
RedminPortal is a backend administrating tool for Content Management and Ecommerce sites.

v0.58.0 2023-10-30 11:19 UTC


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RedminPortal by Redooor

A Laravel 5 package as a backend administrating tool for Content Management and Ecommerce sites. Gives you ability to add, edit and remove category, product, promotions and many more. Provides User Interface for administrating users and groups.

RedminPortal currently supports Laravel 5.8. See Compatibility.

Table of Content

  1. Compatibility
  2. Models and Features
  3. Installation guide for Users
  4. Installation guide for Contributors
  5. Testing
  6. Versioning
  7. Contributing
  8. Creator
  9. License
  10. External Libraries Used
  11. Change log
  12. Upgrade Guide


The focus of the development will be on branch 0.58, which supports the Laravel version 5.8.

Development for branch v0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 has stopped. Please upgrade to later versions.

Important note

Version >=0.3.2 and >=0.2.2 may break your front-end due to the change in UserPricelist. Refer to for the upgrading instructions.

Version 0.58 is backward compatible to Version 0.3.

Version 0.3 is backward compatible to Version 0.2.

Version 0.3 and 0.2 are SOMEWHAT backward compatible to Version 0.1. Refer to

Upgrading from v0.1?

We've included a few database migrations to upgrade the database to support v0.2/v0.3/v0.58. However, use this at your own risk. The upgrade scripts were not thoroughly tested and it may not be complete. If you find something missing, please report to us using the issue ticket. We welcome any contribution too.

Refer to for the upgrading instructions.

Models and Features

User Management

  • User
  • Group
  • Mailinglist

Content Management

  • Announcement
  • Page
  • Portfolio
  • Post
  • Promotion

Online Store (Physical Products)

  • Bundle
  • Category
  • Coupon
  • Order
  • Product (now supports variations)

Membership Subscription (Digital Products)

  • Bundle
  • Category
  • Coupon
  • Media
  • Membership
  • Module
  • ModuleMediaMembership
  • Order
  • Purchase (deprecated, replaced by Order)
  • Pricelist


  • Image
  • Revision (new! Now changes to Orders are tracked)
  • Tag
  • Translation


  • Permissible
  • Revisionable


  • File
  • Volume
  • Weight
  • Imagine
  • Redminportal (use as alias in blade template)


  • RHelper
  • RImage (replaced by Classes/Imagine, retained for backward compatibility)


  • Redminportal

Downloadable Reports

  1. Downloadable CSV reports for Purchases and Mailinglist.

Translation options

There is an translation option in Category, Module, Media, Product, Promotion and Portfolio.

You can add more languages in the translation config file at path


or if you have published it to your root


To use it, get the model's translations and use json_decode to convert content into an object, like this:

foreach ($product->translations as $translation) {
    $lang = $translation->lang;
    $translated = json_decode($translation->content);
    var_dump($translated->name, $translated->short_description, $translated->long_description);

Installation guide for Users

You can install Laravel version 5.8 using the command:

composer create-project laravel/laravel myproject 5.8.*
  1. Add Redminportal to composer.json of a new Laravel application, under "require". Like this:

     "require": {
         "laravel/framework": "5.8.*",
         "redooor/redminportal": "0.58.[*|specify a version]"


    It is advisable to specify the minor version (e.g. 0.58.0) so that it's more controlled. Although we try to be as backward compatible as possible, many changes are added into each version, so it may sometimes break your front end code.

  2. Then run php composer update [--prefer-dist] in a terminal.

    Use --prefer-dist to include only essential files (i.e. exclude tests).

  3. Now, edit your [root]\config\app.php providers and alias array like this:

     'providers' => array(
         ... omitted ...
         // Add this line
  4. Then run php composer dump-autoload in a terminal.

  5. Run the following commands in a terminal to perform database migration for Redminportal:

     php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="migrations" [--force]
     php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/vendor/redooor/redminportal

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files

  6. Run the following in a terminal to seed the database with initial admin username and password:

     php artisan db:seed --class="RedminSeeder"
  7. Publish package assets by running this in a terminal:

     php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="public" [--force]

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files

  8. Publish package config by running this in a terminal:

     php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="config" [--force]

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files


    The package will append neccesary guards and providers to your auth config. If you've added a guard with the same name as redminguard and provider as redminprovider, they'll be replaced by the package's setting.

