
Encapsulates common GD library operations in PHP classes.

3.0.0 2024-02-03 14:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 17:22:29 UTC


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1. Purpose

This package encapsulates some common GD library operations in PHP classes. It was created as part of the randomhost/webcamoverlay package but is released as a separate component, so it can be used in other packages.

Because it was created as a dependency of the randomhost/webcamoverlay package, it does only support a small subset of the available image handling functions.

2. Usage

A basic approach at using this package could look like this:

namespace randomhost\Image;

require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

// load base image
$image = Image::getInstanceByPath('image.png');

// load overlay image
$overlay = Image::getInstanceByPath('overlay.png');

// insert overlay image on top of base image at x 15, y 20
$image->merge($overlay, 15, 20);

// set up a red text overlay
$text = new Text\Generic($image);
        new Color(

// set up a white border for the previously defined text overlay
$text = new Text\Decorator\Border($text);
    new Color(

// render text overlay onto the image at x 20, y 10
    'Example text'

// render the image

This will instantiate two image objects using image files from the file system, merge the images and render an overlay text on top.

Assuming that you named this file image.php, you should now be able to access the image at http://example.com/image.php

2.1. The Image object

The Image object represents an image in a (remote) filesystem or created in memory. It provides methods for retrieving information about the image and for merging other Image instances.

2.1.1. Instantiation

There are two methods for creating an Image object instance:

  1. Image::getInstanceByPath($path, $cacheDir = '')
    Creates an instance from an existing local or remote image file.
    • $path
      Path or URL to the image file.
    • $cacheDir
      Optional: Directory path for caching image files. This comes in handy when retrieving images from remote locations as caching them locally reduces the amount of HTTP requests which have to be made.
  2. Image::getInstanceByCreate($width, $height)
    Creates an empty instance with the given image dimensions which can be used to merge (multiple) other Image instances into it.
    • $width
      Width of the generated image.
    • $height
      Height of the generated image.

2.1.2. Retrieving image data

The following public methods for retrieving image related data are available:

  • getMimetype()
    Returns the Mimetype of the image.

  • getModified()
    Returns the last modified timestamp of the image. When working with an instance created with getInstanceByCreate(), this will be the time when the object was initially created.

  • getWidth()
    Returns the width of the image in pixels.

  • getHeight()
    Returns the height of the image in pixels.

2.1.3. Combining images

  • merge(Image $srcImage, $dstX, $dstY, $strategy = self::MERGE_SCALE_SRC)
    Merges the image resource of the given Image instance into the image resource of the active Image instance using the given coordinates and scaling strategy.

  • mergeAlpha(Image $srcImage, $dstX, $dstY, $alpha = 127)
    Merges the image resource of the given Image instance into the image resource of the active Image instance using the given coordinates and alpha transparency. This method does not support scaling.

2.1.4. Scaling strategies

    This strategy uses width and height of the Image instance given to merge(). If the image to be merged exceeds the dimensions of the target instance, it is cropped to fit the dimensions of the target instance.

    This strategy re-sizes the Image instance given to merge() to match the dimensions of the target instance. The x and y offset given to merge() will however not be respected so the image to be merged may still be cropped.

    This strategy works similar to Image::MERGE_SCALE_DST, but does not upscale the image to be merged if it is smaller than the target instance.

2.1.5. Rendering the image

  • render()
    Outputs the image stream to the browser. For now, images will always be rendered as image/png to allow for full alpha-transparency support. Support for other formats may be added in a later version.

2.2. The Color object

The Color object is merely a data container for defining color values to be used within the PHP_Image package. It comes with a set of setters and getters for setting and retrieving color and alpha channel data.

2.2.1. Constructor

The constructor takes 4 parameters which are all optional:

  • $red
    Red component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • $green
    Green component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • $blue
    Blue component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • $alpha
    Alpha value (0-127)

2.2.2. Configuring the color

  • setRed($red)
    Sets the red component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • setGreen($green)
    Sets the green component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • setBlue($blue)
    Sets the blue component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • setAlpha($alpha)
    Sets the alpha value (0-127). 0 indicates completely opaque while 127 indicates completely transparent.

2.2.3. Retrieving color data

  • getRed()
    Returns the red component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • getGreen()
    Returns the green component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • getBlue()
    Returns the blue component (0-255 or 0x00-0xFF).

  • getAlpha()
    Returns the alpha value (0-127). 0 indicates completely opaque while 127 indicates completely transparent.

2.2.4. Validating color data

  • Color::validateColor($color)
    Validates the color value and throws an InvalidArgumentException if the value is invalid.

  • Color::validateAlpha($alpha)
    Validates the alpha value and throws an InvalidArgumentException if the value is invalid.

2.3. The Image/Text/Generic object

The Image/Text/Generic object is a generic text rendering object which can be extended with additional functionality using decorators.

2.3.1. Constructor

The constructor takes 1 optional parameter:

  • $image
    An Image instance to operate on. This can also be set later using the setImage() method.

2.3.2. Configuring the text

  • setImage(Image\Image $image)
    Sets the Image object instance.

  • setTextColor(Image\Color $color)
    Sets the Color used for rendering the text.

  • setTextFont($path)
    Sets the path to the font file used for rendering.

  • setTextSize($size)
    Sets the text size used for rendering.

2.3.3. Retrieving text data

  • getImage()
    Returns the Image object instance.

  • getTextColor()
    Returns the Color used for rendering the text.

  • getTextFont()
    Returns the path to the font file used for rendering.

  • getTextSize()
    Returns the text size used for rendering.

2.3.4. Rendering the text

  • insertText($xPosition, $yPosition, $text)
    Renders the given text onto the image resource, using the given coordinates.

2.4. The Image/Text/Decorator object family

The Image/Text/Decorator object family contains decorators for text rendering objects which add additional functionality to the Image/Text/Generic object or other objects implementing the Image\Text\Text interface.

Since they wrap around any Image\Text\Text implementation which could also be another Image/Text/Decorator instance, they share all methods of the decorated object and might also define their own.

2.4.1. Constructor

The constructor depends on the specific Image/Text/Decorator implementation but usually takes at least one parameter which is the object to decorate:

  • $text
    An Image\Text\Text implementation to decorate.

2.4.2. Retrieving text decorator data

  • providesMethod($name)
    Returns if the given method is implemented by one of the decorators in the object tree as decorators can be stacked.

2.4.3. Rendering text using a decorator

Since all decorators implement the same interface as the standard Image/Text/Generic object, rendering using decorated text objects works the same way as rendering using non-decorated objects:

  • insertText($xPosition, $yPosition, $text)
    Renders the given text onto the image resource, using the given coordinates.

2.5. The Image/Text/Decorator/Border object

The Image/Text/Decorator/Border object is a decorator for text rendering objects which adds a simple border to the rendered text.

2.5.1. Configuring the border

  • setBorderColor(Image\Color $color)
    Sets the Color used for rendering the border.

2.5.2. Retrieving border data

  • getBorderColor()
    Returns the Color used for rendering the border.

3. License

See LICENSE.txt for full license details.