORM\Entity()
 * @Gedmo\Loggable
class MyEntity

Instead of this :

 * Parameter.
 * @ORM\Entity()
 * @Gedmo\Loggable
class MyEntity
     * @ORM\Column(type="text")
     * @Gedmo\Versioned()
    private $name;

     * @ORM\Column(type="text")
     * @Gedmo\Versioned()
    private $label;

     * @ORM\Column(type="text")
     * @Gedmo\Versioned()
    private $type;


Enjoy !