
Displays the online status of Steam players as PNG image.

2.0.0-RC1 2024-02-03 14:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 16:38:22 UTC


Build Status


1. Purpose

This package reads the Steam Web-API and community XML data of Valve's Steam platform and displays the current online status of players as PNG image, designed to be used in forum and blog signatures.

The included link target method detects whether the player is currently playing on a multiplayer server and returns either the URL to the player's steam profile or the URL for joining the game using the visitor's locally installed Steam client if this is supported by the game.

2. Example

Example Signature

3. Requirements

  • PHP 8.x
  • mbstring extension for handling international characters and emojis
  • GD extension for rendering the images
  • Composer
  • basic knowledge of executing shell commands on a server

Note: The only officially supported way to install this package is via Composer. However, it is theoretically possible to install PHP 8 and Composer on a local computer, run the installation there and then upload the vendor folder created by Composer to the server, in case shell access is not available.

4. Installation

Important: This package uses the Composer dependency manager for PHP to check system requirements and to install package dependencies. Please make sure it is installed before trying to use this package.

The following example assumes that your web server is running under the user account www-data, that composer is installed into the system $PATH, and that you have a working sudo setup to run shell commands as a different user.

In this case, you simply have to run this command within the same directory which contains this README.md on your server:

sudo -u www-data composer install

5. Usage

A basic approach at using this package could look like this:



use randomhost\Steam\API;
use randomhost\Steam\Signature;

require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

// setup directories
$imageDir = '/path/to/images/';
$fontsDir = '/path/to/fonts/';
$cacheDir = '/path/to/cache/';

// init an API instance for talking to the Steam Web API
$api = new API('yourSteamApiKey');

// resolve custom URL into steam ID
$steamId = $api->resolveVanityUrl('yourCustomProfileUrl');

// init Signature instance
$signature = new Signature($api, $steamId, $imageDir, $fontsDir, $cacheDir);

// renders the picture

// returns a link to the user's profile page or a Steam join link

The example above should be mostly self-explanatory.

The API class must be initialized with a personalized API key. You can obtain your API key from the Steam developer website.

The API class is a very limited implementation of the Steam Web-API and is not supposed to be used directly, except for one method:

  1. API::resolveVanityUrl($vanityUrl)
    Resolves the given vanity URL into a 64-Bit Steam ID, ready to be passed to the Signature class constructor.

The Signature class provides two public methods:

  1. Signature::render()
    Outputs the signature image directly to the web browser.

    Note: This method must be the only code which sends output to the web browser. If you receive Cannot modify header information errors, please ensure that your application does not generate any output before Signature::render() is called. Additionally, no output may be generated after calling this method as it would break the image.

  2. Signature::getLinkTarget()
    Returns a link to the Steam user's profile page or a join link to join the game the user is currently playing if the game supports joining through Steam.

An example implementation of this script can be found in the src/www/ folder.

6. License

See LICENSE.txt for full license details.