
Estonian personal ID code validator and processor

1.2.0 2021-09-28 18:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:24:59 UTC


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Personal ID code

Estonian personal ID code validator and processor


composer require renekorss/personal-id-code-php


use RKD\PersonalIdCode\PersonalIdCode;

$id = new PersonalIdCode('39002102761');

// These results are examples as of 2018-11-26
echo $id->getGender(); // male

$datetime = $id->getBirthDate(); // Datetime object
echo $datetime->format('Y-m-d'); // 1990-02-10

echo $id->getAge(); // 28
echo $id->getBirthCentury(); // 1900

// Birth year in different formats
echo $id->getBirthYear(); // 1990
echo $id->getBirthYear('y'); // 90

// Birth month in different formats
echo $id->getBirthMonth(); // 02
echo $id->getBirthMonth('M'); // Feb
echo $id->getBirthMonth('F'); // February

// Birth day in different formats
echo $id->getBirthDay(); // 10
echo $id->getBirthDay('D'); // Sat
echo $id->getBirthDay('l'); // Saturday

// Presumable hospital where person was born
echo $id->getHospital(); // Maarjamõisa Kliinikum (Tartu), Jõgeva Haigla

// Check validity
if ($id->validate()) {
    echo 'Valid personal ID code';
} else {
    echo 'Invalid personal ID code';  


  • composer build - build by running tests and all code checks
  • composer tests - run tests
  • composer format - format code against standards
  • composer docs - build API documentation
  • composer phpmd - run PHP Mess Detector
  • composer phpcs - run PHP CodeSniffer


Licensed under MIT