
Core package for multilingual support across different PHP frameworks

1.0.2 2024-12-15 16:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 16:39:20 UTC


This package provides core functionality for implementing multilingual support across different PHP frameworks. It serves as a base dependency for framework-specific implementations.


  • Framework-agnostic multilingual support
  • PSR-7 compatible
  • Simple language switching via URL prefixes
  • Support for RTL languages
  • Flexible language detection strategies
  • Framework-independent locale management


  • PHP 8.1 or higher
  • PSR-7 HTTP Message implementation
  • PSR-15 HTTP Middleware
  • PSR-11 Container


composer require rnr1721/multilingual-core


This package is not intended to be used directly. Instead, use one of the framework-specific implementations:

  • rnr1721/multilingual-laravel for Laravel
  • rnr1721/multilingual-symfony for Symfony
  • rnr1721/multilingual-slim for Slim Framework

For Framework Implementation Developers: The core package provides several interfaces and base classes:

LanguageInterface - Represents a language with its properties:

  • getCode() - returns language code (e.g., 'en', 'ru')
  • getName() - returns language name
  • getLocale() - returns locale code (e.g., 'en_US')
  • isRtl() - indicates if language is RTL

LanguageManagerInterface - Manages available languages:

  • getDefaultLanguage()
  • getCurrentLanguage()
  • setCurrentLanguage()
  • getAvailableLanguages()
  • hasLanguage()
  • getLanguage()

LanguageDetectorInterface - Detects current language from request

UrlGeneratorInterface - Generates URLs with language prefixes

LocaleManagerInterface - Framework-specific locale management:

  • setLocale() - sets the application locale in framework-specific way

Implementation example

// Create language instances
$languages = [
    new Language('en', 'English', 'en_US'),
    new Language('ru', 'Russian', 'ru_RU', false)

// Implement LocaleManagerInterface for your framework
class MyFrameworkLocaleManager implements LocaleManagerInterface 
    public function setLocale(string $locale): void 
        // Framework-specific locale setting

// Create language manager
$manager = new LanguageManager(
    new MyFrameworkLocaleManager(),
    'en' // default language

// Language switching example
$manager->setCurrentLanguage('ru'); // Will also set framework locale to ru_RU


composer test

Code Style:

composer cs-check
composer cs-fix

Static Analysis:

composer phpstan

License: MIT


Feel free to submit issues and pull requests. For detailed documentation on implementing framework-specific packages, see the examples in our official implementations.

Note: This is a core package and should be used as a dependency for framework-specific implementations rather than directly in projects.