
Resend for Laravel

v0.17.0 2025-03-25 00:42 UTC


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Provides Resend integration for Laravel and Symfony Mailer.

Requires PHP 8.1+


Send an email with:

Getting started

First install Resend for Laravel via the Composer package manager:

composer require resend/resend-laravel

Next, you should configure your Resend API key in your application's .env file:


Finally, you may use the Resend facade to access the Resend API:

use Resend\Laravel\Facades\Resend;

    'from' => '',
    'to' => '',
    'subject' => 'hello world',
    'text' => 'it works!',

Using Resend's Laravel mailer

Resend for Laravel comes bundled with a Laravel mailer to make it easier to send emails. To start using the Resend mail transport, first create a new mailer definition within your application's config/mail.php configuration file:

'resend' => [
    'transport' => 'resend',

Note The Resend mailer will use the RESEND_API_KEY in your application's .env file.

Finally, update the MAIL_MAILER environment variable to use resend: