
Abstract Blog middleware for your Roadiz theme.

2.1.1 2023-09-26 13:52 UTC


Abstract Blog middleware for your Roadiz theme.


Your own theme entry class must extend AbstractBlogThemeApp instead of FrontendController to provide essential methods:

use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\AbstractBlogThemeApp;

class MyThemeApp extends AbstractBlogThemeApp

Dependency injection

Edit your own app/AppKernel.php to register Blog services:

use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Services\BlogServiceProvider;

 * {@inheritdoc}
public function register(\Pimple\Container $container)
    $container->register(new BlogServiceProvider());

You must override these services in your custom theme:

  • blog_theme.post_container_entity
  • blog_theme.post_entity

with your own node-type class names.

 * @param Container $container
public static function setupDependencyInjection(Container $container)
    $container->extend('blog_theme.post_container_entity', function ($entityClass) {
        return NSBlogPostContainer::class;
    $container->extend('blog_theme.post_entity', function ($entityClass) {
        return NSBlogPost::class;

Add node-types

Abstract Blog theme declare 3 node-types to create your blog website:

  • BlogFeedBlock: to create an automatic feed preview on any page
  • BlogPost: the main blog post entity
  • BlogPostContainer: the blog container to host every blog post
bin/roadiz themes:install --data Themes/AbstractBlogTheme/AbstractBlogThemeApp
bin/roadiz generate:nsentities
bin/roadiz orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql --force


PostContainerControllerTrait will implement your indexAction by handling all request data to provide your posts, filters and available tags to build your template.

IndexAction will assign:

  • posts: found NodesSources array according to your criteria
  • filters: pagination information array
  • tags: available filtering Tag array
  • currentTag: Tag, array<Tag> or null
  • currentTagNames: array<string> containing current filtering tag(s) name for your filter menu template.
  • currentRelationSource: NodesSources or null containing the filtering related entity
  • currentRelationsSources: array<NodesSources> containing current filtering related entities(s) for your filter menu template.
  • currentRelationsNames: array<string> containing current filtering related entities(s) name for your filter menu template.
  • archives: available years and months of post archives
  • currentArchive: string or not defined
  • currentArchiveDateTime: \DateTime or not defined


You can filter your post-container entities using Request attributes or query params :

  • tag: Filter by a tag’ name using Roadiz nodes’s tags field. You can pass an array of tag name to combine them.
  • archive: Filter by month and year, or just year on publishedAt field, or the one defined by getPublicationField method.
  • related: Filter by a related node’ name using Roadiz nodes’s bNodes field. You can pass an array of node name to combine them.


All you need to do is creating your PostContainer node-source's Controller in your theme and implements ConfigurableController and use PostContainerControllerTrait. You will be able to override any methods to configure your blog listing.

namespace Themes\MyTheme\Controllers;

use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\ConfigurableController;
use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\PostContainerControllerTrait;
use Themes\MyTheme\MyThemeThemeApp;

class BlogPostContainerController extends MyThemeThemeApp implements ConfigurableController
    use PostContainerControllerTrait;

Multiple container controllers usage

If you have more than one blog-post type (Blogpost and PressReview for example), we advise strongly to create an Abstract class in your theme using this Trait before using it, it will ease up method overriding if you have multiple container controllers classes:

namespace Themes\MyTheme\Controllers;

use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\ConfigurableController;
use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\PostContainerControllerTrait;
use Themes\MyTheme\MyThemeThemeApp;

abstract class AbstractContainerController extends MyThemeThemeApp implements ConfigurableController
    use PostContainerControllerTrait;

    // common methods overriding here…

Then, simply inherit from your Abstract in your multiple container controller definitions:

namespace Themes\MyTheme\Controllers;

class BlogPostContainerController extends AbstractContainerController
    // override whatever you want

class PressReviewContainerController extends AbstractContainerController
    // override whatever you want

Override PostContainerControllerTrait behaviour

Those methods can be overridden to customize your PostContainerControllerTrait behaviour.

  • getTemplate: By default it returns pages/post-container.html.twig. It will search in every registered themes for this template and fallback on @AbstractBlogTheme/pages/post-container.html.twig. Make sure your own theme have a higher priority.
  • getRssTemplate: By default it returns pages/post-container.rss.twig. It will search in every registered themes for this template and fallback on @AbstractBlogTheme/pages/post-container.rss.twig. Make sure your own theme have a higher priority.
  • throwExceptionOnEmptyResult: By default it returns true. It throws a 404 when no posts found.
  • getPostEntity: By default it returns $this->get('blog_theme.post_entity') as classname string. You can customize it to list other nodes.
  • isScopedToCurrentContainer: By default it returns false, PostContainerControllerTrait will fetch all blog-post no matter where there are. If your overriden isScopedToCurrentContainer method returns true, all blog post will be fetched only from your current container allowing you to create many blog containers.
  • isTagExclusive: returns true by default, match posts linked with all tags exclusively (intersection). Override it to false if you want to match posts with any tags (union).
  • getPublicationField: By default this method returns publishedAt field name. You can return whatever name unless field exists in your BlogPost node-type.
  • getDefaultCriteria: returns default post query criteria. We encourage you to override getCriteria instead to keep default tags, archives and related filtering system.
  • getCriteria: Override default post query criteria, this method must return an array.
  • getDefaultOrder: By default this method returns an array :
    $this->getPublicationField() => 'DESC'
  • getResponseTtl: By default this method returns 5 (minutes).
  • selectPostCounts: By default false: make additional queries to get each tag’ post count to display posts count number in your tags menu.
  • prepareListingAssignation: This is the critical method which performs all queries and tag resolutions. We do not recommend overriding this method, override other methods to change your PostContainer behaviour instead.
  • getRelatedNodesSourcesQueryBuilder: if you want to fetch only one type related node-sources. Or filter more precisely.

