
An endpoint for your Laravel application to listen to Atlassian's Jira webhook events

1.1.0 2019-09-20 06:54 UTC


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This package adds a route to your laravel application to handle the webhook events sent by Jira


You can install the package via composer:

composer require rjvandoesburg/laravel-jira-webhook

You must install this service provider:

// config/app.php

'providers' => [

If you're planning on linking your own events you must publish the config file with this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Atlassian\JiraWebhook\JiraWebhookServiceProvider"

A file named jira-webhook.php will be created in the config directory under the folder atlassian. The options you can set are as followed key is the dispatched event by Jira and the value is the event class to fire. By default all events have a data property that holds the data sent by Jira.

return [

    'events' => [
        'jira:issue_created' => \Atlassian\JiraWebhook\Events\Issue\Created::class,
        'jira:issue_updated' => \Atlassian\JiraWebhook\Events\Issue\Updated::class,
        'jira:issue_deleted' => \Atlassian\JiraWebhook\Events\Issue\Deleted::class,

         * Will be deprecated in the future and be replaced by worklog_updated
         * Still catching the events because it is still being sent out
         * @see https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/deprecation-notice-worklog-data-in-issue-related-events-for-webhooks/
        'jira:worklog_updated' => \Atlassian\JiraWebhook\Events\Issue\WorklogUpdated::class,

        'worklog_created' => \Atlassian\JiraWebhook\Events\Worklog\Created::class,
        'worklog_updated' => \Atlassian\JiraWebhook\Events\Worklog\Updated::class,
        'worklog_deleted' => \Atlassian\JiraWebhook\Events\Worklog\Deleted::class


To handle the events you need to either register listeners to you EventServiceProvider or listen to the events manually. Please see https://laravel.com/docs/events#defining-listeners for more information.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

To do

  • Make url configurable
  • Catch All events Available events
  • Implement broadcasting events