    If you're going to use your own auth config but would like to use Redminportal for authentication, you need to add the a guard in your auth config as below:

    'defaults' => [
        'guard' => 'web', // or it could be 'redminguard'
        'passwords' => 'redminpasswords',
    'guards' => [
        'redminguard' => [
            'driver' => 'session',
            'provider' => 'redminprovider',
        'web' => [
            'driver' => 'session',
            'provider' => 'redminprovider',
    'providers' => [
        'redminprovider' => [
            'driver' => 'eloquent',
            'model' => Redooor\Redminportal\App\Models\User::class,
    'passwords' => [
        'redminpasswords' => [
            'provider' => 'redminprovider',
            'email' => 'auth.emails.password',
            'table' => 'password_resets',
            'expire' => 60,
  9. Optional: Publish package views by running this in a terminal:

    Only do this if you want to modify Redminportal views without editing the source code.

     php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="views" [--force]

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files

Installation guide for Contributors

It is recommended that contributors use Laravel Homestead for development because it will provide the same development environment for all of us. Read more about Laravel Homestead here.

For Mac users, you may want to try out Laravel Herd.

  1. Install Laravel 5.8 using this guide. We'll call this the [root].

You can install Laravel version 5.8 using the command:

composer create-project laravel/laravel myproject 5.8.*
  1. Create a folder named "packages" inside the [root] folder.

  2. Clone the Redooor\Redminportal repository into [root]\packages\redooor\redminportal folder.

  3. Open a terminal, cd to [root]\packages\redooor\redminportal folder then run:

    composer update --prefer-dist -vvv --profile

  4. Then add Redooor\Redminportal source to [root]'s composer.json under "autoload" like this:

     "autoload": {
         "classmap": [
         "psr-4": {
             "App\\": "app/",
             "Redooor\\Redminportal\\": "packages/redooor/redminportal/src"
  5. Then cd to [root]'s folder and run:

    composer update --prefer-dist -vvv --profile --no-dev

    NOTE: the [root]'s phpunit dependency will clash with the package's phpunit. "--no-dev" ensures that it is not installed on [root]. You can also choose to remove phpunit from require inside the [root]'s composer.json.

  6. Now, edit your [root]\config\app.php providers and alias array like this:

     'providers' => array(
         ... omitted ...
         // Add this line
  7. Run the following commands in a terminal to perform database migration for Redminportal inside the [root] folder:

     php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="migrations" [--force]
     php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/vendor/redooor/redminportal

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files

  8. Run the following in a terminal to seed the database with initial admin username and password:

     php artisan db:seed --class="RedminSeeder"
  9. Publish package assets by running this in a terminal:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="public" [--force]

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files

  10. Publish package config by running this in a terminal:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="config" [--force]

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files

  11. Optional: Publish package views by running this in a terminal:

    Only do this if you want to modify Redminportal views without editing the source code.

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Redooor\Redminportal\RedminportalServiceProvider" --tag="views" [--force]

    CAUTION: using --force will overwrite existing files

Install Grunt and Bower dependencies

  1. You need to have nodejs installed
  2. cd to packages/redooor/redminportal
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run bower install
  5. To build all assets, run grunt
  6. To compile just the less css, run grunt less-compile


  • In packages\redooor\redminportal folder, run

      composer update --prefer-dist -vvv --profile

    NOTE: If you run out of memory while running the full tests, try running the tests by sub-folders.

      vendor/bin/phpunit tests/models/
      vendor/bin/phpunit tests/controllers/
      vendor/bin/phpunit tests/relationships/
      ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite "suite1","suite2"
      ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite "suite3","suite4"


For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, Redooor RedminPortal will adhere to the Semantic Versioning guidelines whenever possible.


Thank you for considering contributing to RedminPortal. Before any submission, please spend some time reading through the document.


Andrews Ang


RedminPortal is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

External Libraries Used

Change log

Refer to

Upgrade Guide

Refer to