You can override other methods, just get a look at the PostContainerControllerTrait file…


PostControllerTrait will implement your indexAction by handling all request data to provide a single post with its multiple formats.


All you need to do is creating your Post node-source'Controller in your theme and implements ConfigurableController and use PostControllerTrait.

namespace Themes\MyTheme\Controllers;

use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\ConfigurableController;
use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\PostControllerTrait;
use Themes\MyTheme\MyThemeThemeApp;

class BlogPostController extends MyThemeThemeApp implements ConfigurableController
    use PostControllerTrait;

Override PostControllerTrait behaviour

Those methods can be overridden to customize your PostControllerTrait behaviour.

  • getJsonLdArticle: By default it returns a new JsonLdArticle to be serialized to JSON or AMP friendly format.
  • getTemplate: By default it returns pages/post.html.twig. It will search in every registered themes for this template and fallback on @AbstractBlogTheme/pages/post.html.twig. Make sure your own theme have a higher priority.
  • getAmpTemplate: By default it returns pages/post.amp.twig. It will search in every registered themes for this template and fallback on @AbstractBlogTheme/pages/post.amp.twig. Make sure your own theme have a higher priority.
  • allowAmpFormat: By default it returns true.
  • allowJsonFormat: By default it returns true.
  • getResponseTtl: By default this method returns 5 (minutes).

Search engine with Solr

namespace Themes\MyTheme\Controllers;

use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\ConfigurableController;
use Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Controllers\SearchControllerTrait;
use Themes\MyTheme\MyThemeApp;

class SearchController extends MyThemeApp implements ConfigurableController
    use SearchControllerTrait;
    path: /{_locale}/search.{_format}/{page}
        _controller: Themes\MyTheme\Controllers\SearchController::searchAction
        _locale: en
        page: 1
        _format: html
        # Use every 2 letter codes (quick and dirty)
        _locale: "en|fr"
        page: "[0-9]+"
        _format: html|json

Add your search form in your website templates (use GET method to enable user history):

<form method="get" action="{{ path('searchPageLocale', {
    '_locale': request.locale
}) }}" data-json-action="{{ path('searchPageLocale', {
    '_locale': request.locale,
    '_format': 'json',
}) }}" id="search">
    <input type="search" name="q">
    <button type="submit">{% trans %}search{% endtrans %}</button>

Then create pages/search.html.twig template.

Override PostControllerTrait behaviour

  • getTemplate(): string
  • getAmpTemplate(): string
  • getJsonLdArticle(): JsonLdArticle
  • getResponseTtl(): string
  • allowAmpFormat(): boolean
  • allowJsonFormat(): boolean

Search result model

For JSON search responses, SearchControllerTrait uses JMS Serializer with a custom model to decorate your node-sources and its highlighted text. By default SearchControllerTrait instantiates a Themes\AbstractBlogTheme\Model\SearchResult object that will be serialized. You can override this model if you want to add custom fields according to your node-sources data.

Create a child class, then override createSearchResultModel method:

 * @param $searchResult
 * @return SearchResult
protected function createSearchResultModel($searchResult)
    return new SearchResult(

You’ll be able to add new virtual properties in your child SearchResult model.

AMP mobile page support

AMP format is supported for blog-post detail pages.

  • Disable display_debug_panel setting
  • Add ?amp=1 after your blog-post detail page Url. Or add ?amp=1#development=1 for dev mode.
  • Add amp link to your HTML template:
{% block share_metas %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <link rel="amphtml" href="{{ url(nodeSource, {'amp': 1}) }}">
{% endblock %}

RSS feed support

RSS format is supported for blog-post containers listing pages.

  • Add RSS link into your HTML template:
{% block share_metas %}
    {{ parent() }}
    <link rel="alternate" href="{{ url(nodeSource, {
            '_format': 'xml',
            'page': filters.currentPage,
            'tag': currentTag.tagName,
            'archive': currentArchive
        }) }}" title="{{ pageMeta.title }}" type="application/rss+xml">
{% endblock %}


Resources/views/ folder contains useful templates for creating your own blog. Feel free to include them directly in your theme or duplicated them.

By default, your Roadiz website will directly use AbstractBlogTheme templates. You can override them in your inheriting Theme using the exact same path and name.

Twig extension


  • get_latest_posts($translation, $count = 4)
  • get_latest_posts_for_tag($tag, $translation, $count = 4)
  • get_previous_post($nodeSource, $count = 1, $scopedToParent = false): Get previous post(s) sorted by publishedAt.
    Returns a single NodesSource by default, returns an array if count > 1.
  • get_previous_post_for_tag($nodeSource, $tag, $count = 1, $scopedToParent = false): Get previous post(s) sorted by publishedAt and filtered by one Tag.
    Returns a single NodesSource by default, returns an array if count > 1.
  • get_next_post($nodeSource, $count = 1, $scopedToParent = false): Get next post(s) sorted by publishedAt
    Returns a single NodesSource by default, returns an array if count > 1.
  • get_next_post_for_tag($nodeSource, $tag, $count = 1, $scopedToParent = false): Get next post(s) sorted by publishedAt and filtered by one Tag.
    Returns a single NodesSource by default, returns an array if count > 1.


  • ampifize: Strips unsupported tags in AMP format and convert img and iframe tags to their AMP equivalent.