
A simple webshop module for Laravel 10+ applications.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v1.0.4 2023-06-11 12:57 UTC

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Last update: 2024-02-11 16:09:21 UTC


This is a Laravel 10 package that provides you with an API to handle a simple webshop powered by Stripe.


  • Product version support (multi-variant products)



composer require raw-focus/webshop:^1.0

Environment file

Add the following entries to your .env file:

# Your Stripe API key

# Your Stripe success & fail URLS where your customer will be redirected to. The endpoints are appended with the /:order-id


After installing the package you should migrate the package's migration files with:

php artisan migrate

We have defined some seeders for testing purposes which you can publish, edit and use yourselves with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=webshop-seeders

Then add the seeders to your database\seeders\DatabaseSeeder.php file:


namespace Database\Seeders;


use RawFocus\Webshop\database\seeders\OrderSeeder;
use RawFocus\Webshop\database\seeders\ProductSeeder;


class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run()



Publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=webshop-config

Language files

Publish the language files with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=webshop-lang


The package primarily provides you with a Product and Order model and an API that you can use to manage those products & orders.

For all actions that are performed events are fired which you can listen for in your application. The package does not provide any email sending or other consequences that usually happen after for example placing an order. So it's up to you to build that functionality yourself.


The following models are provided by the package:

Product > ProductVariant > ProductVariantOption
        > ProductImage

Order` > OrderProduct

API Endpoints

  • GET api/webshop/data

  • POST api/webshop/checkout

  • POST api/webshop/checkout/retry

  • GET api/webshop/products

  • GET api/webshop/products/find-by-id/{slug}

  • GET api/webshop/products/find-by-slug/{slug}

  • POST api/webshop/products/create

  • POST api/webshop/products/update

  • POST api/webshop/products/delete

  • GET api/webshop/orders

  • GET api/webshop/orders/find-by-id/{id}

  • GET api/webshop/orders/find-by-uuid/{uuid}

  • POST api/webshop/orders/flag-as-shipped

  • POST api/webshop/orders/flag-as-arrived

  • POST api/webshop/stripe/endpoint


You can specify the middleware you want to protected your routes with in the webshop.php config file. The package uses the auth:sanctum middleware for all endpoints except for the Stripe webhook by default.


Add the following environment vars to your .env:

STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET=stripe-webhook-secret # only used when webshop.payments.enable_webhook_signature_validation is set to true

After the Order has been created the Stripe checkout session will be made:

client_reference_id => order uuid
success_url => success url taken from config("webshop.payments.urls.success") url + order uuid
cancel_url => cancel url taken from config("webshop.payments.urls.cancel") url + order uuid
payment_method_types => list of payment methods, see https://stripe.com/docs/invoicing/payment-methods
metadata => [["source" => env("APP_ENV")]]  
# using the source we can differentiate between the different environments
# useful for when using local listeners for webhooks

and the line items (products) will be added:

price_data => currency, amount, name
quantity => quantity will be displayed to the user
# This ID corresponds to a 21% tax rate. These settings can be managed here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/tax-rates
# https://stripe.com/docs/invoicing/taxes/tax-rates
tax_rates => [config("webshop.payments.tax_rates.high")],

Checkout flow

Alt text


See StripeController.php for the webhook listener.

Two important methods:

  1. handlePaymentIntentCreated -> handles the webhook event that is fired right after the checkout session has been created. At this point we can update the order payment status to PENDING.

  2. handleCheckoutEvent -> handles the webhook event that is fired after there was an attempt to make a payment. This method updates the payment status to paid or failed and also handles sending emails etc.

Signature webhook validation:

In order to prevent 'replay' attacks you can enable webhook signature validation. Read https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks/signatures for more information

Make sure the STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET is set to the correct value. You can find this in the Stripe dashboard here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/webhooks

And set the config("webshop.payments.enable_webhook_signature_validation") value to true.

Stripe local webhook listener

  1. Download the correct Stripe listener cli exe. Read more information here: https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-cli or go straight to: https://github.com/stripe/stripe-cli/releases/tag/v1.14.7
  2. Run sh stripe login and complete the login procedure. It should redirect to your webbrowser, there you should login to Stripe.
  3. Run sh stripe listen --forward-to http://localhost/api/webshop/stripe/endpoint (Change --forward-to to point to your Laravel webhook controller)